Welcome to the College of Nurses Aotearoa News Update.
No. 429, Wednesday 23 January 2019
New nurses choose Timaru Hospital as their workplace
Timaru Hospital has jumped on the list of sought after work places for nursing graduates after welcoming 12 newly qualified nurses.
Aged care workers raise serious concerns about understaffing
Staff shortages in aged care are causing basic care for elderly people to be missed, a survey has found.
Hutt Hospital nurse assault the third security incident suffered in as many weeks
An assault on a nurse this week at Hutt Hospital is the third confirmed incident at the hospital since December 26.
Man in court after allegedly assaulting ED nurse
A Hamilton man has been charged with assaulting an emergency department nurse.
Martin Reid, 57, of Claudelands, is currently under the care of the Henry Bennett Centre, and made his first court appearance on Friday.
Woman attacked by patient judged insane stands by call for 'full' rights
Former mental health nurse Wendy Hamer feels like she's had the "rug pulled out from underneath" her, again.
Appointment of Deputy Director-General Disability
The Ministry of Health has announced the appointment of Adri Isbister to the role of Deputy Director-General Disability.
Adri was most recently the CEO of Wairarapa DHB and during her tenure, led the development of cross-sector work and the implementation of Health Care Home, a primary care initiative.
District Health Boards to return to bargaining table with junior doctors
The country's largest junior doctors' union is set to return to the bargaining table with District Health Boards (DHBs) in an 11th-hour attempt to avert another nationwide strike.
'Hidden pain' in aged care: delayed and missed care commonplace - survey
Aged care residents are missing out on basic care, including regular showering and toileting, as staff struggle with overwhelming workloads, new research suggests.
Hep C drug to help thousands, but the disease is still stigmatised, advocates say
From February, the Hepatitis C drug Maviret will be funded by Pharmac which will help thousands of New Zealanders with genotype three of the virus, but it's taken years of hard work from advocates to make it possible.
Are quake stresses, migrants and tradies triggering an increase in smoking?
Smoking appears to have increased in Canterbury at odds with a national downwards trend, with experts pointing the finger at earthquake-stress and immigration.
Too much screen time is giving kids health problems like obesity and poor motor skills
Kiwi children who spend too much time on screens are becoming sicker, more obese, and more likely to be hyperactive, according to a new study.
Protesting Hong Kong nurses demand action over manpower shortages, saying public hospitals need more staff not money
More than 100 members of Association of Hong Kong Nursing Staff gather outside government headquarters to voice their discontent.
Health secretary Sophia Chan shows up to speak to protesters but is booed
For-profit nursing schools associated with lower performance on nurse licensure test
A new study published today by researchers at the George Washington University Milken Institute School of Public Health (Milken Institute SPH) finds that for-profit ownership of nursing school programs is significantly associated with lower performance on a national nursing licensure exam than public and nonprofit programs.
Hospitals with better nurse work environments have safer pediatric care, study finds
Hospitals that have better work environments for nurses provider safer care for the youngest — and often most vulnerable — patients, a study published in the Journal of Patient Safety found.
Nurses urged to do more to promote exercise in diabetes patients
Clinicians need to do more to help people with type 2 diabetes stick to exercise regimes that can help them control blood glucose and improve heart health, according to a group of European experts.
Odberg KR, Hansen BS, Wangensteen S. Medication administration in nursing homes: A qualitative study of the nurse role. Nursing Open. 2018;00:1–9. https://doi.org/10.1002/nop2.216
The objective of this study was to expand the knowledge of the nurse role during medication administration in the context of nursing homes. The following research question guided the study: How can the nurse role during medication administration in nursing homes be described?
Carey MC, Kent B, Latour JM. Using meta‐ethnography to develop a conceptual model of peer‐assisted learning of nursing students in clinical practice. Nursing Open. 2018;00:1–9. https://doi.org/10.1002/nop2.229
The study presents the findings of a meta‐ethnographic study, developing a conceptual model for peer‐assisted learning for undergraduate nurses in clinical practice.
The above information has been collated for the College of Nurses Aotearoa (NZ) Inc by Linda Stopforth, SNIPS and is provided on a weekly basis. It is current as at Tuesday 22 January 2019
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