This email invites you to have your say on the attached draft New Zealand Dementia Action Plan.

Dementia presents a major challenge for New Zealand and globally. In response to the WHO’s calls for action, many countries around the world are implementing dementia action plans. In New Zealand, the Framework for Dementia Care has been in place since 2013, but current services are not always meeting the needs of people with dementia.
The dementia sector has now taken up the challenge by joining together to work on New Zealand’s first national Dementia Action Plan under the leadership of Alzheimer’s NZ, Dementia NZ, and the NZ Dementia Cooperative. The aim of this partnership is to clarify the objectives and identify the areas that are priorities for action within the context of the Framework.
Developing the draft New Zealand Dementia Action Plan
The draft New Zealand Dementia Action Plan centres around four over-arching objectives for the period 2020-2023:
- beginning work to reduce the incidence of dementia;
- increasing support to enable people living with dementia and their family/carers to live well;
- strengthening capability across the sector;
- building more accepting and understanding communities.
The draft Plan has been circulated to as many people and organisations in the dementia sector as possible since September.
Draft National Dementia Action Plan 2019 (0.87MB)
The Minister of Health, Hon Dr David Clark, the Associate Minister of Health, Hon Jenny Salesa and the Ministry have been kept updated on the development of the New Zealand Dementia Action Plan. The Ministry is supporting the process by facilitating the engagement process with DHBs, and providing advice to the sector and to the Minister on the strategic fit of the Plan.
We invite your feedback
Please note: responses close 30 November 2019.
We encourage you to re-read the draft Plan attached before answering the short survey.
We are really keen to hear your thoughts
- Do the principles provide the right foundation for this Plan?
- Are the objectives the right ones?
- Will the proposed actions make a difference for people living with dementia?
- What have we missed?
Where to from here?
The answers to these questions will help us to finalise the New Zealand Dementia Action Plan and it will then be presented to Hon Dr David Clark and Hon Jenny Salesa, for their consideration. The plan will provide Ministers with a clear sector-wide view of our priorities for improving the provision of supports and services for people with dementia and their support partners. We expect that it will help shape activities under the refreshed Healthy Ageing Strategy’s Implementation Plan.

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