Please scroll down to see the DRAFT Conference Programmes. These programmes are subject to change and will be updated as required. Additional Workshops will be available and these will also be added to this page as soon as possible.
Day 1 - 10 April 2019: Nurse Practitioner Pathways and Opportunities
NPNZ Conf Day 1 - NPNZ (R)evolution (0.18MB)
Day 2 - 11 April 2019:
NPNZ Conf Day 2 - NPNZ (R)evolution (0.23MB)
Forward Planning Funding Session - Day 2
" Chief Nurse, Margareth Broodkoorn will brief the audience on the current state of play regarding Nurse Practitioner Training then a discussion will take place with Mark Baldwin, NPNZ Chairperson and Professor Jenny Carryer, Chief Executive, College of Nurses Aotearoa (NZ) with the possibility of a few questions from the audience.
Unfortunately Claire Claire Austin, Group Manager, has resigned from her position Health Workforce New Zealand
Claire was invited to discuss the HWNZ’s plans, direction, guidance, and support for the implementation of improved training models of health care to better health care equity and particularly influences or directly affect care delivery by NPs.
NPNZ are most interested in securing of Health Workforce Training funding at a level comparable to our medical colleagues to match the increased responsibilities requiring the same level of continuing professional development as our medical colleagues."
Day 3 - 12 April 2019:
NPNZ Conf Day 3 - NPNZ (R)evolution (0.19MB)
special GP 24hr Pass to attend all concurrent sessions Thursday/Friday & one catered lunch - Please indicate Thursday or Friday Lunch when registering
The “NPNZ Revolution” activities have been endorsed by The Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners (RNZCGP) and have been approved for up to 6.5 CME credits for Day 2 of the conference and 6 CME credits for Day 3 of the conference, for the General Practice Educational Programme (GPEP) and Continuing Professional Development (CPD) purposes.
Please note: The breakfast sessions have not been endorsed due to the nature of the sponsorship of these sessions.
NPNZ look forward to sharing our conference with you
Serious Illness Conversation Workshops - 10/11 April 2019
The Serious Illness Conversation Guide training is a 3 hour workshop for clinicians, introducing an evidence based communication tool to support conversations with people with serious illness, to find out what is important to them in the context of their illness situation. The tool was originally developed in the States on the back of Atul Gawande’s book “Being Mortal”.
The Serious Conversations Workshop is a stand alone workshop that is not included with conference registration.
Registration to these workshops is available via the conference registration page. Registration does not include entry into the NPNZ conference, morning tea, lunch or afternoon tea, or entry into the trade exhibit area of the conference.
The cost to attend one the below sessions is $25.00 and the sessions are limited to 5 participants.
Serious Illness Conversation Workshop (0.10MB)
FREE CASTING WORKSHOPS both sessions to be run on 11th & 12th April
Learn some new skills or refresh your techniques with plaster casting, Dynacast & Delta Cast Elite synthetic materials.
If you have already registered for the conference & would like to attend one or both workshops, held in the Green Room [upstairs from Trade exhibit room or Main foyer entrance] .Please email admin@nurse.org.nz to indicate your intent on attendance as places are limited for these great workshops
BSN - Acute Casting Workshops – 4 hours – Max 20 Attendees; Available on 11th April 8.35am to 12.35pm or 1.15pm to 5.15pm & 12th April 8.30am to 12.30pm Please indicate in the comments field when registering which time you would like to attend.
This will be an interactive session focusing on the key principles of acute fracture management. We will review the key objectives of casting, general cast care, cast removal tips and key applications using Gypsona plaster of paris and Dynacast Prelude synthetic splinting materials. Below are the types of fractures which will be discussed with options for both back slabs and full casts demonstrated:
- Below and Above Elbow
- Below and Above Knee
- Scaphoid
BSN- Advanced Casting Workshop – 4 hours – Max 20 Attendees; Available on 12th April 1.00pm to 5.00pm
This will be an interactive session that will focus on secondary fracture immobilisation using Delta Cast Elite synthetic materials. The option for waterproof casts will also be discussed. Key principles of casting, general cast care, cast removal tips and key applications will be reviewed and demonstrated, including:
- Below and Above Elbow
- Below and Above Knee
- Scaphoid
Humerus U slab
Research: The current status of NPs in the primary health care and aged residential care sectors: Locality, employment and organisational climate
Sue Adams and Michal Boyd are undertaking this research which has been funded through the University of Auckland. The impetus for this work is the current Health & Disability Review (Chair - Simpson) and the importance of raising the profile of the potential of NPs in the primary health care (PHC) and the aged residential care (ARC) sectors. The aim is to inform health policy and workforce development. The research includes a survey (via Survey Monkey), focus groups and short interviews.
We hope to survey all NPs who work in the these sectors. The survey will be launched at the NPNZ conference and covers information on employment-type, place of work (though not location) and demographics; and uses a survey on the organisational climate of NPs developed by Lusine Poghosyan in the United States. This survey has been replicated in Australia by Scanlon et al in 2018.
Further Sue & Michal will be facilitating focus groups of NPs working in these sectors, and undertaking short interviews with individuals, to gain more information on employment and organisational climate. (The research has been submitted for ethical approval to the University of Auckland Human Participants Ethics Committee.)
Other members of the research team: Jenny Carryer (Massey University), Tim Tenbensel (University of Auckland), Diane Williams NP (Marlborough Primary Health Organisation), and Lusine Poghosyan (Columbia University, New York).
Please do take the time and opportunity to talk with Sue & Michal, either through the focus groups or individually. A report will be made available to NPNZ.