Welcome to the College of Nurses – News Update.
No. 110, 4 Jul 2012
From NZ media this week
NorthTec on top for Maori nursing achievements
NorthTec has scored top spot in a leading national study which has shown that the tertiary institution is "responding well" to the needs of its M?ori Nursing students.
Male nurse guilty of misconduct
A male nurse sacked for inappropriately touching two female nursing students has been found guilty of professional misconduct
Fake invoice and assault cost nurse
Punching his wife and faking an invoice for a non-existent first aid course has cost a New Plymouth nurse his medical registration.
Nurse loses registration
An indecent assault on an underage girl has cost a registered nurse of Whanganui his medical registration, the Health Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal has ruled.
Indian nurses upset over ruling
A group of frustrated Indian-trained nurses say an "unfair" rule change is preventing them from practising in New Zealand.
10 drunks a day at emergency rooms
Drunk men and women turned up at Auckland emergency rooms last year at the rate of nearly 10 a day, say statistics from…
Hutt mental health service could be improved - report
A new report has put forward a raft of recommendations to improve Hutt Valley District Health Boards Mental Health Service.
NZ kids suffering in cold homes
Every winter, Taleni Lafo has to take her two young children to hospital because they become sick from the cold.
Reliable child abuse measure vital for NZ
It's our national shame. Every day 60 children suffer sexual, physical and emotional abuse. The figures are shocking, but are they reliable?http://bit.ly/MJR8c9
Incentives wanted for NZ organ donors
Kiwis need to give a little more of themselves to help others.And to incentivise organ donation, there are calls for the Government to help fund funerals, bump people up the transplant waiting list and even pay for live donations.
International media
Ageing workforce stretches health care sector (Aus)
A new report shows almost a third of ACT health workers are aged 50 or older, reinforcing the challenges posed by an ageing workforce. http://bit.ly/NeQlfD
Free channel aims to close rural health gap (Aus)
A new free-to-air television channel has been launched in an effort to close the health gap between urban and rural Australia.
ANA resolutions address staffing, workplace violence (USA)
Elected policymakers for the American Nurses Association approved several measures during the ANA’s House of Delegates meeting June 13-16, including renewed efforts to address issues that affect nurses in the workplace.
UCLA recognizes need for nursing research
A shortfall of nursing faculty and the aging of Americans — two significant factors in healthcare now and in the future — are being addressed simultaneously at UCLA’s School of Nursing. The school’s Nursing Caring for Older Adults Young Scholars program facilitates students’ entry into PhD programs focused on gerontology. In the four years since inception, the program has attracted 15 students who are at various stages of their education.
California Supreme Court Affirms Lower Courts' Unanimous Decisions: Nurse Anesthetists Can Practice Without Physician Supervision Sonoma, Calif.―In a resounding victory for the state’s nurse anesthetists, hospitals, and the patients they serve, the California Supreme Court has decided not to review California’s 2009 opt-out from Medicare’s facility reimbursement rule requiring physician supervision of Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs), closing the book on a series of failed legal challenges by physician groups that began shortly after the exemption took effect.
Court: Unsupervised nurses can give anesthetics
The California Supreme Court ruled that nurse anesthetists may administer anesthesia in hospitals without physician supervision. The ruling ends a legal dispute between doctors' organizations and nurses and hospitals.
Home-Based Intervention Linked to Lower BMI at Age 2
Visits from trained community nurses delivering a staged intervention over 24 months effectiveWEDNESDAY, June 27 (HealthDay News) -- A home-based intervention comprising eight visits from trained nurses to new mothers in the pre- and postnatal period is associated with lower body mass index (BMI) in children at age 2, according to a study published online June 26 in BMJ.
Mothers of invention: California RNs debut color-tinted IV lines
As a nurse with more than 30 years of experience, Terri Barton-Salinas, RN, realizes the potential for medication errors, especially when patients have multiple IV lines.
Nurse politicians draw inspiration from clinical experiences
Whether shepherding legislation they sponsored, collaborating on a strategic workforce plan or educating their peers about healthcare issues, nurses elected to their state legislatures continually draw on their past clinical experiences to promote
Put nurses in charge for better, cheaper health care - report
An expanded role for Canada's nurses would result in better care for more patients and significant cost savings for the health system, a report done for the Canadian Nursing Association and released today says.
Health and wellbeing
Alarm Fatigue Hazards: The Sirens Are Calling
Nurses often compare their patient care environments to a casino or carnival; a cacophony of sounds and little distinction of where these sirens originate and what they mean. Clinicians cope by turning alarms down or off to create a more tolerable environment for themselves and their patients. Unfortunately, all too often this results in harm to the patient.
