Kia ora Friend,
The climate space has been hugely busy this year with an enormous amount of government consultations and increased media interest, and November brings three important events. As I write, COP26 is in its second week. OraTaiao is disappointed with our government’s inadequate and unambitious updated NDC offer, and particularly with the accounting tricks used to make it seem more impressive than it is. We will await the final outcomes of the conference with interest.
Domestically the government’s delayed draft Emissions Reduction Plan has been published with feedback requested before the end of the month. OraTaiao will make a submission, and individual submissions are recommended as well. Finally, and no less importantly, the OraTaiao AGM will be held via Zoom on the 29th of November. Please make the time to attend, and if you would like to join our executive board team contact us before the 15th. We look forward to seeing you there!
Ngā mihi nui, Dermot,
Co-convenor, OraTaiao: NZ Climate and Health Council
OraTaiao - November 2021 Newsletter (0.55MB)
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