Welcome to the College of Nurses Aotearoa News Update.
No. 514, Wednesday 30 September 2020
Weekly news round-up of nursing and health information in New Zealand and internationally
Plunket takes baby steps into the cloud
The familiar New Zealand charity has the ultimate goal of a digital Plunket book, and more intelligent services for nurses and others working with clients.
Growing numbers of NHS nurses quit within three years, study finds
Like many news organizations, the Guardian has been significantly impacted by the pandemic. We rely to an ever greater extent on our readers, both for ...
Ontario nurses groups concerned over regulatory body's plan to expand RPN duties
“The College of Nurses of Ontario (CNO) made a shocking and stunning decision approving a regulation change for the Registered Practical Nurse ( ...
Lung cancer screening a step closer to reality following combined study
Newly released study results present a strong case for lung cancer screening in New Zealand - particularly for Māori whose mortality rates are between three and four times higher than other ethnic groups.
Fewer children being immunised - research
New research on childhood vaccination suggests that immunisation coverage is slipping, and that vaccine hesitancy among parents may be partly to blame. Read more
Concerns ADHD medication being over prescribed
Fears are looming young New Zealanders with ADHD are being medicated unnecessarily after a study revealed the rate of prescribing has soared. Read more
Kids' stomach bugs linked to big downpours - study
Kiwi kids are at higher risk of picking up stomach bugs through contaminated drinking water a few days after big downpours, a new long-term study finds.
New Samoan and Tongan language Covid-19 resource
Te Pou has produced an infographic summarising the evidence on why Covid-19 is having an impact on Pasifika peoples. The infographic is available in Samoan here, Tongan here, and in English here.
Covid-19: Most of NZ's imported coronavirus cases are Kiwis from the UK, US
The vast majority of New Zealand’s imported coronavirus cases are in Kiwis who have returned from the United Kingdom and the United States.
Hospital struggles with 'exceptionally bad' capacity problems
Doctors in Hawke's Bay are at breaking point over an overcrowded hospital with some saying it's the busiest they've ever seen.
Waikato DHB mental health review focus will be system-wide, not independent
A review into mental health services in the Waikato begins next week but one critic says the review team is not independent.
Youth cancer unit at new Christchurch hospital won't open due to 'financial constraints'
A teenage cancer survivor says a decision not to fund a dedicated unit for youth is “gut-wrenching” and shows the health care of young people is not valued by the Canterbury health board.
New Report On Cultural Safety And Health Equity For Māori
The Medical Council of New Zealand, in partnership with Te Ohu Rata O Aotearoa (Te ORA), has released an independent research report outlining findings on the current state of cultural safety and health equity delivered by doctors in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Short consultation times a barrier for Māori health equity
A report into health equity shows short consultation times with doctors can leave Māori patients feeling disempowered and unable to make decisions about their own care.
Research shows navigators effective for Maori health
A Māori GP and medical researcher says healthcare navigators have proven to be an effective way to improve Māori and Pacific health outcomes.
The National Party is promising to spend almost $200 million to put a primary care navigator in every general practice to support GPs by providing the additional time to talk to patients who need help accessing the right services.
Dr Matire Harwood says when DHBs refused to fund navigators, she got research funding for a three year trial of the Mana Tu concept.
Rangatahi to benefit from Massey health wellness programme
Massey University researchers running a four-year programme aiming to improve the hauora-oranga (health-social) services for rangatahi Maori have been granted nearly $1.4 million from the Health Research Council of New Zealand.
The Centre for Psychology offers free online mental health support group - Massey University
The Centre for Psychology at Massey University’s Auckland campus is offering a free six-week online support group to help those struggling with mental health.
The new online group format of up to 10 people, provides easily accessible support from anywhere you feel comfortable. Read more
Less trust among Māori in vaccines and GPs, study suggests
A new study has highlighted an ethnic divide over attitudes toward vaccination – something that could prove a big issue when a Covid-19 shot arrives.
Labour health policy: Mental health for school children, mobile dental clinics
Labour would make mental health support available to all primary and intermediate students, and increase dental health grants to $1000, if elected.
Euthanasia referendum: What do doctors think about assisted dying?
Dr Rhona Winnington, a registered nurse, and lecturer of nursing at Auckland University of Technology, says the Hippocratic Oath – explicitly preventing ...
Euthanasia’s clash with Pacific worldview
For Pacific people, the end of life legislation is a direct challenge to their basic beliefs about life and death. Dr Collin Tukuitonga explains why.
