22 December 2020
Expressions of Interest: Establishing NP and EN positions in primary health care – building capability and capacity with a focus on mental health and addiction
EN - Sep Info Dec 2020 (0.23MB)
NP - Sep Info Dec 2020 (0.23MB)
The Ministry of Health are funding a programme to increase the capacity and capability of the workforce to address mental health and addiction services in primary health care/community settings. The Programme aims to enable the employment of suitably prepared nurse practitioners (NPs) and enrolled nurses (ENs) into sustainable positions with health providers which includes funding and support for up to two-years.
The Programme is being led by the School of Nursing, University of Auckland in partnership with Mahitahi Hauora PHE; The Fono; Victoria University of Wellington; and the University of Otago. Other key partners are Te Rau Ora; Te Ao Māramatanga; NPNZ (Nurse Practitioners New Zealand); and Enrolled Nurse Section (NZNO). Equity and achieving equitable outcomes will be embedded in the Programme.
A significant aim of this program is to increase the Maori workforce and additionally, to support the growth of a health workforce that can work confidently and effectively with Maori.
We are seeking expressions of interest (EOI) from health providers, NPs, and ENs to participate in the Programme. Priority areas include Māori, and Pacific, workforce and communities, and rural and underserved communities. The funding will depend on the co-designed model of care and may include a contribution to salary; professional development, professional &/or cultural supervision; and clinical supervision. Providers are expected to employ the NP or EN.
We realise providers may have RNs who are NP interns/trainees. Please do contact us regarding opportunities for future funding.
For further information, and EOI information sheet, please contact Dr Sue Adams s.adams@auckland.ac.nz
Sandra Oster
Mātanga Tapuhi|Nurse Practitioner
NPNZ -Nurse Practitioners New Zealand
a divison of the College of Nurses Aotearoa