Nursing Praxis in Aotearoa NZ


Editorial Board


Dr Sue Adams, PhD, MSc, PGDip(Health Visiting), RN
Dr Caz Hales, PhD, BNurs (Hons), RN

Board Members

Dr Catherine Cook, PhD, MCouns, PG Cert TT, RN
Kiri Hunter (Ngāti Kahungunu, Rangitāne and Ngāti Maniapoto), MN, Dip TLT, RN, PhD candidate
Kaitautoko Tikanga ā-Rua (bicultural advisor)
Dr Tosin Popoola, PhD, RN
Dr Virginia (Ginnie) Jones, PhD, RN
Dr Cynthia Wensley, PhD MHSc DipNurs PGDip(Health Systems Mgt) BA(Soc Sci) RN
Ebony Komene (Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Pikiao, Ngāti Whakaue, Tapuika), BNurs (Hons),
RN Tuakana teina (tangata whenua mentee to Editorial Board)


Vision: To contribute to knowledge transmission and utilisation that stimulates and encourages praxis – “the action and reflection of people upon their world in order to transform it” (Friere, 1972).

Mission: To publish research, commentaries and discussion papers related to New Zealand, the Pacific Rim, and Indigenous peoples that are relevant to any aspect of nursing or healthcare practice that has the potential to influence nursing practice.

Nursing Praxis in Aotearoa New Zealand  Nursing Praxis publishes material related to Aotearoa New Zealand, the Pacific Rim, and Indigenous peoples, which reflects upon and is relevant to any aspect of nursing practice. We have a particular interest in research-based practice-oriented articles. Sole authors and key contributors of multi-authored articles will be nurses or midwives. There is no fee payable to publish.

Search the Nursing Praxis NZ Website for past articles or submission information.


Areas of Interest