
The College of Nurses is a highly respected organisation that provides feedback to government and organisations on many areas related to nursing and community health. All fellows and members are welcome to provide feedback on calls for submissions, these responses are then collated and submitted from the College on behalf of our members.

SEE BELOW FOR Submissions or use the search facility using key words for a specific search.

Members contributions to submissions - Requests for members feedback for submissions are sent as an email link to College members who have requested member email alerts for news.  We welcome assistance from all members.


  • 2024
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  • 2021
  • 2019
  • 2018
  • 2017
  • 2016
  • 2015
  • 2014
  • 2013
  • 2012
  • 2011
  • 2010
    • January
      • Nursing knowledge encompasses understanding of the disastrous impact of tobacco use on morbidity and mortality among Maori and all New Zealanders, and the health, social and economic inequities visited on Maori by tobacco use.
    • March
      • Consultation on Proposed Amendments to Regulations under the Medicines Act 1981
        This submission was completed on behalf of the College of Nurses, Aotearoa (NZ) Inc. by Dr Jill Wilkinson after consultation with College members.
      • Proposal to Undertake a Pilot of Physician Assistants in Surgery at CMDHB
        This is shared feedback from the College of Nurses, Aotearoa, NZ, Inc, Nurse Practitioners of New Zealand which is a division of the College and the Nurse Practitioners Advisory Committee of New Zealand.
    • April
    • May
      • It is unfortunate that barriers, both legislative and otherwise, persist in restricting the practice of nurse practitioners, who are expert clinicians in their specific areas of practice, effectively impacting on client's access to services and health outcomes.
      • The College wishes to emphasise the importance of the issue. Over two-thirds of the public supports a ban on tobacco retail displays.
    • June
      • The proposed scope of practice for a pharmacist prescriber describes a practitioner with extensive knowledge and professional practice in pharmacology and therapeutics.
      • Consultation on 'Guidance paper for NZ emergency departments regarding the interface with primary health care
        We support the purpose of this document which guides the providers of New Zealand's hospital emergency department services on how they should relate to the primary health care sector, with particular reference to the Shorter Stays in Emergency Departments Health Target.
      • College members found this to be a good document and clearly a useful update on current practice. Almost all points of concern related to stroke in older people.
      • ACC regulation changes are having a major impact on the quality of care given to New Zealanders who suffer a personal injury requiring referral to a community nursing service, predominantly for wound management.
    • July
      • Quality of care for older New Zealanders - feedback for the Green Party.
        The role of the nurse as specialist in aged care, skills in assessment and treatment of complications of aging processes need to be recognized as a source of humane and cost effective care.
    • October
    • November
  • 2009
    • January
      • Issues we see facing RMOs are high acuity patients, high occupancy, often outliers from home wards, fast turnover of caseloads with short rotations in complex environments with multiple specialty and sub-specialty multi professional teams.
    • February
      • Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act Review
        The College of Nurses Aotearoa (The College) strongly supports the need for the public to be better informed as there are many who have little idea about the purpose and functions of the Act.
      • Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act Review
        The College of Nurses Aotearoa (The College) strongly supports the need for the public to be better informed as there are many who have little idea about the purpose and functions of the Act.
      • Submission to the Clinical Training Agency
        Key concerns of the College of Nurses for CTA funding of postgraduate education centre around first, access to appropriate education and training for those nurses that practise outside the District Health Board (DHB) setting, and second that focused investment in postgraduate education be increased to support the ongoing development of the role of the nurse practitioner.
    • April
    • June
      • Submission to the Primary Health Care Advisory Council
        Collated feedback represents a total of 42 submissions from individuals and groups (unspecified numbers) belonging to our organization
    • July
      • This proposal is a substantial professional and strategic issue, probably one of the most significant ‘tipping' points in the profession for the last 10 years.
      • Submission to the nursing council of New Zealand - draft education programme standards for the registered nurse scope of practice. The college believes that there is a need to consolidate knowledge and skills rather that expose students to a wide range of superficial experiences.
    • September
    • October
      • The submission is the result of previous policy analysis undertaken by the College, internal consultation on and off line and direct discussions with College members.
      • College members are not generally supportive of the introduction of the role of physician assistant. The College sees much greater workforce flexibility provided by the Nurse Practitioner.
  • 2008
    • January
      • Review of the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act (2003)
        The College believes that overall the Act protects the health and safety of members of the public by providing mechanisms to ensure health practitioners are competent and fit to practise their professions. However we agree with NZNO that there has been an overzealous interpretation of the Act by some RAs relating to their obligation to ensure competence which has resulted in increased stress and workload for practitioners.
      • Response to the Draft Chlamydia Management Guidelines circulated by the Ministry of Health. College responded that the document was very good - clear, concise, and comprehensive. Some minor suggestions relating to the document were made.
    • February
      • Submission on the Future of Tobacco Displays in New Zealand
        Evidence shows that tobacco displays increase initiation into smoking by children, and do not support former smokers who want to stay quit. A ban will help ensure that retail tobacco displays do not undermine the smoke free work of nurses and others.
    • May
      • Discussion Paper Services for Terminations of Pregnancy
        The issues raised are long over-due for examination and review. Here our comments on various sections of the paper
    • July
      • Response to District Health Boards NZ Professional Development Programme Project
        PDRP assists building partnerships and shared understandings of nurses’ contribution to health care. Agreeing a national PDRP framework will ensure the portability of both knowledge and skills for Registered Nurses as and when they choose to move between areas of practice.
