Welcome to the College of Nurses – News Update.
No. 99 – 18 April 2012
From NZ media this week
Bowels are No1 for specialist Bay service
Chronic constipation and faecal soiling are difficult for children and their families. A Hawke's Bay nurse's specialist service is giving children and families new hope.
Service to assess most vulnerable children
A two-year pilot became the real thing this week when Waikato Hospital launched its Waikids Gateway Assessment Service.
Teachers, nurses back parental leave bill
Primary teachers and Plunket nurses are backing Labour's bill to extend paid parental leave which the government will veto.
Read more: http://bit.ly/HEwoO5
Christchurch Hospital praised for quake aftermath response
Christchurch's only hospital emergency department has been praised for its response to the deadly February 22, 2011 earthquake in a global medical journal.
Poverty our biggest growth industry - academic
Social scientist, Professor Darrin Hodgetts, said New Zealand was "growing poverty"."It's our growth industry and it's growing at three times the OECD average," Prof Hodgetts said ahead of a public lecture in Hamilton tonight.
Pioneer of hospice care
June Gwenda Connor, founding nurse manager Arohanui Hospice, born Auckland, June 27, 1928; died Auckland, March 7, 2012.
International media
Nurses develop online curriculum for national company
Former instructors are impacting nurses in new ways. Instead of teaching in a traditional setting, their classroom is the nation.
Authors explore professional identity formation in new nursing book
Nancy Crigger and Nelda Godfrey explore virtue and ethics in the first nursing book of its kind.
Dementia cases worldwide will triple by 2050: WHO
Cases of dementia - and the heavy social and financial burdens associated with them - are set to soar in the coming decades as life expectancy and medical care improve in poorer countries, the World Health Organization says.
Call for more ageing study in uni courses
From dementia to palliative care, the ageing population will present myriad issues for the health system. Darragh O Keeffe asks nurse educators how they are preparing the future workforce to meet the challenge.
Calls for changes to visa programs
Aged care providers using temporary skilled migration to recruit overseas nurses have called for changes to the program so as to enhance its effectiveness in filling workforce shortages. By Natasha Egan
Looking overseas to fill the gapsT
he aged care industry is benefiting from foreign nurses able to work in Australia on long stay visas but retention can be an issue, writes Natasha Egan.
Articles of interest
Positive Outcomes For Children When School-Based Mental Health Support AvailableA study of more than 18,000 children across England found that embedding mental health support in schools as part of the Targeted Mental Health in Schools (TaMHS) programme led to greater improvements in self-reported behavioural problems among primary pupils. The benefits were even more pronounced where schools also provided pupils with self-help leaflets explaining how children could help themselves if they were feeling stressed or troubled.
RN whistle-blowers summon moral courage
If only whistle-blowing were as simple as taking a deep breath and making a lot of noise. In reality, any nurse who, according to the profession’s ethical obligations, detects wrongdoing and decides to pursue all avenues necessary to correct it probably is facing a grueling and complicated task.
Sadly Caught Up in the Moment: An Exploration of Horizontal Violence
Nancy Walrafen, Ms, Rn, Ocn; M. Kathleen Brewer, Phd, Arnp, Bc; Carol Mulvenon, Ms, Rn-Bc, Aocn, AchpnNurs Econ. 2012;30(1):6-12, 49. © 2012 Jannetti Publications, IncWhile researchers continue to explore horizontal violence for a more comprehensive understanding of the phenomenon and its root causes, there is currently agreement on two issues. Horizontal violence is prevalent in the nursing profession, and the experience of this behavior is psychologically distressing, threatening patient safety, nurse moral, and nurse retention (Joint Commission, 2008; McKenna, Smith, Poole, & Coverdale, 2003; Simons, 2008).
Culturally competent care: Are we there yet?Nursing Management
April 2012
Volume 43 Number 4
Pages 34 – 39Because of the nation's increasing diversity, support for cultural competency has come from every direction within and outside of healthcare. Nursing organizations' position papers and policy statements clearly state their commitment to strengthening cultural competency among nurses.
New publications and reports online
New ANA publication addresses bullying in the workplace
ANA has created a new timely, informative publication, Bullying in the Workplace: Reversing a Culture, to help nurses to understand and deal with bullying and its perpetrators and to counter the culture of bullying in their work environments. This publication is a must-read for nurses who want to increase their professional awareness and knowledge and develop the skills needed to effectively manage bullying behaviors and create safe workplaces.
Physician Assistant
HWNZ has received the full evaluation of the PA demonstration at CMDHB, commissioned from Siggins Millar.The evaluation of the first phase of the PAs demonstration was very positive with both patients and staff highly satisfied with the contribution the PAs made to the surgical team.
Standards and Competencies for Alcohol and Drug Nursing
After an extensive consultation process Matua Raki is pleased to make available the Aotearoa New Zealand Addiction Speciality Nursing Competency Framework. This is a knowledge and skills framework for nurses working in the addiction treatment specialty. The process for endorsement with the New Zealand National Nursing Consortium is underway. For a copy of this Framework please click here.The Addiction Specialty Nursing Knowledge and Skills Competency Framework has been developed by Dr Daryle Deering for Matua Raki, in conjunction with a National Nursing Reference Group and the Drug and Alcohol Nurses of Australasia (DANA) Standards and Competencies Expert Reference Group, in response to a need identified by nurses working in the addiction treatment sector.
Growing up in New Zealand: a longitudinal study of New Zealand children and their families. report 2: now we are born
Morton, S.M.B., Atatoa Carr, P.E., Grant, C.C., Lee, A.C., Bandara, D.K., Mohal, J., Kinloch, J.M., Schmidt, J.M., Hedges, M.R., Ivory, V.C., Kingi, T.R., Liang, R., Perese, L.M., Peterson, E., Pryor, J.E., Reese, E., Robinson, E.M., Waldie, K.E., and Wall, C.R. (2012, March). Auckland: Growing Up in New Zealand.
The study has found that low levels of physical activity in early pregnancy, non-employment, unplanned pregnancies, family stress, domestic conflict, smoking and drinking alcohol were all associated with more symptoms of depression in mothers during and after pregnancy.
Continuing education and professional development
Master Class, The Challenge of Long Term Alcohol Abuse in Older People
We are delighted to announce that Dr Alice Rota-Bartelink has agreed to run her very popular and well-received
Master Class, The Challenge of Long Term Alcohol Abuse in Older People in Auckland and Christchurch during May 2012.More information including registration details and program available at:
The above information has been collated for the College of Nurses Aotearoa (NZ) Inc by Linda Stopforth, SNIPS and is provided on a weekly basis. It is current as at Tuesday 17 April 2012 If you have any feedback about content - what parts are most useful or what you would like added - please email admin@nurse.org.nz
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