Welcome to the College of Nurses Aotearoa News Update.
No. 540, Wednesday 21 April 2021
Weekly news round-up of nursing and health information in New Zealand and internationally
Christchurch nurse verbally assaulted, threatened at Covid-19 vaccination clinic
A person allegedly assaulted a nurse at a Christchurch vaccination clinic.
Stuff understands the alleged assault happened after someone was declined a Covid-19 vaccination.
Safety concerns as nurses fill in for midwives on short-staffed wards
Wards across the country were short-staffed, New Zealand Nurses Union industrial advisor David Wait said. The union was pushing for more sick leave ...
David Wait: Why nurses have rejected the collective agreement offer
New Zealand Nurses Organisation members who work for our 20 district health board (mainly in hospitals) have been in multi-employer collective ...
Concerns over revelation student nurses being used in Christchurch MIQ facilities
New Zealand Nurses Organisation president and kaiwhakahaere Kerri Nuku disagrees. “It's not OK to put our nursing students in this situation,” she told
Government earmarks $110m for new south Auckland rehab centre
A new rehabilitation facility in south Auckland for people with spinal injuries now appears to be one step closer, with the Government earmarking $110 million in funding for it.
Life expectancy continues to rise, however gains slowing; Māori narrowing gap but large disparity remains
New Zealanders’ life expectancy at birth continues to rise, with the figure for males getting to 80, but the improvement has slowed from previous decades.
Underpaid and overworked, Philippine nurses would rather walk away than work at home
They are a familiar sight in hospitals round the world, yet their country faces a nursing shortage. COVID-19 has exposed a healthcare system in the Philippines that is failing its nurses, and the programme Undercover Asia looks at the issues.
Hawaii to allow some nurses to perform abortions
The aspiration abortion may be performed in a hospital, clinic or nurse's office. Advanced practice registered nurses are nurses who have obtained at ...
Ontario's hard-hit ICUs aren't just running out of beds, but also doctors and nurses
While that's good news, it also potentially means a larger strain on the ... “Right now, physicians and nurses are being drafted into working in extend ...
Nurse-led project to roll out new framework for assessing and managing emergency patients
A new framework for systematically assessing and managing emergency patients will be rolled out in 31 hospitals across three states and taught to emergency nurses in a bid to improve patient care and outcomes. Read more
Covid-19: Global death toll tops 3 million
The global death toll from the coronavirus topped a staggering 3 million people Saturday amid repeated setbacks in the worldwide vaccination campaign and a deepening crisis in places such as Brazil, India and France
Alarm over discharge policy
A formal complaint will be lodged over the Southern District Health Board discharging elderly patients in the middle of the night, with Grey Power claiming someone could die if it continues. Read more
More than 20 drivers aged 100 are still on Kiwi roads as ageing population prompts plea for caution
As New Zealand’s driving population ages, Age Concern Auckland is urging families to intervene when elderly relatives seem risky on the road. Read more
Drug use among older adults a 'hidden epidemic'
Drug abuse among people over 65 years old is a hidden and growing problem globally, international experts say, and worrying trends are emerging among New Zealand's older people too. Read more
GPs call for HPV self-tests as current cancer screening not as good 'as it could be'
Dr Samantha Murton, president of the Royal New Zealand College of ... It was also “fantastically” cost-effective, because doctors and nurses are not ... Read more
Life-saving Bowel Screening Now Available In Wellington Region
The National Bowel Screening Programme (NBSP) was launched in Wellington this week, bringing free screening to around 45,000 people living in Kapiti, Porirua and Wellington city. Read more
Why Are Māori Preterm Babies Less Likely To Get Breast Milk?
Why are preterm babies less likely to get breast milk if they’re Māori?
That question has emerged from research by the University of Auckland’s Liggins Institute into nutrition for preterm babies. Read more
Govt move to increase breastfeeding as only one-fifth of babies breastfed to six-months
The Government has launched a push to reduce barriers for breastfeeding among Kiwi women, as uptake languishes below target. Read more
Auckland needs 'twice the number' of Covid-19 vaccinators for rollout - DHB
Auckland has only half the number of Covid-19 vaccinators it needs for the rollout, the Counties Manukau DHB head says.
