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You will be part of an active, vibrant, professional organisation and be kept up to date with professional issues. The benefits of the College are focused on nursing in general and the service nursing provides to the public, as well as the direct personal benefits you will receive:
Te Puawai - The College's own professional update twice a year
Nursing Praxis in New Zealand - Journal of Professional Nursing
Participation in online discussions through our secure Forum.
Weekly World and NZ News Bulletin by email- a service for members with articles of interest specifically selected for Nurses (no need for time consuming browsing of papers and internet to keep up to date, this is all you need)
- Access to Nurseportfolio.nz
$1 million p/a Professional Indemnity Insurance cover for civil liability, members are covered automatically with the exception of retired and international/overseas members. Members may choose to opt out of Insurance cover only if they are covered adequately by another organisation, a fee discount applies)
Yes. The procedure for joining the College is very simple. Complete the online Application Form and we will then email your Invoice for membership fees etc. Your membership starts when we receive your first fee payment. You can pay immediately by Credit Card or via youronline banking - see our online application form for details.
Promotes the professional nursing issues for improved practice and health outcomes.
Distributes a News Bulletin with content from local and international news relevant to our membership
Produces "Te Puawai", a journal/newsletter with articles of clinical and professional interest.
Provides well researched and carefully considered submissions on all health sector concerns.
Supports nursing research with grants and scholarships.
The College is committed to high professional standards. The College welcomes all nurses, from all areas of the profession, and its membership includes many clinicians, as well as educators and nurses from other fields.
The College has a Nurse Practitioner only section (NPNZ) as a division of the College.
Great! The spirit of the College is about collegiality, sharing and communication. Members are free to join other organisations, and can hold joint professional organisational appointments. Many members of the College do, in fact, belong to more than one professional organisation.
Indemnity Insurance is to protect you against legal costs and any fines incurred on Indemnity claims only. The College of Nurses professional indemnity insurance cover provides individual and separate representation for each of our members, covering you 24hrs a day anywhere in NZ (even assisting at the site of an accident). For a full explanation see IndemnityInsurance section for FAQ on Indemnity Insurance.
The College advises against relying on an employer's insurance pOlicy for the following reasons -
You are only covered while at your workplace.
A direct conflict of interest - Where their insurance covers staff as well as the employers/practice/GP's at the same time there is a potential conflict of interest. In general a claim made against a nurse will also accompany a claim against the practice, and may also result in a claim by the employer against the nurse. In such a case it is far better for all parties to have entirely separate and independent legal representation.
The employer is funding their insurance policy and will be covered first and foremost before individual staff members. Each person involved in a case should have their own indemnity cover/legal representation.
We advise strongly that nurses need their own separate indemnity insurance.
The College of Nurses professional indemnity insurance cover provides individual and separate representation for each of our members, covering you 24hrs a day anywhere in NZ (even assisting at the site of an accident). In addition without belonging to a nursing professional organization you are disconnected from nursing as a profession. You are cut off from the publications and the information and you may not be informed what is going on in health and in nursing. It benefits not jut nurses but the employers and patients as well to have well informed up to date nurses.
We strongly recommend that you call the College office for support in any complaint whether it be a general workplace complaint or a possible indemnity case. Ask for advice as early as possible. We have experienced people who can discuss your situation with you and if required can act as your support person. Call the College office (06) 358 6000
The College is not a union and in NZ you are not required to be a member of a union for any employment situation. All employers are required to offer no less than the terms of any collective contract to relevant employees, (this is usually negotiated as an Individual Employment Contract or IEC). This ensures that union membership is not compulsory in New Zealand. If you have any questions on this please feel free to contact the college office.
An IEC is a negotiated agreement between you and your employer around your work situation that suits you both. All IEC's must cover the minimum standards and rates of pay for your position and industry, the Department of Labour can provide this information.(http://www.dol.govt.nz/)
The best way to enter a negotiation for an IEC is to be prepared, don't be afraid to suggest your own ideas for your contract, most employers use a standard contract as a starting point only. Enter into discussions prepared to discuss and negotiate both your wishes and your employers requirements for your role and you are more likely to be happy with the outcome of your own employement contract. You should feel free to take along a support person with you and we strongly recommend that before you sign any IEC you seek advice from an employments contract lawyer or the Dept of Labour.
