Welcome to the College of Nurses – News Update.
No. 111, 11 Jul 2012
From NZ media this week
ACE new system for New Zealand nurse graduates
Applications will open in August for about 1200 nurse graduates applying for positions under an innovative new system at New Zealand’s district health boards.
Aspiring nurse says for some, study is just too hard
Student Parma Nokise admits she struggled at high school. But she wanted to make something of her life, so she began looking at ways to further her education.
Dispute over Maori social services threatens to spread
A Government contracting dispute with a single urban authority could spread to all Maori social service providers through an action in the Waitangi Tribunal led by the Waipareira Trust.
Tamihere’s statement that Māori and iwi health providers get “second class” treatment rings true
The New Zealand Nurses Organisation (NZNO) and Te Runanga o Aotearoa NZNO agree with Waipareira Trust statements today that Māori and iwi providers “get ‘second class’ treatment compared with non-Māori contractors”.
Hospitals stretched by winter illness
Sick patients are outnumbering hospital beds in parts of the country as staff struggle to keep up with a flood of winter-related illness.
Accidents waiting to happen
Ever wondered if a nail could pierce bone? A Masterton man apparently did, so he placed a nailgun against his forehead and pulled the trigger to find out.
Cultural influence seen in reporting child abuse cases
How do you define Maori, and what is "other" in child abuse reports?Hospital admission data obtained using the Official Information Act has raised questions about a victim's culture influencing reporting.
Patients stay in loop with text service
Central Medical is embracing new technology, introducing a text message system to remind patients to turn up to their appointments. http://bit.ly/PJhPjo
Added cost of power: Health
Northland's soaring power prices will lead to long-term health problems as people scrimp on heating or switch to unhealthy gas heaters, a Kaitaia GP says.
Health boss seeks to break down barriers
Two of Auckland's health boards are looking at ways to bring their services together to provide better treatment for the million people they cover.
Health hubs will create 'winners and losers'
Family health centres might result in small pharmacies and medical practices being "pushed out" of business, a primary healthcare leader says.
Mental healthcare moves out of hospital
Horror stories have been attached to Hillmorton Hospital, formerly Sunnyside, for decades, and Canterbury mental health professionals want the stigma to end. Georgina Stylianou reports.
DHB under fire over death of disabled woman
Hutt Valley's mental health service is under fire again after the death of an intellectually disabled woman.
Cashflow woes close rest home
Empty beds and empty coffers will see New Plymouth's Carrington Rest Home close at the end of the month.The closure means 15 residents will have to find new homes and 16 staff may be back on the job market unless they are offered jobs at other associated facilities.
'Suicide is no longer taboo'
New Zealand's chief coroner hopes the information that can be learned from some of the country's approximately 550 suicide deaths each year could ultimately help to cut that number in half.
Women more likely to defer health care for financial reasons
Women are more likely to put off going to their GP, buying prescriptions or going to the dentist for financial reasons than men according to a new University of Otago study.
When women can’t access healthcare families suffer
The New Zealand Nurses Organisation (NZNO) is concerned about the findings of a University of Otago study that reports almost 20 per cent of women were likely to be deterred from accessing healthcare by money pressures.
International media
NMC strategic review
The final report of CHRE's strategic review of the Nursing and Midwifery Council is available for download
NMC responds to CHRE reports
The NMC has responded to the final report of the strategic review of the NMC and the annual performance review by the CHRE.
Sharp increase expected in number of nurse practitioners
The growth in the profession will be especially noticeable in primary care, according to a new report
Specialist nurses better value for money than doctors (Registraton required)Nurse specialists provide diabetes care of a similar quality to doctors and are more cost-effective, according to a study, which concludes nurses have not been used to their “full potential”.
Health and wellbeing
Lack of basic hygiene in Kiwis leads to longer illnesses - survey
Germ-ridden New Zealanders who fail to perform the basic hygiene practice of washing hands after coughing, sneezing or blowing noses are getting sick more often and staying that way for longer, according to a recent survey.
Work and management
7 Things You're Doing Wrong on LinkedInMost professionals use the social networking site in some capacity--but one expert says they're making a lot of mistakes
Articles of interest
Why Spirituality is essential for nurses
Stephen Wright and Julia Neuberger argue that 'engaged spirituality' is the key to preventing further cases of patient abuse and neglect
From the Ministry of Health
Long-term Residential Care for Older People: What you need to know: 2012
This booklet explains both the needs assessment process for aged residential care and the financial means assessment for eligibility for the Residential Care Subsidy.The booklet also provides information about what the older person can expect when they go into an aged care facility, how much they have to pay and where they get more information if they need it.
Review of Health Education Resources on Gout Medication: Summary of report to the Ministry of HealthThis publication summarises a review of the suitability of publicly available resources on gout medication and its use – for health professionals as well as consumers and their whānau. The review was undertaken in the context of improving health literacy.The publication outlines:the review processesthe health literacy skills people with gout need and the literacy skills they actually havefindings from both the resource assessment and interviews with consumers and health professionalsrecommendations for improving resources and how they are used. Gout is a condition that, while serious, is usually able to be managed with appropriate use of preventive medication. Many health education resources are filled with useful factual information but the presentation of this is often too densely worded, too long, or written using health terms that are not always well explained.It is important for health professionals to discuss resource content with patients and their whānau to ensure they understand important messages about gout.
Continuing education and professional development
1st Australasian Mental health and Addication nursing conferenceNext year’s DANA conference is going to be held in Auckland NZ from the 19th to 21st June 2013. The theme will be Close to Home. This will be the first Australasian Addiction Nursing/Mental Health conference. DANA and Te Ao Maramatanga (New Zealand College of Mental Health Nurses) are organising the event. To find out more follow this link to the joint conference website.
The above information has been collated for the College of Nurses Aotearoa (NZ) Inc by Linda Stopforth, SNIPS and is provided on a weekly basis. It is current as at Tuesday 10 Jul 2012
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