Welcome to the College of Nurses Aotearoa News Update.
No. 486 Wednesday 18 March 2020
Weekly news round-up of nursing and health information in New Zealand and internationally
Study reveals nurses face oppression
A work environment where people are waiting for you to fail can be a reality of the nursing profession.
NorthTec students celebrate graduation day with Whangārei march
It was a desire to upskill which led Daryn Thompson to start a nursing degree at NorthTec.
The Whangārei dad had been working in the mental health sector as a community support worker for 10 years and when looking at his options he decided to start the Bachelor of Nursing course at NorthTec in 2017.
Man charged for attacking four staff in Hawke's Bay Hospital ED
A man who allegedly attacked four staff in the Hawke's Bay Hospital Emergency Department has been charged with assault and trespassed from all DHB facilities.
Over 50 hospital staff stood down after treating 'probable' coronavirus case in Auckland
Fifty-four Auckland hospital staff who were involved in treating a woman with a "probable" case of coronavirus have been stood down.
Terminology may stymie advances
Rewriting of legislation governing the Southern District Health Board raises questions about what might happen when market efficiencies in the public health sector run up against possible pandemics, writes Jock Lawrie.
Govt issues guidance for aged care providers
All aged care facilities have been ordered to have clear and prominent health warnings on display concerning Covid-19.
Coronavirus: Resthomes lock out visitors, take temperatures to protect residents
Aged care providers are locking out visitors or screening them by taking their temperatures in a bid to protect vulnerable residents from coronavirus.
Why are older people more at risk of coronavirus?
As we learn more about COVID-19, it’s increasingly clear that your risk of severe illness and death increases with age.
Those with dementia need extra help during COVID-19 outbreak
An aged care expert says New Zealanders with dementia or cognitive decline may need additional support as Kiwis battle against the spread of COVID-19.
Coronavirus: NZ plans for its worst-case virus scenario
Modelling work the health ministry is commissioning from experts is expected to predict up to half of New Zealand's population could contract coronavirus.
Coronavirus: Government spends $500m on health service preparation
An extra half-a-billion dollars will be spent on hiring doctors and setting up coronavirus clinics throughout the country to prepare for a major outbreak.
Coronavirus: Increased testing capacity is there, it's now up to the doctors, PM says
Laboratories across the country will soon be able to test over 1500 coronavirus samples a day - but ultimately it's up to medical professionals to reach that number.
Coronavirus: Fever clinics to open around New Zealand as testing ramps up
Community testing centres – or fever clinics – are being set up around the country in an unprecedented
scaling up of testing for coronavirus.
Māori health providers set up communication hub to combat covid-19
Māori health providers have set up support phone lines and isolation rooms incase Covid 19 spreads to their communities.
Coronavirus: When you'll be tested for Covid-19 revealed
Tests for Covid-19 have ramped up to 500 following the loosening of the tight criteria and heavy criticism that the regime needs to be liberalised.
Coronavirus: Hospitals planning to cancel operations if needed
Hospitals are planning to cancel operations and convert theatres to intensive care units if needed to keep people alive in a Covid-19 outbreak.
Medical centres place new restrictions on patients over coronavirus fears
Ten-minute appointments and consultations in car parks are just some of the steps medical centres are putting in place in the midst of the coronavirus outbreak.
As of Wednesday, there were 12 confirmed cases of Covid-19 in New Zealand.
Coronavirus: Waikato DHB preparing 'as if it's a lot' coming their way
Preparing for coronavirus feels a bit like standing on the edge of something, a health expert says.
"[It's like] being slightly uncertain about how close to the edge we are, and how deep it is to the bottom," Waikato DHB chief medical officer Gary Hopgood said.
Coronavirus in NZ: Healthline inundated - when to call and when not to
Another 50 nurses have been brought in, as have additional clinical support staff from other areas to help with all of the Healthline calls
The coronavirus looks less deadly than first reported, but it’s definitely not ‘just a flu’
The avalanche of coronavirus infections in the current pandemic has been accompanied by a similar avalanche of information, making it hard to sift reliable news from the noise.
