Welcome to the College of Nurses Aotearoa News Update.
No. 442, Wednesday 24 April 2019
Weekly news round-up of nursing and health information in New Zealand and internationally
Canterbury District Health Board boss praises 'truly extraordinary' response to March 15 terror attack
Victims of the Christchurch terror attacks have collectively spent more than six days non-stop in surgery since March 15.
As of April 1, patients who suffered gunshot wounds in the attack on two city mosques had spent more than 8800 minutes in operating theatres at Christchurch Hospital. By then, there had been 75 surgeries.
Charges laid after patient fell from stretcher during air ambulance transfer in Hawke's Bay
Having safely disembarked the aircraft, he was injured when a lifting device toppled over as nurses transferred him to the road ambulance.
Waikato ED performance shows 'sharp up-swing'
Staff are working to further shrink wait times for the almost 300 patients who can go through Waikato Hospital's ED in one day.
New multimillion-dollar health centre set to open in Hasting
... of the most modern integrated primary health care facilities in New Zealand. ... "Hastings will have more family doctors and nurses, diagnostic services and a ... The first floor will house the family doctor and nursing suites with 57 ...
New hospital opens in Ranfurly after years of campaigning
A Central Otago community's hard work has paid off with the opening of a new multi-million dollar hospital.
Partnership delivers wraparound support for diabetes patients
West Coast Primary Health Organisation (PHO) has partnered with MÄori health and social services provider, Poutini Waiora, in a project to improve outcomes for targeted Buller Medical MÄori and Pacific Peoples clients with diabetes.
Limited showers, no meal prep: 'Ruthless' plans to cut disabled care revealed
Health bosses planned to limit showers and meals for the disabled, create long wait lists for specialist care, and refuse help for autistic children as part of a desperate cost-saving bid.
Telehealth video visits risk fragmenting care
(HealthDay)—Although telehealth video visits offer users greater convenience, they risk fragmenting care without greater coordination with usual care providers, according to a study recently published in the Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association.
Deadly superbug Candida auris infection 'inevitable' in NZ - expert
A drug-resistant superbug that kills about one in three of all infected patients, Candida auris will inevitably spread to New Zealand, a public health expert says.
Seeking Solutions to Being Restricted
If mental health professionals and mental health services continue to contribute to an oppressive approach to Māori when it comes to mental illness and mental health services, there will be an increasing disadvantage to the mental health of Māori.
Australian mental health survey is world's largest study of bisexuals
Dabbling and experimenting. Playing both sides. Promiscuous, traitorous, closeted, wanting the "best of both worlds", relationship-wreckers or confused.
Steriliser that cleans surgical equipment in Hawke's Bay Hospital was never turned on, review finds
A broken switch, a broken printer, and a raft of human and systems errors were to blame for inadequately sterilised surgical equipment being used on patients in Hawke's Bay, reports have found.
US Food and Drug Administration halts pelvic organ mesh sales
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has ordered an immediate halt to the sale of surgical mesh products to treat pelvic organ prolapse (POP).
Ministry of Health to undertake surgical mesh review
MoH are undertaking a surgical mesh review to learn more about what needs to be done to improve patient safety in the future. Today they send out the following message:
New clinic brings better support for people taking multiple meds - BOPDHB
Helping elderly patients who take multiple medications stay safe and well is the aim of a new outpatients clinic at Tauranga Hospital.
For many older New Zealanders, polypharmacy (taking multiple medications for multiple conditions) is common. 35% of over 65s are prescribed five or more medications, and 8% of over 85s are on 11 or more. In the new clinic, these patients can talk to a pharmacist and, if needed, be assessed by a geriatrician
Nurses union shocked by funding cuts to university nursing program
The New Brunswick Nurses Union says it is shocked and frustrated the Blaine Higgs government had made cuts to two university nursing programs ...
India facing shortage of 600000 doctors, 2 million nurses: study
WASHINGTON: India has shortage of an estimated 600,000 doctors and 2 million nurses, say scientists who found that lack of staff who are properly ...
One in four NHS wards has dangerously low numbers of nurses, researchers find
Researchers have found that a national shortage of nurses and a failure to increase their numbers sufficiently has not been addressed.
Mental health nurses join police officers on duty
Police in Berkshire have stopped more than 150 mental health patients from being sectioned or detained unnecessarily in cells over the past year.
Ambulatory care training can improve nurse retention, hospital reportsAn ambulatory training curriculum integrated into a nurse residency program at California's City of Hope National Medical Center resulted in an 88% retention rate for ambulatory nurse residents, according to data presented at a meeting of the Oncology Nursing Society. The curriculum was designed to be as intensive as training for inpatient care.
Oncology Nurse Advisor (4/13)
Networking for people who hate to network
Does the thought of reaching out to people you barely know terrify you? Fear not – here are two vital tips that make networking easy for all.
How to handle a toxic employeeHRD talks to the chief people officer at Employment Hero about how to manage unruly behaviour
Eriksson, I, Ek, K, Jansson, S, Sjöström, U, Larsson, M. To feel emotional concern: A qualitative interview study to explore telephone nurses’ experiences of difficult calls. Nursing Open. 2019; 00: 1– 7. https://doi.org/10.1002/nop2.264
To describe telenurses’ experiences of difficult calls.
A qualitative approach with a descriptive design was used to gain a deeper understanding of the telenurses’ experiences.
Oshodi, TO, Bruneau, B, Crockett, R, Kinchington, F, Nayar, S, West, E. The nursing work environment and quality of care: Content analysis of comments made by registered nurses responding to the Essentials of Magnetism II scale. Nursing Open.2019; 00: 1– 11. https://doi.org/10.1002/nop2.268
To report a qualitative study of themes Registered Nurses raised spontaneously about their work environment, in a cross‐sectional survey study when responding to the Essentials of Magnetism II (EOMII) scale.
The above information has been collated for the College of Nurses Aotearoa (NZ) Inc by Linda Stopforth, SNIPS and is provided on a weekly basis. It is current as at Tuesday 23 April 2019
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