Issue 182 - 17 January 2019
Welcome to the fortnightly Health Improvement and Innovation Digest (formerly the HIIRC digest). The Digest has links to key evidence of interest, with access to new content arranged by topic.
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Have you heard about Grey Matter?
We'd like to introduce you to another newsletter that the Ministry of Health Library prepares. The Grey Matter newsletter provides monthly access to a selection of recent NGO, Think Tank, and International Government reports related to health. Information is arranged by topic, allowing readers to quickly find their areas of interest. If you'd like to subscribe to Grey Matter, email library@moh.govt.nz.
Article access
For articles that aren't open access, contact your DHB library, or organisational or local library for assistance in accessing the full text. If your organisation has a subscription, you may be able to use the icon under full text links in PubMed to access the full article.
Quality Improvement (New Zealand)
Quality Improvement (International)
Health outcomes measurement and organizational readiness support quality improvement: a systematic review Using outcome measures to advance healthcare continues to be of widespread interest. The goal of this study, published in BMC Health Services Research, was to summarize the results of studies which use outcome measures from clinical registries to implement and monitor QI initiatives. The second objective is to identify a) facilitators and/or barriers that contribute to the realization of QI efforts, and b) how outcomes are being used as a catalyst to change outcomes over time.
Disability Sector Quality Improvement (New Zealand)
Disability Sector Quality Improvement (International)
Hospital Productivity (International)
Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes (New Zealand)
He Pikinga Waiora: supporting Māori health organisations to respond to pre-diabetes The purpose of this study, published in the International Journal for Equity in Health, was to explore the questions of how the strengths of Māori heath organisations may be leveraged, and how the barriers and constraints experienced by Māori health organisations may be negotiated, for the benefit of Māori; and from a systems perspective, to identify strategic opportunities that may be considered and applied by Māori health organisations, funders and policy makers to respond more effectively to pre-diabetes and reduce health inequities between Māori and non-Māori.
Primary Health Care (International)
Interventions to improve medication adherence: a review Among adults with chronic illness, 30% to 50% of medications are not taken as prescribed. In the United States, it is estimated that medication nonadherence is associated with 125 000 deaths, 10% of hospitalizations, and $100 billion in health care services annually. This study, published in JAMA, reviewed randomized clinical trials of interventions to improve medication adherence.
Primary Mental Health (New Zealand)
Mental health and addiction tools and resources This document, provided by the Health Quality & Safety Commission, provides tools and resources from the mental health and addiction quality improvement programme's Māori advisory group.
Evaluation of the All Right? Campaign's Facebook intervention post-disaster in Canterbury, New Zealand The All Right? campaign was developed as a mental health promotion campaign following the 2010-2011 Canterbury earthquakes. One aspect of the overall campaign was the utilisation of social media as a means of promoting wellbeing messages. This research, published in Health Promotion International, evaluates the use of the All Right? Facebook page as a means of promoting wellbeing after a major natural disaster.
Primary Mental Health (International)
Evidence-based prevention programs targeting youth mental and behavioral health in primary care: a systematic review The objectives of this systematic review, published in Preventive Medicine, were: 1) to identify evidence-based youth (i.e., infancy, pre-school age, school age, and adolescence) mental and behavioural health disorder preventive interventions conducted in or offered by primary care settings; and 2) to describe these interventions' characteristics, efficacy, and clinical involvement.
Effectiveness and treatment moderators of internet interventions for adult problem drinking: an individual patient data meta-analysis of 19 randomised controlled trials Face-to-face brief interventions for problem drinking are effective, but they have found limited implementation in routine care and the community. Internet-based interventions could overcome this treatment gap. This study, published in PLoS Medicine, investigated effectiveness and moderators of treatment outcomes in internet-based interventions for adult problem drinking (iAIs).
Increased Immunisation (International)
Barriers and enablers to adolescent self-consent for vaccination: a mixed-methods evidence synthesis The recent global expansion of routine adolescent vaccination programmes has the potential to protect young people against infectious diseases and improve their health. Although the legal framework in many countries permits young people to consent for vaccinations if competent, lack of written parental consent can still prevent uptake. This study, published in Vaccine, aimed to review systematically the associated barriers and enablers to implementation of adolescent self-consent procedures.
Weight Management (International)
Childhood Obesity (International)
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Ministry of Health - Manatū Hauora 133 Molesworth Street Thorndon Wellington, 6011 New Zealand
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