A time of renewal: Strategy Review findings and recommendations
The arrival of Spring, considered the season of hope and renewal, brings an energy of new beginnings and growth. The recent review of the Strategy offers a similar sense of renewal. We heard from stakeholders that the Strategy’s vision and outcomes remain sound and relevant, and provide a strong basis for collective action to improve the wellbeing of children and young people. Given the strong level of support, the Review recommended that no changes are required to the Strategy framework. However, the Review found that there is considerable scope to better support the implementation of the Strategy. It recommended key changes that will help the Strategy to be a catalyst for, and driver of, system change to support the wellbeing of all children and young people. Read the Review findings and recommendations
Summary engagement reports
To help inform the Strategy Review, we undertook a series of small-scale, targeted engagements with key partners and stakeholders from June-July 2022, most notably with children and young people themselves. The summary reports include the key themes and insights from the engagements, and include an overview of who was involved and the methodology. Find out more
Progress updates
This section highlights recent progress updates on Programme of Action items, and other initiatives that will support child and youth wellbeing:
Your stories and feedback
It's inspiring to hear about the great stuff that's happening in communities around the country. Check out our most recent stories below. Please continue to let us know about new initiatives or send us your ideas or feedback - we'd love to hear from you! Contact us on: childyouthwellbeing@dpmc.govt.nz
Creating safe, stable and nurturing environments for children to learn and play
A Manawatu-based grassroots organisation, MentorED, is collaborating with schools and other NGOs to bring about better outcomes for tamariki. Find out more
Puāwai – Supporting young people to thrive
Young people from marginalised communities are being given the opportunity to blossom, thanks to a Christchurch-based youth development programme. Find out more
Active Whakapapa leads the way in West Auckland
Almost 900 people took part in a series of hikoi that aimed to connect them to the place they call home, by sharing the history of Mana Whenua while traversing the whenua. Find out more