1 in 5 Nurses is Depressed
Here's a startling statistic: 18% of hospital-employed nurses experience depressive symptoms; that's twice the rate of the general public
Study looks at high rate of depression among nurses
Workplace stress, emotional and physical exhaustion, feeling a lack of control -- all of those have been shown to contribute to depression. http://bit.ly/MLxwUr
Articles of interest
Hospice and Palliative Nursing Certification: The Journey to Defining a New Nursing Specialty
Hospice and palliative nursing certification was initially established in the 1990s for registered nurses to distinguish hospice practice as a nursing specialty. Since that time, the National Board for Certification of Hospice and Palliative Nurses has led the way in developing national accredited certifications for the hospice and palliative nursing team, including nursing assistants, licensed practical/vocational nurses, advanced practice nurses, administrators, and pediatric palliative nurses. This evolution has validated a new nursing specialty, defining standards ands...
Top-notch care around the corner: APN-run clinics are gems to neighborhood residentsErica L. Schwartz, DNP, MSN, CNM, wishes she could be a patient at her own clinic, Sheridan (Colo.) Health Services, a nurse-managed health center serving a low-income suburb of Denver. She believes the primary care there, provided by advanced practice nurses, is every bit as good as what she gets through her insurance, which does not cover care at Sheridan. What the nurse-run clinic offers that more traditional primary care does not, she said, is a strong wellness component.
New publications
Renegotiating Health Care: Resolving Conflict to Build Collaboration, 2nd Edition
This thoroughly revised and updated edition of Renegotiating Health Care offers a practical guide to negotiation and conflict resolution in the health care field. It explores why unresolved conflict can hamper any organization's ability to make timely, cost-effective decisions and implement new strategies. The book focuses on the complex interactions between those who deliver, receive, administer, and oversee health care. It defines negotiation techniques and conflict resolution approaches that can improve efficiency, quality of care, and patient safety. Renegotiating Health Care outlines strategies and methods to resolve the myriad thorny issues encompassing the health care enterprise. It should be required reading for students and professionals in health services management, clinicians, leaders, policy makers, and conflict resolution experts working in the health care field. By Leonard J. Marcus, Barry C. Dorn, Eric J. McNulty
Online publications
Toolkit Helps To Prevent Suicide Among High School Students (USA)
SAMHSA has released Preventing Suicide: A Toolkit for High Schools. This toolkit represents the best available evidence and expert opinion on preventing suicide among high school students. It provides schools with recommended steps and accompanying tools to guide them in creating and implementing strategies and programs that prevent teen suicide and promote behavioral health among their students.
eHealth position statement (PDF 964.5 KB) (RCN – UK)
Health and IT systems are now an integral part of professional nursing practice, and used by the majority of nursing staff for many reasons, including managing the large amounts of information generated and used when caring for patients. This document looks at what eHealth is, recording usage using electronic means, examples of benefits, and gives examples of eHealth from around the UK.
What works for you?
How to help colleagues through tough timesFor many of us, work is part of our ordinary lives. It's where you might spend most of your time, and have friends, as well as colleagues. You bring what is happening in your life to work with you every day. When you or someone you work with is going through a difficult time it can be hard for others to know what to do or say. A supportive environment can make a huge difference to your ability to cope
Our guide 'What works for you' helps people understand more about how to help colleagues through tough times, and can be a useful resource for yourself, or for someone you know at your workplace.
Continuing education and professional development
Public Health Association conference 2012-06-29
Equity from the start – valuing our children
3-5 September 2012 Pipitea Campus,
Victoria University
WellingtonThe Public Health Association of New Zealand is excited to invite you to its 2012 conference. This is New Zealand's premiere public health event of the year and a wonderful workforce development opportunity. You don't want to miss it!Please visit the conference website to find out about:themes and streamsgateway eventsconfirmed speakerssubmitting abstractssponsorship opportunitiesthe conference venue. Early bird registrations now open
The Australian College of Nursing – Community and Primary Health Care Nursing Conference-Call for Abstracts
The 2012 Community and Primary Health Care Nursing Conference Shaping and Influencing Primary Health Care is Australia’s leading community and primary health care conference for nurses and midwives. Community and primary health care nursing and midwifery services are vital to achieving improved population health outcomes and better access to primary health care services for communities. Innovative models of care in a wide range of settings continue to be developed, managed and led by nurses and midwives. The expanding roles of nurses and midwives support an increasing role in the prevention of illness and health promotion and offer opportunity to improve the management of chronic disease as well as reduce demand on the acute hospital sector.The conference will bring together nurses and midwives working as clinicians, researchers, academics, and policy makers from a broad range of services across Australia. As primary health care in Australia is currently the focus of government health reform, this conference is the annual event for nurses and midwives to attend from across rural, remote, regional and metropolitan areas in Australia.The conference will be held in Perth from the 17th-19th October 2012.Abstract submissions close on 27.7.12. http://bit.ly/MSniPL
The above information has been collated for the College of Nurses Aotearoa (NZ) Inc by Linda Stopforth, SNIPS and is provided on a weekly basis. It is current as at Tuesday 3 Jul 2012
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