Welcome to the College of Nurses Aotearoa News Update.
No. 421, Wednesday 7 November 2018
Nurse Claire Wong appointed fellow of the International Society of Travel Medicine
When Claire Wong switched to work in travel medicine she thought it would be a nice six-month break from shift work as a trauma nurse.
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Housing, diabetes, furniture, fitness: Kiwi programme looking beyond health issues gets an invitation to Washington DC
They've found people homes, helped get furniture, and taken a woman from tearful appointments to regular swimming and community volunteering.
Ngā Kaitiaki Manawanui Whai Ora might be a health sector programme, but those behind it do more than blood pressure checks and pills.
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More nurses in hospitals, but what about elderly care?
Two hundred extra nurses are being employed at public hospitals in a long-awaited move to improve staffing. It follows a pay deal in August that included government funding for an extra 500 nurses nationwide immediately. They're now entering wards, but is it at the expense of rest homes and the elderly? RNZ health correspondent Karen Brown has the story.
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Hospitals begin push to fill staffing shortages
Public hospitals have begun employing hundreds of extra nurses needed to ease major staff shortages.
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Research reveals young Maori mothers thriving
An EIT post-graduate nursing lecturer is challenging the health care system to develop more MÄori health professionals, and a greater kaupapa MÄori understanding and application across all health disciplines.
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Army of nurses call for Māori health
The New Zealand Māori Council is backing calls for a new deal for Māori health.
The council gave evidence to the Waitangi Tribunal’s health claim last week on the need for Māori to be in control of any health spend
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Official launch of the Auckland Health Foundation, funding projects the Govt can't
Health projects not able to be funded by the Government and treatments not available anywhere else in the country could get lift-off with today's official launch of the Auckland Health Foundation.
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Call for "Māori positive ageing"
There is a call for attention to focus on "Māori positive ageing" as the number of older Māori is set to double over a short period.
How to support the growing number of older Māori is the focus of a new editorial "Māori Positive Ageing" by The University of Otago. In the next 20 years, the number of Māori aged 65-plus is expected to more than double.
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Working together to reduce Asthma hospitalisations
Asthma and Respiratory Foundation NZ (ARFNZ) and Asthma New Zealand Inc (ANZ) working together to reduce Asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) hospitalisations.
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Revealed: Hundreds declined specialist care for painful skin conditions
Half of South Auckland children sent for specialist care for serious skin conditions are declined an appointment, a Herald investigation has found.
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Diabetes NZ Survey lifts lid on diabetes stigma in NZ
These are just some of the kinds of comments highlighting that stigma for those living with diabetes is alive and well in New Zealand.
A quarter of a million New Zealanders have been diagnosed with diabetes.1 Now, a ground-breaking survey uncovers the prejudice and stigma that many experience every day.
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Voucher healthcare: Thousands sent from emergency departments
One in 10 people are steered away from Auckland hospital emergency departments with a voucher for a nearby private clinic, new figures reveal.
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Poverty, discrimination behind health inequities facing young Māori - study
Health outcomes for young Māori are improving but "systematic discrimination and poverty" continue to drive stubborn inequities, researchers say.
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Why are people in Hawke's Bay and Whanganui needing angiograms waiting longer than those in Wellington?
Patients in Hawke's Bay and Whanganui needing angiograms are waiting longer than their counterparts in the lower North Island, with many failing to have the procedure carried out within the three-day target.
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DHB-employed midwives vote to go on strike
More than 1000 DHB-employed midwives have voted to go on strike
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Two new jabs possible in light of new type of meningococcal to worry about
Mass-vaccination is being mulled as a previously-rare type of killer meningococcal disease rears its head and the bad-old B strain spikes.
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Syphilis epidemic to be tracked with new system
A beefed-up notification system is being rolled out to track a syphilis epidemic that has claimed the lives of babies.
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Sexual Health Survey Reinforces Importance of Condom Use
Results from New Zealand’s first comprehensive sexual health survey reinforce the need for greater condom use.
Initial results from the survey, which was conducted three years ago in 2015 and included over 10,000 New Zealanders aged 15 years and over, show that half of all New Zealanders have had sex by the time they are 17 years old - in line with similar survey results from the UK.
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Child proverty targets come one step closer
A proposed law to measure child poverty in New Zealand is a step closer to fruition, passing its penultimate reading in Parliament with near-unanimous support.
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Smoking with children in cars: 'Ban it. Stop it. Move on it' - Children's Commissioner
Children's Commissioner Judge Andrew Becroft is demanding MPs stop stalling and ban smoking in cars carrying children.
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Why More Nurses Should Consider Pursuing a Leadership Position
There are more than 3 million nurses in the U.S., and their everyday work makes them naturally effective problem solvers and leaders.
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Nurse leaders share their expertise on everything from advocacy to the nursing shortage to things a new CNO should know.
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Nurse-led care coordination service: engaging stakeholders for continuity of care
To engage parties from both the primary and tertiary healthcare sectors with an interest in the management and care of people living with multimorbidity (MM), a stakeholder forum was organised, as part of a broader PhD action research study.
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Public sector nurses paid 20% less than agency workers - INMO
Nurses in the public sector are being paid 20% less than agency workers doing the same work - resulting in staff shortages in the public health service, according to the Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation.
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Role of nurses in patients’ safety highlighted
Nurses are providing their services not only for patients and hospitals but also for community and humanity. We cannot deny their notable services in the field of medical. They treat their patients and take care of them with sincerity and wholeheartedly. They have the right to be proud of themselves because they play the role of mother.
