Welcome to the College of Nurses Aotearoa News Update.
No. 419, Wednesday 24 October 2018
Nurse-led cardiac procedure at Tauranga Hospital first in Australasia
An award-winning Australasian first at Tauranga Hospital is seeing faster access for patients needing long-term heart monitors implanted.
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Urgent action needed to address 'desperate' aged care nursing shortages - industry body
A "desperate" shortage of aged care nurses is putting older people and those who care for them in a vulnerable position,
an industry body says.
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Switzer Residential Care call for Govt action on nursing crisis
At least one New Zealand rest home has had to close its hospital wing because of a shortage of registered nurses, and New Zealand Aged Care Association chief executive Simon Wallace has warned that if the government doesn't act there will be more.
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The mannequin helping Toi Ohomai nursing students save lives
When you walk into the nurse training facility on Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology's Rotorua campus you can't help but look twice at the "patient" lying on the hospital bed.
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Prostate cancer advocates turning their attention to improving aftercare for Māori
Improving the aftercare of men affected by prostate cancer, particularly those of Māori descent, is bringing together healthcare professionals from both sides of the Tasman.
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Minister of Health Announces Local Investment
Today, the Minister of Health Dr David Clark announced $24M towards improving facilities at Whangarei Hospital.
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New $220 million Waitemata surgical hospital announced
Today’s announcement of a new $220 million surgical hospital on the North Shore Hospital campus will create significant additional elective capacity to meet the future health needs of the people of the Waitemata district and beyond.
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Wood and coal fires linked to child skin conditions - study
New Zealand researchers have found smoke from domestic fires may cause not only respiratory diseases, but skin conditions as well.
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eHealth award for Waikato DHB chief Derek Wright
Backing the use of technology to help people with anxiety, depression, or addictions has won Waikato DHB's boss a leadership award.
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New faster test to rule out potential heart attack
A preliminary study of a new, quick and accurate, bedside blood test performed in Emergency Departments (ED) could help reduce the time it takes to rule out heart attacks. The study findings have been published this morning in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA Cardiology)
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Calls for public inquiry into anti-epileptic medicine use during pregnancy
The use of a common anti-epileptic drug during pregnancy is under the microscope with advocates calling for a Government inquiry looking at the dangers to unborn babies.
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Kaupapa Māori PHOs set up to fail
The managing director of a Bay of Plenty Māori health provider says Māori PHOs were set up to fail.
Janice Kuka of Ngā Mataapuna Oranga told a Waitangi Tribunal health inquiry that they are under-resourced compared with their mainstream counterparts.
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Japan to offer permanent residency to nurses
One of the most closed countries and cultures in the world is being forced to open up to secure workers in aged care.
To address a ‘severe’ labour shortage, the Japanese government next April will introduce a two-tier visa system for foreign workers, including nurses
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Study examines aspects of conscientious objection among nurses
One-on-one interviews with eight nurses in Ontario revealed that nurses making conscientious objections to ethically-relevant policies lack concrete supports and need protection in healthcare practice settings.
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Study finds lack of progress in media representation of nurses over last 20 years
A replication of the 1997 "Woodhull Study on Nursing and the Media" found nurses continue to be underrepresented as sources in heath news stories despite their increasing levels of education and expertise. A companion study found biases among newsrooms about women, nurses and positions of authority in health care can impede a journalist's use of nurses as sources in health news stories, despite unique perspectives that could enrich a story.
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7 healthcare leaders share best ways to combat nurse bullying
Bullying remains an issue for nurses in today's healthcare environment. Bullying occurs between nurses, and nurses have also reported being bullied by physicians or even hospital managers or administrators. But there are things organizations can do to address the issue.
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Dementia in the Workplace
In response to a resolution passed at Congress 2017, a suite of information on dementia in the workplace has been developed for nursing staff and those that represent and employ them. It aims to tackle the stigma surrounding a diagnosis of dementia in working life and to support nurses with dementia to work as fully as they are able to, for as long as they wish to.
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Experience of racism and associations with unmet need and healthcare satisfaction: the 2011/12 adult New Zealand Health Survey
Ricci B. Harris, Donna M. Cormack and James Stanley
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health
Objective: Racism may affect health through differential access to, and quality of, healthcare. This study examined associations between experience of racism and unmet need and satisfaction with healthcare.
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Simulation-based learning for patient safety: The development of the Tag Team Patient Safety Simulation methodology for nursing education
Since the ground-breaking report ‘To Err is Human: Building a Safer Health Care System’ was published nearly two decades ago, patient safety has become an international healthcare priority. Universities are charged with the responsibility of preparing the future nursing workforce to practise in accordance with relevant patient safety standards. Consequently, simulation-based learning is increasingly used for developing the technical and non-technical skills graduates require to provide safe patient care.
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Difficult Conversations: Dealing with the Spiritual Needs of Patients with Cancer
A cancer diagnosis can leave your patient with many questions. Sitting in a hospital room or infusion center for long hours might give them time to reflect on their diagnosis, life, and place in the universe. They may turn to you for support and answers as they meditate on their mortality. Is there a place for spiritual care in oncology nursing?
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The above information has been collated for the College of Nurses Aotearoa (NZ) Inc by Linda Stopforth, SNIPS and is provided on a weekly basis. It is current as at Tuesday 23 October 2018
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