Kia ora whānau

Robyn Shearer
Deputy Director-General, Mental Health and Addiction
It’s great to have Tāmaki Makaurau able to move around again now Auckland is in Alert Level 2 (with a few extra restrictions). It means people can more easily be with their family, whānau and friends again. Spending time with the people in our support networks really helps us take care of our mental wellbeing and builds resilience for when times are more challenging.
Across our team, we have been getting some feedback that people in communities around the country don’t know what mental health and wellbeing support there is available them. It’s really helpful if you are able to promote what help is available in your community.
As well as the information on our website, we’ve created a handout that can be printed and given out to people. It includes information about the free apps, online resources and self-help tools the Ministry has funded to look after their wellbeing, and many have free data as part of our sponsored data programme.
Another useful tool is Healthpoint where people can search for the type of service they need in their area. You can also search specifically for mental health and addiction providers for young people, kaupapa Māori, Pacific people, maternal and addiction to name a few.
We want to make sure that all New Zealanders understand that help is there for them and that it’s okay to ask for it. The Unite against COVID-19 website has details of a range of financial support for people and businesses, including information in other languages.
Ngā mihi nui