DHB/NZNO MECA is a 'minimum standard employment agreement' for Nurses set in place between employer/s and NZ Nurses Organisation (NZNO). NZ Law dictates that all employees regardless of their workplace, are free to choose to belong to a union and/or any other professional organisation. All Nurses are entitled to no less than the minimum standards applicable for their position. (See Dept of Labour website www.dol.govt.nz) and may choose to be employed under a collective union agreement or an Individual Employment Contract.
Some workplaces may request that a bargaining fee be paid to NZNO so that you can be included in group negotiations. If you need any clarification around this, please call the College office 06 358 6000.
No, the College is not a Union and does not act to negotiate collective rates of pay for members. Non Union members are usually employed under individual employment contracts, this allows you as an employee the opportunity to negotiate with your employer around items that may be preferable to you in your own work situation and circumstances eg. rostered hours, leave entitlements etc. For someone with experience that their employer values, there is always the opportunity to negotiate higher rates of pay or flexibility. We highly recommend that before you sign an IEC that you consult the Dept of Labour website and/or have an Employment contracts lawyer check over your contract.
We may still have you in our database but as we would prefer to have all of your information updated when you re-join, please fill in the online application form on the website and make a note on there that you were a previous member. We have complete records of all past members and fellows of the College and no application fee is applicable for past members. If you are unsure of you past membership, call us on (06)358 6000 or email admin@nurse.org.nz
Certainly you can, the College is not a union but a professional organisation providing you with Indemnity Insurance as well as professional information updates and Collegial support as nurses. We welcome service personnel as members.
Yes we do. We have many members who work reduced hours, some working part time and others who just volunteer a few hrs per week but as it is highly recommended that all nurses be covered with adequate Indemnity Insurance we do offer reduced rates. See the Membership fees page
We offer a variety of methods for payment:
Credit Card This is available for annual payments only
Automatic Payments These are your responsibility and set up by you, they advise your bank to make regular payments to the College of Nurses. We do require a signed Auto payments form to be submitted if this is your preferred payment method.
Salary Deduction. You need to organise this with your employer and have them submit the completed auto payments form to the College office. For all application and fees information go to the online application form page
Firstly you must to notify the College by phone, letter or email of the intended change. We will send you an Auto Payments set up form with instructions for setting up your payments from your account to start and continue each month.
Secondly - Contact your bank or payroll administrator to cancel your existing deduction and be sure to check your bank account statement or payslips to ensure that this is done.
No, you must notify the College office if you are making any changes to your Automatic membership payments and submit a new auto payments form to the College office. As part of your agreement signed for Auto payments you must maintain monthly payments at the correct rate and notify the College of any changes. If your payments are missing without prior notification you will be billed for the missing payment plus a $10 admin fee. If your intention is to resign as a member of the College we require notification in writing by letter, fax or email. Until we receive your resignation you are still a member of the College of Nurses (bound by the College rules) . Until we receive your resignation, we can only assume that there is simply an error in your payments. We do make every effort to notify you if a payment is missing but they are your responsibility and invoices for missing payments must be paid immediately. On resignation all outstanding fees must be paid.
Receipts are only issued if requested. All new members receive a welcome letter and also receive a membership card. Membership can be confirmed via the online membership register and a printed confirmation can be used as proof of current College Membership.
Employers or members can confirm current membership via the MEMBER SEARCH button at the top of each webpage on the website and a printed confirmation can be used as proof of current College Membership.
Please check that you have updated your fees being deducted from your salary with your employer. It is your responsibility to notify your employer to change membership rates if you receive a letter requesting that you do so. Any updates are notified by post and email at least 6 weeks in advance of any changes - allowing a reasonable amount of time for you to contact your bank or employer to update the amount. If payments are not correct after the specified date for the change then you will receive an overdue invoice for the difference in fees as well as a $10 administration fee for the time taken to manually process the incorrect amount and invoice. We recommend that if you receive an overdue invoice that you read the information enclosed, pay the invoice promptly and take the appropriate action to correct your payments before your next payment is due.
Yes, you are welcome to suspend your membership temporarily at any time, though we do recommend that members maintain Insurance cover at all times and there are several discounted options available, it is your choice. The balance of your membership fees (if over two months) can be credited against annual fees when you reinstate your membership. All membership fees must be paid up until your temporary suspension date.
As per College Rules - your membership will be suspended if your membership fees are (or equate to) 3 months overdue. You will have had several reminders sent within this time and we do make every attempt to ensure that you are aware suspension is pending to allow for payment of fees. If your College membership is suspended you are not covered for Indemnity Insurance, all other membership benefits will cease and the College Board will be notified of your default on fees.
