On top of the busy workloads we all juggle, attention has to be diverted to measures for the next wave of the pandemic. Omicron is beginning to make its presence felt here in Aotearoa.
A lot of work has been done in preparation for this event and as I keep reminding myself and my team, we have been here before, and there is no doubt we will get through this together.
I also wanted to touch on another piece of work that has made me feel genuinely proud of our collective mahi, the Mental Health Act repeal and replace.
Public consultation is now closed, so thank you to everyone who supported this work by making a submission, participating in the workshops, sharing information and resources, and encouraging others to get involved.
We received around 350 written submissions and held over 60 information sessions and consultation hui with around 500 people attending these. I am so grateful to everyone who made a submission, but I would like to particularly acknowledge the individuals for whom the Mental Health Act is not an abstract piece of legislation but something that has affected them, their whanau, or their community.
The submissions we received from so many people in the Lived Experience, Māori, Pacific, Asian and ethnic communities and those working in the wider sector, will help to give us clear direction. We are now reviewing and collating as we create policy proposals for what new mental health legislation in New Zealand should look like. I’ll make sure we keep you updated on developments as this important work progresses.
Ngā mihi,
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