Pandemic effect 'to extend well into next year': Otago Uni expert
Don't expect the coronavirus pandemic to be over by Christmas.
Instead, New Zealand is set for a long, drawn-out battle with the virus as different waves of the pandemic hit separate countries at different times, experts say.
GPs 'wholeheartedly endorse' Government ban on mass gatherings
The Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners wholeheartedly endorse the Government’s announcement today that bans public gatherings over 500 people, held outdoors or indoors.
Do doctors with pre-existing health issues have to work during the coronavirus pandemic?
As cases of coronavirus climb globally, spare a thought for those working on the frontline with pre-existing health conditions.
Best practices shown to protect healthcare workers from COVID-19
In a new study published on March 5th, 2020, in the journal Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology, researchers claim that the meticulous application of best practices for infection control does protect healthcare workers from the COVID-19 illness.
First study identifies risk factors associated with death in adults hospitalized with new coronavirus disease in Wuhan
Being of an older age, showing signs of sepsis, and having blood clotting issues when admitted to hospital are key risk factors associated with higher risk of death from the new coronavirus (COVID-19), according to a new observational study of 191 patients with confirmed COVID-19 from two hospitals in Wuhan, China
Not all hand sanitisers work against coronavirus – here’s what you should use
Since the outbreak of COVID-19, sales of hand sanitisers have soared. It’s become such a sought-after product that pharmacies and supermarkets have started limiting the number that people can buy at one time. New York state has even announced it will start producing its own hand sanitiser to meet demand. Though hand sanitisers can help reduce our risk of catching certain infections, not all hand sanitisers are equally effective against coronavirus.
Taking Care Of Your Mental Health And Wellbeing During COVID-19
It is normal and healthy to feel stress and anxiety sometimes.
The changing daily circumstances and widespread media reporting and commentary on COVID-19, however, can give rise to heightened individual and community anxiety.
Police, WFA And CCDHB Team Up To Provide A Better Response To Mental Health Distress
From today (Tuesday 17 March), a new inter-agency team led by Wellington District Police in partnership with Wellington Free Ambulance (WFA) and Capital and Coast District Health Board (CCDHB) will respond to emergency mental health calls in Wellington city.
UC leads research into support for health workers post 15 March attacks
The University of Canterbury (UC) is leading research into the psychological wellbeing and support of health workers who were among the first responders after the mosque attacks on 15 March 2019.
Evidence clearly favours taxing sugary drinks - Otago University
New Zealand should follow the UK and more than 30 other countries in introducing a tax on sugary drinks to tackle obesity and reduce deaths from chronic diseases, leading researchers say.
Disruptions to medicine supplies 'inevitable'
Drug-buying agency Pharmac is warning further disruptions to medicine supplies are inevitable, as measures are taken to restrict the spread of Covid-19.
Change to morphine supply could see rise in opioid and heroin overdoses, experts say
A change in the supply of pharmaceutical morphine could inadvertently lead to more opioid or heroin overdoses, an expert warns.
How to Stay Motivated When Things Get Tough and Stressful
A five-step plan to rewire and rejuvenate your brain.
7 nurses share advice on dealing with bullying from co-workers
Question: How do I deal with bullying behavior with other staff members?
Trish Celano, RN. Senior Vice President, Associate Chief Clinical Officer and Chief Nursing Executive at AdventHealth (Altamonte Springs, Fla.): A culture of support and empowerment is key to an effective nursing team. As nursing leaders, it is important to empower our nurse managers to
National Health Emergency Plan
The National Health Emergency Plan (NHEP) provides overarching direction to the health and disability sector and all of government.
Getting Through Together: Ethical values for a pandemic
Getting Through Together considers the ethical issues which may arise during any pandemic. The emphasis is on using shared values so people can care for themselves, their whānau and their neighbours, and make decisions in such an event.
The above information has been collated for the College of Nurses Aotearoa (NZ) Inc by Linda Stopforth, SNIPS and is provided on a weekly basis. It is current as at Tuesday 17 March 2020
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