Suspended members can re-instate their membership by payment of outstanding fees. Members who have been suspended cannot backdate an Insurance claim to the period between the due date for fees and their payment of outstanding fees. Indemnity insurance will not cover you for this period.
To avoid suspension, please keep the office informed of any change of address or contact details, pay your fees by the due date and/or notify the College office if you are experiencing financial difficulties.
The College of Nurses is here to support Nurses in New Zealand. If you find that you are experiencing financial difficulties please contact the College Administrator or Executive Director as soon as possible admin@nurse.org.nz or phone (06) 358 6000. Your information and situation will be kept confidential and we can arrange membership and Insurance cover to suit your situation. Current members - please advise ASAP on receiving your invoice for fees - please don't wait until your membership is suspended.
Members working over 20 hrs per week are required to pay full membership rates (unless other wise arranged - see financial difficulties) The onus is on the individual member to update the College office with any change in hrs that would require a change in membership fees. Insurance cover is seriously affected if you are not paying the correct fees for your employment situation. Annual employer verification is required for all discounted memberships.
Email us on admin@nurse.org.nz or phone (06) 358 6000
Members who are taking time out from working in NZ can choose to have their membership discounted or suspended. We do recommend that all nurses residing in NZ still have Indemnity Insurance cover regardless of their work situation. Your Insurance covers you at any time whilst in NZ and even if you help at the scene of an accident you are using your professional skills and as such should be covered. If you are not sure, please call the College office to discuss (06) 358 6000.
Resignations must be made in writing with an effective date by letter, fax or email. We cannot accept formal resignations over the phone, we are required to maintain a paper trail. All membership fees are required to be paid up until the date we receive your resignation. (see College rules)
Yes we fully encourage retired nurses to continue as members of the College. We strongly value your experience, expertise and involvement in the College. There is a significantly discounted membership rate for retired members and apart from Indemnity Insurance Cover you will still receive all the benefits and publications you receive as a member of the College. Membership fees for retired members.
Yes, please call the College office on (06) 358 6000 or email admin@nurse.org.nz to let us know. Please note - changes in details can take a couple of weeks to take effect for publications and website access.
We rarely have mail returned from old addresses. Members who neglect to notify the College of a change in contact details are often difficult to track down and their membership (including Insurance) can be suspended because membership fees remain unpaid for over 3 months- don't let this be you!
Please contact the College office ASAP to check we have your correct address . Remember to let us know whenever you change your address or workplace so that our records for you are always up to date. See above.
All our members are treated as people, we search for your membership by name, we just need your First and Surname. email admin@nurse.org.nz
Cards are issued once, upon joining, and not reissued annually. If your card needs replacing call the College office on (06)358 6000 or email admin@nurse.org.nz
Check you are on the College of Nurses Website - www.nurse.org.nz Click on "Members Area" at the top right of your screen. Enter your email address and your password is your membership number. You will have this on your membership Card or you can search for it via the member search at the top of the screen.
If you have any trouble logging in and you have recently changed your email address, try the old email address first. It is possible that it has not been updated on the website.
If you have trouble logging in after checking your details, please contact the College office on (06)358 6000 or email admin@nurse.org.nz
The College office does not provide assistance or advice for overseas nurses to find work in NZ. There is a job vacancies section on our website but before applying we recommend you contact the Nursing Council of NZ www.nursingcouncil.org.nz for advice on registration and working in NZ.
Yes, at a discounted rate you are welcome to continue as an International member of the College. The huge benefit of this is that you will be kept up to date with all nursing matters within NZ and receive Collegial support and communications. You will receive all electronic communications as well as Te Pauwai and Nursing Praxis in New Zealand. International members do not receive Indemnity Insurance cover or Nursing Review. We highly recommend that you contact a professional nursing organisation in your proposed country of residence for advice on Indemnity Insurance within that country or contact Brokerweb Risk Services (Manawatu) Ltd who may be able to organise interantional insurance cover for you.
Professional indemnity insurance is provided by the College of Nurses Aotearoa (NZ) Inc for all current members*. This provides comprehensive cover for accusations or claims against you that relate to your profession. When you join as a member you will be covered for Indemnity Insurance (*unless you specifically request to opt out of Insurance cover or are a retired or international member).
The College is not involved in the issuing or renewal of annual practising certificates. Please direct enquiries relating to nursing registration and Practising Certificates to the Nursing Council of New Zealand www.nursingcouncil.org.nz or 04385 9589.
If you have any other questions or for general enquiries please feel free to contact the college office (06) 358 6000 or email admin@nurse.org.nz