The deadline to have your say on the draft New Zealand Dementia Action Plan has been extended.
Thank you so much to all those who have sent feedback on the draft NZ Dementia Action Plan. We’ve had responses from many individuals and organisations, which will ensure the Plan reflects sector priorities.
We’ve received a number of requests for more time to give feedback. To ensure that everyone who wants to respond can do so, the deadline has been extended to Friday 31 January 2020.
We invite your feedback
The draft Dementia Action Plan was developed by a working group under the leadership of Alzheimer’s NZ, Dementia NZ, and the NZ Dementia Cooperative
Draft National Dementia Action Plan 2019 (0.87MB)
The aim is to clarify the objectives and identify the areas that are priorities for action within the context of the NZ Framework for Dementia Care. The plan will provide Ministers with a clear sector-wide view of our priorities for improving the provision of supports and services for people with dementia and their support partners.
We expect that it will help shape activities under the refreshed Healthy Ageing Strategy’s Implementation Plan.
Give your feedback
by 31 January
Every voice matters

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