In this issue
- HPV vaccine shortage
- Herpes helpline Q & A
- Launch of new sexual harm helpline
IUSTI - AP Sexual Health Congress 2018
Welcome to the second issue of STIEF News for 2018.
In this issue we…
- note the current Gardasil 9 global supply constraints and national restrictions
- share a commonly asked question presented to the Herpes Helpline
- introduce 'Safe to talk' the new 24/7 sexual harm helpline
- promote the IUSTI - Asia Pacific Sexual Health Congress in Auckland in November
A little housekeeping - with the implementation of the European Union’s new General Data Protection Regulation, I wish to assure you that STIEF protects your personal information and will never share it with third parties. I hope you will continue to enjoy our quarterly newsletter and sexual health sector updates. Best wishes
Hayley Samuel Manager
Gardasil 9 Restricted Supplies
Ongoing global supply constraints of Gardasil 9 means that supplies of the HPV vaccine are currently limited until September 2018 to school based programmes and, via hospitals, to the high risk groups as identified in the National Immunisation Schedule criteria (people aged 9 to 26 inclusive with HIV infection, transplant patients (including stem cells) or post chemotherapy). Supplies will not be able to be ordered by General Practices or other vaccinators. Vaccinators with patients who require their second or third dose in accordance with the recommended vaccination administration period should delay these doses until September – December 2018. PHARMAC advises that this delay will not impact the efficacy of the vaccine.
In the case of eligible vaccine seekers currently aged 26, health care providers can submit a manual claim for the administration of their vaccine to the Ministry of Health when new stock is available. The deadline for such manual claims will be advised once normal supply has resumed. Contact PHARMAC with any questions regarding Gardasil 9 vaccine supply on 0800 660 050 or email
HPV Immunisation Programme Uptake
The Ministry of Health’s HPV Immunisation Programme, launched in January 2017, has been a great success to date. Since programme implementation:
- there has been >150% growth in Gardasil uptake per District Health Board region and a staggering >450% growth in one region alone
- funded units have almost doubled from 80,000 (2016) to 155,450 units (2017)
- privately purchased units have increased from 2,737 (2016) to 4,084 (2017)
Herpes Helpline Q & A
A commonly asked question on the Herpes Helpline is:
"I have genital herpes - can I pass on herpes to my child by bathing with them or if they brush against my thighs?"
Click here to read the answer
Launch of Safe to talk
In April 2018, a new 24/7 sexual harm information and support helpline – called Safe to talk – was launched in New Zealand. This initiative is funded by the Ministry of Social Development and has been set up as part of the Government’s commitment to better support people affected by any form of sexual harm and to prevent sexual harm by ensuring more people get the help they need at the right time. The Ministry launch announcement advises: Safe to talk provides free, confidential information and support to people affected by sexual harm. People who contact the helpline can remain anonymous and say as much or as little as they would like. The helpline can be accessed free, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by phone, text, website, online chat and email on:
Safe to talk is staffed by specialists trained in sexual harm support. People will be able to access information, crisis counselling and support, and/or be given advice about their local service providers. Homecare Medical has been contracted by the Ministry of Social Development to run Safe to talk. They run the National Telehealth Service which provides other helplines such as Healthline, Quitline, Depression, and other specialist services. For more information, go to or email the team at

A joint meeting between the International Union for Sexually Transmitted Infections – Asia Pacific, the NZ Sexual Health Society and the Australasian Sexual Health Alliance.
This is an opportunity to participate in a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary networking event at a time when countries are finding it challenging to maintain sustainable sexual health service delivery.
The congress theme is: 'He muka nō te taura whiri', 'Many Strands Make up one Rope' For further information and to register visit:
Guidelines and patient information pamphlets Download or order from Helpline tollfree 0508 11 12 13
Guidelines and patient information pamphlets Download or order from Helpline tollfree 0508 11 12 13
Posters and wallet cards Order from