Cannabis, the cannabis referendum and Māori youth: a review from a lifecourse perspective,
Reremoana Theodore (Ngāpuhi, Te Arawa), Mihi Ratima (Ngāti Awa, Whakatōhea), Tuari Potiki (Kāi Tahu, Kāti Māmoe, Waitaha), Joseph Boden & Richie Poulton (2020)
Kōtuitui: New Zealand Journal of Social Sciences Online, DOI: 10.1080/1177083X.2020.1760897
For Māori, the Indigenous peoples of Aotearoa New Zealand, cannabis use and resulting interactions with the justice system are shaped by structural determinants of inequity including the country’s colonial history and the ongoing consequences and impacts of colonisation, institutional racism and poverty. Māori have higher rates of cannabis use than non-Māori and are more likely to be convicted on cannabis charges, even accounting for higher rates of use. In 2020, New Zealanders will vote either ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to legalising personal cannabis use. Ensuring Māori rights to health equity and parity of outcomes is a government responsibility under Te Tiriti o Waitangi (the Treaty of Waitangi). This paper synthesises information from previous research studies, with a focus on lifecourse research, to describe how cannabis may affect the health and wellbeing of Māori youth. Māori are a proportionately youthful and growing population. Based on current evidence we make recommendations to support the wellbeing of Māori youth and reduce inequities across the lifecourse. These include treating regular cannabis use and dependence as a health not a criminal issue; age restrictions for purchasing cannabis; equal partnership with Māori to support effective policy, regulation and services; and ongoing monitoring of cannabis use by youth. Read more
Patients made to feel 'disgusting' for seeking contraceptives - survey
Kiwis report being made to feel “disgusting” over their choice of contraceptive, and hundreds say their GP conscientiously objected to providing contraception.
Immunisation Handbook 2020 | Ministry of Health NZ
The Immunisation Handbook 2020 provides clinical guidelines for health professionals on the safest and most effective use of vaccines in their practice.
The courage of compassion: Supporting nurses and midwives to deliver high-quality care
This review investigated how to transform nurses’ and midwives’ workplaces so that they can thrive and flourish and are better able to provide the compassionate, high-quality care that they wish to offer.
The economics of patient safety Part III: Long-term care: Valuing safety for the long haul | OECD
Long-term care (LTC) institutions are now providing care to a greater number of people, and more residents with chronic conditions and multiple co-morbidities, than ever before. Trends suggest this strain will continue to increase as OECD populations continue to age. The total cost of avoidable admissions to hospitals from LTC facilities in 2016 was almost USD 18 Billion, equivalent to 2.5% of all spending on hospital inpatient care or 4.4% of all spending on LTC. Research shows that over half of the harm that occurs in LTC is preventable, and over 40% of admissions to hospitals from LTC are avoidable. The root causes of these events can be addressed through improved prevention and safety practices and workforce development—including skill-mix and education. Targeted investments in a number of key areas can have a significant impact by mitigating the main cost drivers of adverse events in LTC.
Māori Health Review
Issue 87
We are all too familiar with the health inequities reported for Maori patients in our healthcare system. In this issue we report on more of these, but also review several articles which consider the inequities for Maori working within the healthcare system.
Other highlights include:
Asthma treatment effective in Māori
Inequalities persist through COVID-19 pandemic
Realities of culturally safe health care
Implementation strategies used to implement nursing guidelines in daily practice: A systematic review
International Journal of Nursing Studies
Volume 111, November 2020, 103748
Research specifically addressing implementation strategies regarding nursing guidelines is limited. The objective of this review was to provide an overview of strategies used to implement nursing guidelines in all nursing fields, as well as the effects of these strategies on patient-related nursing outcomes and guideline adherence. Ideally, the findings would help guideline developers, healthcare professionals and organizations to implement nursing guidelines in practice.
Determinants of nurse job dissatisfaction - findings from a cross-sectional survey analysis in the UK.
Senek, M., Robertson, S., Ryan, T. et al.
BMC Nurs 19, 88 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12912-020-00481-3
A lower recruitment and high turnover rate of registered nurses have resulted in a global shortage of nurses. In the UK, prior to the COVID-19 epidemic, nurses’ intention to leave rates were between 30 and 50% suggesting a high level of job dissatisfaction. Read more
The above information has been collated for the College of Nurses Aotearoa (NZ) Inc by Linda Stopforth, SNIPS and is provided on a weekly basis. It is current as of September 29 2020
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