Kia ora Friend,
The end of winter is a traditional time for climate advocacy work to increase as we approach the bigger end-of-year international climate conferences, and this year is no different. This year more than ever, the impacts of climate change are finally coming to public and political consciousness as we see prolonged droughts in Europe, massive floods in Pakistan, and closer to home the devastating rainfall event at the top of the South Island.
This has added a particular importance to Aotearoa’s first National Adaptation Plan published earlier this month. Like much of the Government’s climate-related output, it has some worthy elements, but fundamentally does not go far enough or fast enough in answering the critical questions. It unfortunately continues the extremely slow incorporation of health and wellbeing into our national response.
This month OraTaiao will begin a series of regular online talks on various aspects of climate change and are delighted to welcome Alex Dyer of Cycle Wellington on the 14th of September to start these. The other major area of climate action in September are the local elections. Please do due diligence on the candidates and voting process, ask candidates about their plans for climate action, get those votes in and talk about your preferred candidates to family and friends!
Ngā mihi nui
Dermot and Summer,
Co-convenors, OraTaiao: NZ Climate & Health Council
OraTaiao - September 2022 Newsletter (0.42MB)
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