NCSP Sector Update Christmas 2022 Edition

on 6 December

NCSP December 2022


Tena koutou

In this last Sector Update for the year, we’d like to mihi to the awesome mahi done around the motu to keep people on the cervical screening pathway. Great efforts have been made to recover from the impact COVID-19 had on screening numbers and on priority groups in particular. So a big thank you to the clinicians, the kaimahi and kaiāwhina who have worked so hard. We look forward to being back in touch in early 2023 as we move closer to the transition to HPV primary screening. Ngā mihi o te Kirihimete me te Tau Hou ki a koutou.

To view the full update see the attached PDF.

pdf NCSP Sector Update December 2022 FINAL (0.48MB)



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