Unfortunately, our broadcaster experienced some technical challenges during the live stream, and I apologise for this.
We have an edited version of the event now available on our website that rectifies these sound issues, so I hope you have a chance to watch Minister Little and the other speakers discuss how the long-term pathway was developed, and what we will do to ensure that all New Zealanders are supported to stay mentally well, and get help where, when, and how they need it.
The long-term pathway set out in this document is inspiring and ambitious, but achievable if we work together.
Nāu te rourou, nāku te rourou, ka ora ai te iwi – with your basket
and my basket the people will be well
Next week is Mental Health Awareness Week. It’s an excellent opportunity to highlight the importance of prioritising wellbeing and supporting friends and whānau on their journeys too. It’s also a great opportunity to highlight the excellent mahi and kaha for positive outcomes in our sector. There will be several activities and campaigns to look for. You can find some Mental Health Awareness Week resources and promotional materials for your organisation on the Mental Health Awareness Week website.
Ko te tūmanako e haere pai ana te rā ki a koutou, nāhaku me aku mihi aroha
Ngā mihi,