    • August
      • Clinical Workforce to Support Registered Nurses (Draft: 10 July 2008) Submission
        The draft recommendations do not reflect the need to have a future focused response to future health workforce requirements but look to a past workforce configuration as the solution to an unidentified problem.
    • September
  • 2001 - 2007
    • June 2007
      • The rationale for nurse prescribing at any level is improved access to services regardless of location and the availability of scarce medical resources. In this respect the College of Nurses Aotearoa (NZ) supports improving the ability of all registered nurses to prescribe, such as through a collaborative prescribing relationship.
    • May 2007
      • Towards a New Zealand Medicines Strategy
        The comments made in this submission are reflective of the overall views of members of Nurse Practitioner of New Zealand. All NPs have a role in influencing appropriate and timely prescribing and administration of medicines and are in a position to impact on patient self management, education and adherence with taking medicines.
    • April 2007
      • The College recognises that family violence is a major problem currently facing New Zealanders. It has far-reaching effects on the health and wellbeing of its victims, especially women and children, and on the functionality of families and whanau and is of particular concern for Maori and Pacific whanau.
      • The College of Nurses Aotearoa supports the general thrust of the Human Tissue Bill. We believe that the successful passage of this bill will benefit all the people of New Zealand through tighter regulation of the various activities related to the use of human tissue.
    • February 2007
      • Therapeutic Products and Medicines Bill
        The College of Nurses (Aotearoa) strongly urges the Government Administration Select Committee to implement the College's proposed changes to the Therapeutic Products and Medicines Bill. These changes would significantly improve both nurse practitioners and registered nurses ability to contribute to improved population health outcomes. At the same time such changes will ensure that the Bill is aligned with the rapidly evolving models of care delivery and workforce flexibility needed for increasing levels of need in health service delivery.
    • December 2006
      • Funding Master of Nursing (Clinical) Programs
        Developing the specialist skills of nurses has been identified in many documents as critical to the sector’s ability to deliver safe and effective health care and disability services
      • Palliative: Cancer Control Strategy. Nurse Education Strategy
        The College of Nurses Aotearoa wishes to provide some brief comment on this document.
      • Medicines (Standing Orders) Regulations 2002
        A response from the Nurse Practitioners Advisory Committee of New Zealand (NPAC-NZ)
    • November 2006
      • College of Nurses Submission on PHO Funding Formula Review
        We believe that adequate resourcing of the Primary Health Care (NZPHCS) sector is vital to effectively implementing the New Zealand Primary Health Care Strategy, and the realisation of improved health outcomes. Given that improved health gain is reliant on evidence based effective interventions delivered by a competent workforce we draw attention to the need for funding formulae to incentivise the development of team based health care as the only means to achieve this.
    • October 2006
      • College of Nurses Submission on the Priciples of the Treaty of Waitangi Deletion Bill
        This Bill has set out to eliminate all references to the expressions "the principles of the Treaty", "the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi", and the "Treaty of Waitangi and its principles" from all New Zealand Statutes including all preambles, interpretations, schedules, regulations and other provisos included in or arising from each and every Statute.
    • September 2006
      • College of Nurses Aotearoa Submission on DHBNZ Nursing Workforce Strategy
        The development of comprehensive and effective workforce strategies should be based on good information, evidenced-based policy and research and the collective wisdom of a range of stakeholders. While this discussion document is the first effort of the strategy group to engage the sector, the scope or limitation of the discussion document as it stands largely reflects a DHB employer bias, not the wider sector, with a very low risk approach to innovation.
    • July 2006
      • Human Tissue (Organ Donation) Amendment Bill
        The College of Nurses Aotearoa submits that there is a need for all New Zealanders to be able to register their wishes about organ donation, be it for or against, and have this decision legally binding so that it cannot be overridden by family or whanau.
    • June 2006
      • Submission on the Non-Regulated Workforce in the Health & Disability Sector: A Discussion Paper
        The College of Nurses Aotearoa (NZ) commend the DHBNZ for taking the initiative to address issues related to the development of the unregulated workforce, and appreciate the opportunity to comment on this discussion document.
    • May 2006
      • Review of the Regulation of Direct-to-Consumer Advertising of Prescription Medicines in New Zealand
        A decision was made by the New Zealand Government (Medicines Act 1981) that enabled drug companies to place advertisements about prescription drugs. New Zealand nurses share concerns about the ongoing DTCA of prescribed medicines.
    • April 2006
      • Submission on the Inquiry into Obesity and Type Two Diabetes in New Zealand
        The majority of front line health professionals (doctors and nurses) subscribe to the overly simplistic notion that obesity results from a simple imbalance between energy in and energy out and is therefore the result of lifestyle negligence on the part of the individual. As such, responses are often punitive rather than constructive.
    • August 2005
      • Implementing Nurse Practitioner Prescribing
        Submission on the Ministry of Health’s Consultation Document on behalf of the College of Nurses Aotearoa (NZ)
      • Fit for Purpose and for Practise: Review of the Medical Health Workforce in New Zealand
        Submission of the College of Nurses Aotearoa to the Health Workforce Advisory Committee
    • May 2005
      • Scope of practice.
        Submission to Nursing Council of New Zealand: Re scope of practice.
    • March 2005
      • Response to the Coroners Bill
        Submission to the Justice and Electoral Committee. Nurse Practitioner response to the Coroners Bill
        on behalf of the College of Nurses Aotearoa (NZ) Inc.
      • The Qualification Supply Analysis - The New Zealand Health Sector
        Submission to the Ministry of Health
    • November 2002
      • The Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Bill
        A submission from the College of Nurses Aotearoa to the Health Committee
    • August 2001
      • He Korowai Oranga Mäori Health Strategy
        A responds to the Ministry of Health draft Mäori Health Strategy - He Korowai Oranga.
    • May 2001
      • Developing the competencies for the second level nurse
        Response of the College to MOH discussion document.

Areas of Interest