Welcome to the College of Nurses Aotearoa News Update.
No. 467, Wednesday 23 October 2019
Weekly news round-up of nursing and health information in New Zealand and internationally
Babies born to drug-dependent mothers treated for withdrawal symptom
Juliet Manning, a committee member of the New Zealand Nurses' Organisation's Neonatal Nurses College, said the review should be released to ...
Nurse injects prisoner with anti-psychotic meant for his brother
A prisoner due for his hepatitis vaccination was accidentally given an anti-psychotic medication intended for his brother, a fellow inmate.
Fundraising campaign launched for aged and dementia care village
A new model of community-based aged and dementia care, replicating everyday life in village environment, has reached the public fundraising stage in the south.
Resthome care so poor woman's wounds developed maggots - report
A woman died of an infection after serious wounds were poorly managed by a resthome and they became infested with maggots
Urology delays put patients at 'substantial risk' - report
Managers at the Southern District Health Board were aware for around three years of issues with its urology service causing long delays in treatment, a Health and Disability Commissioner report has found.
New $100m mental health unit for Waikato DHB
The Government has approved $100 million for a new inpatient mental health unit for Waikato.
Aged-care sector struggling to keep up with rise in obese elderly, new research finds
The number of obese elderly people is rising at such a rate the aged-care sector is struggling to adapt fast enough, a new study has found.
Incompatible kidney transplants a reality in Wellington
Patients needing incompatible kidney transplants no longer need to travel to Auckland or Christchurch thanks to close collaboration between the Renal Service and the New Zealand Blood Service (NZBS).
First organ transplant hui designed to help break down barriers
Charlie Tipiwai is living, walking proof of the benefits of an organ transplant, and he wants other Māori to know it.
New Zealand gets its own surgical risk calculator
Unique New Zealand data has been used in a surgical risk calculator that allows patients to better understand the risks versus the benefits of their operation, taking into account their age, the type of surgery, pre-existing health conditions and ethnicity.
Genter says surgical mesh injuries down
Reports of surgical mesh injuries are decreasing – according to Medsafe – but advocates say many suffering complications don't report them.
World first: Vaping product now in pharmacies
Believed to be a world-first, a vaping system branded specifically for the healthcare sector is now available in many pharmacies throughout New Zealand.
The off-the-shelf product, branded Vapix, is marketed to smokers over 18 years of age, encouraging them to ‘Make The Switch’
A poverty 'crisis': New figures show demand for food, housing
Record numbers of people are asking the government for help to pay for their food and accommodation, with frontline community workers labelling the situation a 'crisis'.
'The need for a Framework Convention for Alcohol Control'
How an FCAC could help reduce alcohol harm in New Zealand
Compared with many low and middle-income countries, NZ (a high-income country) has good alcohol policy in several areas. For example, our random breath testing is good (providing the current government restores the level to the necessary frequency as promised); we do have a licensing system (but this is in urgent need of reform). We also have excise tax in place (although this needs to increase since alcohol beverages, particularly wine, have become more affordable over many years). However, in many low and middle-income countries, which are the main targets of the transnational alcohol corporations, there is a lack of adequate policy in all areas.
Wasted: Drug testing shows Kiwis using $8.9 million in illicit substances each week
Illicit drugs detected in New Zealand's wastewater in the last few months would have generated almost $500 million of criminal profit over a year.
First organ transplant hui designed to help break down barriers
Charlie Tipiwai is living, walking proof of the benefits of an organ transplant, and he wants other Māori to know it.
The importance of boundary management
Hampton, Debra, Nursing Management: August 2019 - Volume 50 - Issue 8 - p 51–54
doi: 10.1097/01.NUMA.0000575308.00185.00
Nurse leaders at all levels encounter multiple roadblocks along the leadership pathway. For maximal effectiveness in leadership positions, we must be savvy in managing boundaries, including personal and professional boundaries. A boundary can be defined as a limit that's set related to what individuals will take responsibility for. Boundaries may include physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual limits. Dr. Henry Cloud clarifies that boundaries for leaders consist of a combination of “what you create” and “what you allow.”1 Leaders “define and create the boundaries that drive the behavior that forms the identity of teams and culture and sets the standards of performance.”2
Organizational boundaries can result in challenges of hierarchy, function, and ownership when individuals work in groups to achieve common goals, but they can also support the value of individuality and defined roles.3 This article addresses boundary spanning leadership and management of professional boundaries.
This article is not freely available but may be accessed through databases and libraries to which readers have access.
Optimising compassionate nursing care at the end of life in hospital settings. Robinson, J, Moeke‐Maxell, T, Parr, J, Slark, J, Black, S, Williams, L, Gott, M. J Clin Nurs. 2019; 00: 1– 9. https://doi.org/10.1111/jocn.15050
An urgent need to improve palliative care in hospital has been identified. Moreover, service users consistently report care delivered by nurses in hospital as lacking compassion. Compassion is a fundamental component of nursing care, and promoting compassionate care has been identified as a policy priority in many countries. To help address this within the hospital context, we recently completed research exploring bereaved family experiences of good end of life care in hospital. We found that family accounts of good care aligned with Nolan and Dewar's compassionate care framework and subsequently extended the framework to the bi‐cultural context of Aotearoa, New Zealand.
The above information has been collated for the College of Nurses Aotearoa (NZ) Inc by Linda Stopforth, SNIPS and is provided on a weekly basis. It is current as at Tuesday 22 October 2019
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