Funding for primary health is a confusing landscape. There are multiple stakeholders and no one-place which directs you to all the funding sources.
This section offers some information and links to useful places.
The structure of the New Zealand health and disability sector
These two diagrams, while not from 2020, will illustrate the complexity of PHC funding.
- NZ health and disability system is mainly funded from general taxation and managed by the MoH
- PHOs are funded via a national agreement with DHBs
- PHOs contract with providers via a similar agreement (PSAAP attached below)
- Anyone can hold a contract but need to be able to meet all the service requirements and obligations.
- Capitation is: A payment arrangement for general practice providers. It finds each practice a set amount for each enrolled person per year, paid each month whether or not that person seeks care.
Funding Māori health providers
DHBs are the primary funders of Māori health providers. Under legislation, the New Zealand Public Health and Disability Act 2000, DHBs have a responsibility to support Māori involvement in service delivery. Most DHBs demonstrate this through a wide range of service contracts to Māori health providers