Welcome to the College of Nurses Aotearoa News Update.
No. 477, Wednesday 15 January 2020
Weekly news round-up of nursing and health information in New Zealand and internationally
Thanks given to Aussie and Southland nurses for Whakaari support
The nurses from Queensland, Western Australia, Tasmania and Southland all ... and says she has also made plenty of friends whilst in New Zealand.
Whanganui sets out to celebrate Year of the Nurse and Midwife
Nurses all around the world, including Whanganui, will this year celebrate the International Year of the Nurse and Midwife. The Whanganui District ...
Oncology nursing core competencies
At the same time that death rates from cancer continue to decline, the numbers of cancer survivors are growing exponentially. For many of these survivors, cancer has become a chronic illness.
Due to the increasing numbers of cancer survivors, nurses in most clinical settings, even those working outside of dedicated oncology units, are likely to care for survivors.
Oncology nursing core competencies for all graduates of pre-licensure nursing programs have been developed to meet the care needs of cancer survivors.
Bowel cancer screening: Trials of breathalyser technique across New Zealand
New breathalyser technology could streamline testing for bowel cancer, enabling biomarkers to identify it earlier
Why we need to abandon cultural competency
It’s time for urgent transformation to make real, lasting change for Māori health, argues Elana Curtis
Cultural competency and cultural safety are often confused as being about the same thing: the efforts by health practitioners and their organisations to lift the health outcomes and experience for Māori and indigenous peoples elsewhere.
Otago study seeks to improve prescription payment system
Thousands of New Zealanders could be missing out on prescriptions they desperately need because they can’t afford them, an Otago researcher fears.
Professor Pauline Norris, from the University of Otago Centre for Pacific Health, is urging people to sign up for a new study she hopes will help overhaul New Zealand’s prescription payment system.
Booklet about clinical trials informs and empowers patients
Waikato Cancer and Blood Research Trials Unit has developed a booklet which demystifies terminology and empowers patients to ask questions that will help them decide whether to participate in a clinical trial.
Tobacco sales only through liquor stores, petrol stations or pharmacies
The sale of tobacco only through liquor stores, petrol stations or pharmacies would considerably reduce the overall availability of tobacco and assist the Government in achieving its 2025 smokefree goal, new University of Otago research shows.
'It changed my life': New pilot project tests health benefits of social prescribing
11 Ontario community health centres taking part in program that other provinces have shown interest in
UK vying for Canadian doctors and nurses
The United Kingdom is recruiting foreign healthcare workers – including Canadians – with the promise of cheaper and easier visa applications
Abuse towards nurses now 'expected' part of job, INMO says
Abusive and aggressive behaviour towards nursing staff in hospitals has become an “expected” part of the job, the country's largest organisation for ...
Nurse certification may promote evidence-based practice in ICU
HealthDay)—Nurses with specialty certification may speed translation of evidence-based research into everyday clinical practice, according to a study published in the January issue of the American Journal of Critical Care.
Providing care to refugees through mainstream general practice in the southern health region of New Zealand: a qualitative study of primary healthcare professionals’ perspectives
Richard L, Richardson G, Jaye C, et al
BMJ Open 2019;9:e034323. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-034323
Objective To explore the perspectives of primary healthcare (PHC) professionals providing care to refugees through mainstream general practice.
Palliative sedation and medical assistance in dying: Distinctly different or simply semantics? Booker, R, Bruce, A. Nurs Inq. 2019; 00:e12321. https://doi.org/10.1111/nin.12321
Medical assistance in dying (MAiD) and palliative sedation (PS) are both legal options in Canada that may be considered by patients experiencing intolerable and unmanageable suffering. A contentious, lively debate has been ongoing in the literature regarding the similarities and differences between MAiD and PS. The aim of this paper is to explore the propositions that MAiD and PS are essentially similar and conversely that MAiD and PS are distinctly different. The relevance of such a debate is apparent for clinicians and patients alike. Understanding the complex and multi‐faceted nuances between PS and MAiD allows patients and caregivers to make more informed decisions pertaining to end‐of‐life care. It is hoped that this paper will also serve to foster further debate and consideration of the issues associated with PS and MAiD with a view to improve patient care and the quality of both living and dying in Canada
The above information has been collated for the College of Nurses Aotearoa (NZ) Inc by Linda Stopforth, SNIPS and is provided on a weekly basis. It is current as at Tuesday 14 January 2019
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