Covid-19: NZ vaccine technique changed after vial stoppers 'cork' doses
“Right from the start our nurses have been able to get six doses – in most instances – out of these five-dose vials, even with regular needles and ...
Covid-19 minister backs 'creative' social media post offering surplus vaccines
A Christchurch nurse who turned to social media to avoid wasting an oversupply of Covid-19 vaccine has been praised by the Covid-19 response minister for being “creative”.
Covid 19 coronavirus: All on track? Health Ministry urgently seeks several positions for vaccine roll-out
A programme co-ordinator, two service design advisers and several "sequencing" managers - these are some of the roles being urgently sought by the Ministry of Health for its Covid vaccination roll-out.
GPs say clear guidance needed over their role in vaccinations
GPs say they're still in the dark about whether they will be helping the government meet its target of one million Covid-19 jabs by the end of June.
Covid-19: Booking systems and staffing gaps biggest challenges to vaccination targets
Canterbury’s health boss says building a workforce, managing bookings and maintaining “business as usual” health services are the biggest challenges in the region’s Covid-19 vaccination plan.
Drive-through and mobile-clinic vaccinations pushed by doctors
Aucklanders may be able to get their Covid-19 vaccinations at a drive through - if the tricky logistics can be sorted.
Covid 19 coronavirus: Why do some Kiwis flout prevention measures?
Researchers have looked deeper at why some Kiwis refuse to get Covid-19 tests, wear masks or stay home when sick - and their insights could help officials design smarter strategies.
Why should Māori trust the Covid-19 vaccine?
Ahead of a nationwide rollout of the Covid-19 vaccine to kaumātua, health providers say they're up against a tidal wave of misinformation and a deep-rooted distrust of the health system. But Māori are now mobilising to keep their own safe.
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A third of COVID survivors suffer neurological or mental disorders: study
LONDON (Reuters) - One in three COVID-19 survivors in a study of more than 230,000 mostly American patients were diagnosed with a brain or psychiatric disorder within six months, suggesting the pandemic could lead to a wave of mental and neurological problems, scientists said on Tuesday.
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MIQ worker testing: dozens may be missing regular Covid-19 swabs
Critical testing of workers at managed isolation facilities is again under scrutiny with revelations dozens of staff may not be getting regular Covid-19 swabs.
Covid-19: The billion-dollar plan to get everyone who wants a jab vaccinated by 2022
Health Director-General Ashley Bloomfield says he is confident everyone over-16 will be able to get both shots of the Covid-19 vaccine before the end of 2021. Read more
Covid-19 variant in India has two 'escape mutations'
A new strain of Covid-19 with two “worrying” mutations has been identified in India. But it’s not yet known if it is responsible for the new wave of infections sweeping the country.
Covid-19: NZ's donation of vaccines to Pacific vital, as just a few cases could decimate small nations
Public health expert Colin Tukuitonga received his first Covid-19 jab last week. Passionate about equity, Tukuitonga is encouraged by New Zealand’s recent announcement to donate 1.6 million doses of vaccines to COVAX with a focus on the Pacific. He spoke with Unicef NZ.
Covid-19: 5.2 million new Covid-19 cases reported last week sets a pandemic record, WHO confirms
Despite vaccination programmes getting underway around the globe, a record-breaking 5.2 million new Covid-19 cases were reported last week.
New code of conduct gags DHB members ahead of health system shake-up
A new code of conduct banning health board members from making “political comment” may have been timed to dull criticism of imminent changes to the health system, an expert in the field says.
Distressing death warning for 'unregulated' euthanasia drugs
Patients requesting euthanasia will be given unapproved, unregulated and "off label" medicines, sparking warnings of prolonged and distressing deaths.
Research finds baby food pouches are sweet and low in iron
Research out of the University of Otago’s Department of Human Nutrition has examined the nutritional quality of baby food pouches found in most supermarkets. The findings which include notable results around sugar and iron content have been published in the Nutrients journal. Read more
Ethnic inequities in patient outcomes from chronic pain services - AUT
A new study shows that MÄori, Asian and Pacific peoples consistently experienced poorer patient outcomes compared to Europeans, and recommends a review of cultural safety across public and private pain treatment clinics.
Our health system is under stress - things must change
... in the way of doctors, nurses and other health workers caring for patients. ... Our Truth, Ta Mātou Pono: New Zealand on a revolutionary pathway, ...
