Ministry of Health Library
Health Improvement and Innovation Digest
Issue 179 - 22 November 2018
Welcome to the fortnightly Health Improvement and Innovation Digest (formerly the HIIRC digest). The Digest has links to key evidence of interest, with access to new content arranged by topic.
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Have you heard about Grey Matter?
We'd like to introduce you to another newsletter that the Ministry of Health Library prepares. The Grey Matter newsletter provides monthly access to a selection of recent NGO, Think Tank, and International Government reports related to health. Information is arranged by topic, allowing readers to quickly find their areas of interest. If you'd like to subscribe to Grey Matter, email library@moh.govt.nz.
Article access
For articles that aren't open access, contact your DHB library, or organisational or local library for assistance in accessing the full text. If your organisation has a subscription, you may be able to use the icon under full text links in PubMed to access the full article.
Quality Improvement (International)
Hospital Productivity (New Zealand)
Evaluation of Patients at Risk of Hospital Readmission (PARR) and LACE risk score for New Zealand context Identification and prediction of patients who are at risk of hospital readmission is a critical step towards the reduction of the potential avoidable costs for healthcare organisations. This research, published in Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, focused on the evaluation of LACE Index for Readmission - Length of stay (days), Acute (emergent) admission, Charlson Comorbidity Index and number of ED visits within six months (LACE) and Patients At Risk of Hospital Readmission (PARR) using New Zealand hospital admissions.
Hospital Productivity (International)
Hospital-to-home interventions, use, and satisfaction: a meta-analysis Hospital-to-home transitions are critical opportunities to promote patient safety and high-quality care. However, such transitions are often fraught with difficulties associated with increased health care use and poor patient satisfaction. In this review, published in Pediatrics, the authors determined which pediatric hospital discharge interventions affect subsequent health care use or parental satisfaction compared with usual care.
Improving accessibility for outpatients in specialist clinics: reducing long waiting times and waiting lists with a simple analytic approach This study, published in BMC Health Services Research, aimed to demonstrate that long waiting times and wait lists are not necessarily associated with increasing demand or changes in resources. The authors report how substantial reductions in waiting times/wait lists across a range of specialties was obtained by improvements of basic problems identified through value-stream mapping and unsophisticated analyses.
Shorter Waits for Cancer Treatment (International)
Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes (International)
Evidence-based diabetes care for older people with Type 2 diabetes: a critical review Older people with diabetes can represent some of the more complex and difficult challenges facing the clinician working in different settings. This review, published in Diabetic Medicine, sought to explore what evidence there is to guide clinicians in a comprehensive scheme of treatment for older adults, often in a high-risk clinical state, in terms of glucose lowering, blood pressure and lipid management, frailty care and lifestyle interventions.
Primary Health Care (New Zealand)
Primary Health Care (International)
Primary Mental Health (International)
Better Help for smokers to Quit (International)
Weight Management (New Zealand)
Key Ministry of Health publications
Achieving equity in health outcomes: highlights of selected papers This paper traces the beginnings of health equity and the philosophical and ethical foundations that sit behind it. It looks at a selection of the international and local literature to help understand definitions of equity. It considers how framing and thinking about the concept of equity and approaches to addressing equity have evolved, and how progress to address equity can be measured.
The information available on or through this newsletter does not represent Ministry of Health policy. It is intended to provide general information to the health sector and the public, and is not intended to address specific circumstances of any particular individual or entity.
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