Kia ora
A hearty start-of-winter welcome to you all. We are pleased to have another packed newsletter for you. Indeed, things have been so busy that we have made the decision to move to a monthly schedule for these and you can expect one at the beginning of every month. We are also delighted to announce that we have crossed the significant threshold of 1,000 members…as every good salesperson knows, 1,000 sounds a lot larger than 999!
The past two months has seen a significant amount of our work going into a number of fairly technical submissions and areas of advocacy, including on our approach to the international NDC commitments, the Emissions Trading Scheme and the proposal for Auckland Council to sell their shares in Auckland Airport. We’ve celebrated some big wins in announcements that public hospital coal-boilers will be phased out by 2025, and lesser, though still significant, wins in the recent Budget.
It’s easy to forget in the midst of this, that the small battles need to be fought as well. It takes just a few minutes to submit on the proposed lower speed limits in Wellington, or to send a quick email to your local councillor in Ōtautahi advising they keep the excellent new cycleway on Rolleston Ave and Park Terrace. And we’d be delighted to see you at the Climate Health & Sustainable Healthcare Conference 2023 in Wellington in early July, or online at our next kōrero on the 15th of June.
Ngā mihi nui
Dermot and Summer,
Co-convenors, OraTaiao: NZ Climate & Health Council
OraTaiao - June 2023 Newsletter (0.60MB)
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