Te Hiringa Hauora launches new website to support New Zealanders
Te Hiringa Hauora | Health Promotion Agency has today launched a new website, Small Steps, featuring engaging locally-developed digital tools to help people improve their wellbeing.
'Decade of elimination': $5m project's big goal for NZ health
A major new research programme aims to build on our stunning success against Covid-19 by wiping out other infectious diseases - making the 2020s the "decade of elimination".
NZ Health System Unsustainable; Using Fragmented Digital Technologies
The New Zealand health system which is using fragmented digital technologies is unsustainable, a new benchmark health report says.
Digital competency in health workforce below par - report
Tâmaki Makaurau - The overall level of digital competency in Aotearoa’s health workforce is well below what is needed to utilise digital health technology, a brand new New Zealand Health IT (NZHIT) report says. Read more
Report Finds Inequities For Māori Following Major Trauma
The Perioperative Mortality Review Committee (POMRC) is calling for district health boards (DHBs) to conduct an in-depth review into all cases of major trauma resulting in hospitalisation in Māori aged 15-18 years.
Suicide rate went down during first months of Covid-19 pandemic
There was no increase in suicides during the first months of the Covid-19 pandemic, going against some predictions financial uncertainty and the impact of lockdowns could increase rates. Read more
Government to expand school mental health, wellbeing programme
An in-school mental health and wellbeing programme will be rolled out to the West Coast, Bay of Plenty, Rotorua, Taupō, south Auckland and Northland. Read more
Additional data on new mental health information hub now available - Ministry of Health
The Ministry of Health has expedited the release of updated mental health data and collated publicly available information in one place to make it easier for people to understand the performance of the mental health and addiction system. Read more
Māori Children Hospitalised With Asthma At Twice Rate Of Non-Māori, Study Finds
A study published today (16 April) in the New Zealand Medical Journal highlights clear inequities in the health outcomes of New Zealand children with asthma. Read more
Alcohol crackdown: Waitemata DHB joins the fight against 'addictive psychotropic drug'
Hiking the price of booze and the legal purchase age is crucial to combating the growing burden of alcohol-related health conditions.
Assaults from intoxicated patients normalised for St John staff - senior Manawatū paramedic
St John staff are assaulted by intoxicated patients so frequently it has become normalised in the profession, a senior paramedic says, with as many as 10 staff hospitalised a month.
Smokefree Action Plan Needed For Underserved Communities
Tala Pasifika Director, Lealailepule Edward Cowley says "I am so pleased to see the Government have delivered on their Manifesto promise to prioritise the development of this plan because smoking rates for Pacific people are still too high and the status quo has not been able to reduce our smoking rates significantly to reach the 2025 goal" Read more
Covid-19 has created huge challenges for business owners. See the latest information on the vaccine, its rollout, and what you can do to help make it effective.
The article below is not freely available but may be accessed through databases and libraries to which readers have access
Is nursing and midwifery clinical documentation a burden? An empirical study of perception versus reality.
Cooper, A.L., Brown, J.A., Eccles, S.P., Cooper, N. and Albrecht, M.A. (2021),
J Clin Nurs. https://doi.org/10.1111/jocn.15718
Aims and objectives
To measure time spent on clinical documentation and nurses and midwives’ perceptions of this aspect of their role.
Nurses and midwives rely on accurate documentation when planning care. However, documenting and communicating care can be onerous, time‐consuming and at times duplicated or redundant. While documentation provides a record and means of communicating care, it should not detract from the delivery of care.
An integrative review to identify evidence of nurse practitioner‐led changes to health‐care delivery and the outcomes of such changes.
Ryder, M, Jacob, E, Hendricks, J.
Int J Nurs Pract. 2020; 26:e12901. https://doi.org/10.1111/ijn.12901
This study aimed to identify evidence of nurse practitioner‐led changes to health‐care delivery and the outcomes of such changes.
Changing health‐care delivery is synonymous with the nurse practitioner role. The literature is critical of the lack of research by nurse practitioners, reporting the effects of a change to health‐care delivery.
The above information has been collated for the College of Nurses Aotearoa (NZ) Inc by Linda Stopforth, SNIPS and is provided on a weekly basis. It is current as of 13 April 2021
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