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Nurses want independent review
A lawyer representing 11 of the 13 nurses who were suspended by Health secretary Dr Aumea Herman last week, has filed a request for an independent review with Public Service Commissioner Russell Thomas.
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Bullying and harassment of health workers endangers patient safety
Bullying, harassment and other unprofessional behaviours are culturally ingrained in the Australian health-care system.
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Stepping into a culture of safety
Onboarding programs help retain nurses, strengthen patient care
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Opinion: Nathan Consedine & Tony Fernando – Compassion is more than an ‘optional extra’
Compassion fatigue is real but compassion really does matter in health, argues an Auckland psychologist and a psychiatrist. Not only for patients but also the health professionals delivering their care.
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Clark, T. C., Le Grice, J. , Moselen, E. , Fleming, T. , Crengle, S. , Tiatia‐Seath, J. and Lewycka, S. (2018), Health and wellbeing of Māori secondary school students in New Zealand: Trends between 2001, 2007 and 2012. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health. . doi:10.1111/1753-6405.12839
Objective: To describe the health status over time of Māori secondary school students in New Zealand compared to European students.
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Assuring competence or ensuring performance
Rachael Vernon, Mary Chiarella, Elaine Papps , Anthony Lark
Collegian, Articles in press
The literature indicates that the concept of insight or self-awareness, and its relationship to nursing practice, warrant greater investigation.
- A lack of self-awareness or personal insight has been identified as a key contributor to unsafe performance.
- Nurses or midwives who lack personal insight are less likely to reflect on or assess their own performance; to seek continuing professional development opportunities; or to recognise when their performance is unsafe.
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O'Grady, N. (2018), The Role of Mentorship in Trainee Advanced Clinical Practitioner Development. J Adv Nurs. Accepted Author Manuscript. . doi:10.1111/jan.13891
Advanced Clinical Practitioners (ACPs) are a rapidly growing workforce worldwide with the USA showing the highest absolute number and rate per population, followed by the Netherlands, Canada, Australia, Ireland and New Zealand (Maier et al 2016). Whilst many practitioners are nurses by background, the development of the role has encouraged the inclusion of other professions such as physiotherapists, pharmacists and paramedics. The progression of the ACP role involves the acquisition of new skills alongside post graduate academic education at Masters level and peer support (NHS Education for Scotland 2012, Aguilard et al 2017, Health Education England 2017).
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Bagnasco, A. , Aleo, G. , Timmins, F. , Catania, G. , Zanini, M. and Sasso, L. (2018), Educating our Future Generation‐ the Role of Nurse Managers in Encouraging Civility. J Nurs Manag. Accepted Author Manuscript. . doi:10.1111/jonm.12724
In the last three decades, the notion of incivility has been receiving increasing attention in the published literature (Viotti et al 2018). Arising from “subtle forms of mistreatment”, incivility can manifest itself in rudeness and maltreatment of co‐workers (Viotti et al 2018:597). Civility on the other hand “is characterized by an authentic respect for others when expressing disagreement, disparity, or controversy.
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Ministry of Health Output Plan 2018/19
This output plan is a performance agreement between the Minister of Health (the Minister) and the Director-General of Health, and includes the work programme for the Associate Ministers of Health. It covers the financial year ending 30 June 2019.
The plan is designd to show the Ministry of Health’s (the Ministry’s) commitment to deliver a range of ‘outputs’ to the Minister and Associate Ministers of Health, encompassing:
a portfolio of strategic priorities including medium-term flagship priorities that the Government has identified for the health and disability sector
other supporting priorities projects currently being undertaken
the delivery of the Ministry’s core functions, with accompanying key performance measures
our performance improvement work programme to lift our core capabilities to address the findings of the 2017 Performance Improvement Framework (PIF) review.
The plan is designed to demonstrate that New Zealanders will have access to strongly and strategically provided public health services which are well funded by the Government and that will deliver high-quality health outcomes.
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NGO workforce survey report out now (Te Pou)
This report supports workforce planning and development by describing the 2018 workforce in NGO secondary care mental health and addiction services delivering to people aged 18 years and older. The NGO workforce is estimated for size, composition, and turnover locally, regionally and nationally; comparisons to health contract funding, population and people seen by NGO services are included, along with a discussion of changes since 2014.
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Tuku Iho, Tuku Iho: Culture in Māori Health Service Provision
Tuku Iho, Tuku Iho: Culture in Māori Health Service Provision is a publication developed by Te Rau Matatini to foster a refreshed perspective for the health sector about the understanding of cultural safety, cultural competency, and cultural fluency.
Tuku Iho, Tuku Iho: Culture in Māori Health Service Provision explores each of the concepts above by discussing the New Zealand context and by providing real-life examples from a Māori voice that help clarify concepts from a Māori worldview.
Tuku Iho, Tuku Iho: Culture in Māori Health Service Provision is available for download from the Publications and Resources section of our website.
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From the Office of the Children’s Commissioner
What’s all the fuss about child and youth wellbeing?
Child and youth wellbeing is big news these days. The Child Poverty Reduction Bill, soon to be passed into law, requires the government to develop a child wellbeing strategy.
We want to give you an update on what’s happening, where to find more information, and how you can contribute to the strategy.
Child and youth engagement toolkit
We have developed a toolkit to support organisations to talk to children and young people about wellbeing. You can use this to structure a conversation about wellbeing with children and young people, and to share the results with us or make your own submission to DPMC.
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The above information has been collated for the College of Nurses Aotearoa (NZ) Inc by Linda Stopforth, SNIPS and is provided on a weekly basis. It is current as at Tuesday 6 November 2018
If you have any feedback about content - what parts are most useful or what you would like added - please email admin@nurse.org.nz
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