Board of Directors
Belinda Macfie
Co Chair (Arorangi)
Tēnā koutou katoa
No ingarangi ahau
Ko Kemureti toku kainga, I tipu ake au ki Kirikiriroa
Ko Maungatautari te maunga, e rū nei taku ngakau
Ko Waikato te awa, e mahea nei aku māharahara
E mahi ana au mō Hospice Waikato, ko Director of Nursing tōku turanga
Ko Bel Macfie toku ingoa
No reira, tēnā koutou tēnā koutou, tēnā tatou katoa
I am grateful to be in a position where I am supported and encouraged by my organisation to lead, contribute and give back to the nursing profession. I am especially passionate about growing nursing leadership and ensuring the power and potential of nursing and our collective ability to really make a positive difference to people’s lives is understood.
What drives me is that I want more!! I want nursing to articulate and celebrate our achievements and navigate our challenges together, so that we have a voice, and are visible, understood and valued. I also want patients and whānau to experience high quality, coordinated, compassionate care.
I am committed to giving the time, energy, motivation and passion to support the College of Nurses Aotearoa to optimise health outcomes and continue to advance the development of our nursing leaders and workforce.
Current Role:
Director of Nursing, Hospice Waikato
Secretary and Regional Lead (Te Manawa Taki) Nurse Executives Aotearoa
Key Previous Roles:
Clinical Nurse Director, Older Persons and Rehabiliation
HealthShare Shared Services Programme Manager Rural Health and Midwifery
Programme Nurse Manager, Midland Interhospital transfer project
Associate Director of Nursing: Primary, Community, Rural Hospitals and Aged Care
Clinical Advisor and Regional Clinical Nurse Specialist, Whānau Āwhina/Plunket
Clinical Nurse Specialist, Sexual Health
Areas of Interest:
Leadership, workforce and strategic development, nursing culture and innovation, cross sector alliances and consumer engagement, community nursing, rural health, nursing quality and patient safety, resilience and wellbeing.
Amelia Howard-Hill Board Member
Tēnā koutou katoa
Ko Ruapehu te māunga
Ko Rangitikei te awa
Ko Ngāti Pākehā tōku iwi
Nō Manawatu ahau
Ko Amelia Howard-Hill tōku ingoa
He Kaiārahi Matanga Tāpuhi ki STRIDE Orthopaedics
Nō reira, tēnā koutou katoa
Kia ora, my name is Amelia Howard-Hill, I am a Nurse Practitioner in Christchurch and I am humbled and delighted to be part of the College of Nurses Aotearoa Arorangi Caucus.
I’m a passionate advocate for the value of nursing and the importance of Co-governance as an important principle of te Tiriti o Waitangi. I look forward to serving the College of Nurses Aotearoa members and the nursing profession, through the work we do.
Nurse Practitioner and Director of Stride Orthopaedics
NPNZ Executive Committee Member
Honorary Professional Teaching Fellow, University of Auckland
Lead Nurse Practitioner, Pegasus 24 Hours Surgery
Nurse Practitioner, South Canterbury District Health Board
Nurse Practitioner, Hauora Tairawhiti
Professional and Education Committee Member; NZNO Perioperative College of Nurses
Faculty Chairperson, AO Organisation
Advanced nursing practice
Workforce development
Urgent care
Perioperative care
Kate Weston,
Executive Director
MN (Hons), BA, RGON
Ko Taranaki tōko Maunga
Ko Whanganui tōko Awa
Nō Whanganui Ahau
Kei Papaioea a tōko kāinga ināianei
Ko Kate Weston tōko ingoa
Greetings – I was born and grew up in Whanganui, but had many wonderful times in Taranaki under the mountain with my maternal grandparents and cousins. Both of my parent’s families lived in Taranaki.
My nursing career began in Palmerston North (Papaioea) over 40 years ago in the hospital based Registered General & Obstetric Nursing programme. I have since worked in Wellington, Hutt Valley, Hawkes Bay, and Auckland. I relocated to Palmerston North in August 2022, having lived in Albany Auckland for over 26 years. My nursing specialty practice has spanned hospital and community/primary health nursing, focusing on Women’s health and child and youth nursing. I have held nursing leadership and quality management roles. Most recently I been involved in providing professional support and advice for nurses as both a professional nursing adviser and manager at NZNO.
Statement of belief and the value of the college
As a bicultural organisation, The College is committed to equity and honouring commitment to te Tiriti o Waitangi. The College of Nurses is a strong professional voice for nursing– standing for nurses and influencing wherever possible policy on health and health outcome. In an environment of significant reform, nursing must be promoted as a flexible and responsive workforce. Nursing leadership is critical to the achieving improved health outcomes
Nurses are pushed to the limits of safe practice more than ever before. Professional indemnity in the current environment is more important than ever. Complaints and incident occur at any time - often with several nurses being involved in an episode of patient care
Current Role:
Executive Director
Key Previous Roles:
Associate Nursing and Professional Services Manager New Zealand Nurses Organization (NZNO)
Acting Professional Services Manager NZNO
Professional Nursing Adviser NZNO
Quality of Service Manager Child Women and Family Services Waitemata DHB
Nursing Practice Leader – Child Disability Services Waitemata Health Ltd
Clinical Secondee – Waitakere Strategy Project
Areas of Expertise:
Pandemic response
Women’s health
Child and youth health
Clinical Leadership and Quality
Workforce development
Policy development
Industrial relations in the health sector
Safe staffing (previously Co-Chair of the Safe Staffing Healthy Workplaces Governance Group)