Kia ora Friend,
I am very pleased to announce that Summer Wright has accepted the role as Co-convenor for OraTaiao. This means that after three years of keeping the vacancy open, there will be two of us working together to oversee the governance of OraTaiao. I look forward to supporting Summer in this new role. She has already been an important member of our executive. He Manawa tītī. Nau mai, haere mai.
In November we made two submissions, held our Annual General Meeting and welcomed a new executive board. I’d very much like to thank the departing executive for the contribution they have made to OraTaiao, particularly to Richard Jaine, Matthew Jenks and Rebecca Sinclair.
Two important areas of action for the health sector have progressed in the last month. Firstly, our submission on the Pae Ora (Healthy Futures) Bill highlights the critical importance of creating a dedicated sustainability unit to oversee health sector decarbonisation. This will be a key focus in the next 6 months. We have also been in discussion with the Climate Change Commission about establishing a Health Advisory Council in the New Year, something OraTaiao has been advocating strongly for over the last 2 years.
Have a wonderful Christmas and a healthy, peaceful and climate-friendly New Year!
Ngā mihi,
OraTaiao - December 2021 Newsletter (0.59MB)
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