Welcome to the College of Nurses – News Update.
No. 135, Wednesday 9 January 2013
Happy New Year – may 2013 be kind to you all and bring good health, peace and prosperity J
New year is also a good time to review things and that include this bulletin. Feedback about the news bulletin is always welcome – content and format at it helps shape the items and presentation that are included for your education and enjoyment. So don’t be shy about forwarding your suggestions on.
From NZ media this week
Mental disorders in for shake up
This week, we preview five developments set to change the science landscape in 2013. Today, science reporter Jamie Morton looks at the revision of a manual that's regarded as psychiatric medicine's bible.
Patients write fears away
Putting traumatic events on paper may aid healing after surgery, researchers predict.
Govt eyes cuts to elective surgery
Health group seeks savings from procedures - such as inserting grommets - deemed to be of limited benefit
Doubt over savings from restricting ear treatment
A leading surgeon doubts the Government will be able to save money by cutting down on treating children's ears with grommets.
Prescription fees rise
Prescription fees around the country jump from $3 per item to $5 today.
Specialist doctors continue to quit New Zealand
Specialist doctors continue to quit New Zealand, leaving the remaining workforce under increasing pressure to shoulder the deepening crisis, the doctors' union says.
Nursing ward wins over superyacht
The luxurious splendour of a million-dollar superyacht is a world away from the bustling wards of Auckland City Hospital.But the move is an easy choice for the former chief steward of the 49m Thalia, who has jumped ship for a nursing job.
Dedication to nursing impressive
Three nursing lecturers are looking forward to well-earned semi-retirement after clocking up more than a century of nursing and 80 years of teaching at Manukau Institute of Technology between them.
Store Medicines Safely In The Heat: NPS Medicinewise
With a heatwave sweeping the country, NPS MedicineWise is reminding people that extremes in temperature, particularly heat, can impact the effectiveness of medicines.
DHB specific
Oncology reshuffle as nurses resign
Timaru Hospital's oncology services have been restructured, after two specialist nurses resigned.
Cuts hit life-saver policy, says doctor
A policy said to have saved hundreds of lives in New Zealand's hospitals was sidelined at Auckland City Hospital to save money, the departing chief of the emergency department claims.
Horror times for hospital staff
Staff injuries show steady decline
Waikato's medical staff are being spat on, punched and verbally abused more than ever before, with incidents doubling in the last year.
International media
Nursing education enrollment keeps rising in 2012 (USA)
The American Association of Colleges of Nursing has released preliminary survey data showing that enrollment in all types of professional nursing programs increased from 2011 to 2012, including a 3.5% increase in entry-level BSN programs.
Virginia Mason implements Swanson Theory of Caring on nursing units (USA)
Enter a nursing unit at Virginia Mason Hospital & Medical Center in Seattle at the right time of day and visitors will witness something they might not expect at a busy metropolitan hospital: serenity.
ED use drops when medical practices extend office hours (USA)
More than 40% of patients say their physicians offer care on nights and weekends, keeping some out of the emergency department, a new study says.
Zimbabwe to export nurses
Zimbabwe will soon start "exporting" thousands of nurses it cannot employ.
Children who often visit A&E to be logged on national database (UK)
Plan to help doctors and nurses spot children suffering from abuse or neglect and avoid cases like that of Baby Peterhttp://www.guardian.co.uk/society/2012/dec/27/children-national-data-base-baby-peter
Mental Health First Aid Course teaches skills to assist people who need help
It’s not a typical classroom lesson. One student tries to conduct an interview while another talks into the interviewee’s ear, saying things like, "Don’t trust her. She wants to hurt you." But the exercise — part of a 12-hour Mental Health First Aid course — provides a dramatic glimpse into the life of someone who has a mental illness.
Nurses turning to un-authorized smartphones to meet data demands
A new study finds that more than two-thirds of nurses are using their personal smartphones for clinical communications. Yet 95% of nurses in the sample say hospital IT departments don't support that use for fear of security risks.
At UK hospital, LED-illuminated wall helps calm children on the way to surgery
London’s Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children has installed an LED-illuminated wall that soothes and engages kids on the way to the operating theater.
Every school needs a doctor, pediatricians say
(Reuters Health) - Despite no federal or uniform state requirements to do so, all school districts should have a doctor to oversee school health services, according to a policy statement from a group of American pediatricians.
NP's Care Equal to Doc's, Review Finds
Expanding the scope of practice for nurse practitioners (NPs) would not diminish quality of care, a literature review found.
GPs should be subject to patient satisfaction tests, says David Cameron
Prime minister says 'friends and family' test being introduced in hospitals should be extended to doctors' surgeries
Health care teams must be led by physicians (Opinion piece)
Experience shows that having a doctor in charge of care in a formalized interprofessional health delivery setting works best — and that it’s what patients want.
New Washington law requires suicide prevention training
OLYMPIA—Washington will become the first state in the nation to require mental health professionals and other frontline care providers to receive training in suicide assessment, treatment and management starting June 7, 2012.
Hospitals use hands-on approach to reduce patient readmissions
Margaret Rondinelli, a 94-year-old congestive heart failure patient recently hospitalized at St. Mary Medical Center in Hobart, had a good friend accompany her throughout her hospitalization.
Public health
Mark Webster: Let's find new way to pick medical therapies to fund (opinion piece)
Fifty years ago, heart-attack patients were put to bed for three or four weeks. Unfortunately, strict bed rest was of little benefit to the heart, and moving as little as possible was a bit like long-haul flying - some succumbed to blood clots which formed in their leg veins and broke off, blocking blood flow to the lungs.
Couple cite need for screening
A Christchurch couple who helped run a "pioneer" bowel-screening programme in the city four years ago are frustrated a national version is not being rolled out sooner.
Mental health crisis in rural New Zealand
Throughout New Zealand's rural communities, people can be heard saying, "how could he leave his family behind", "what made him do it" and "why did it happen?" These are legitimate questions following the news a person has taken their own life, but there are no simple answers.
Medics see 500 harmed children
A Wanganui paediatrician estimates about 500 children go through Wanganui Hospital each year suffering some form of abuse or neglect.
Child abuse fueled by poverty and lack of support - paediatrician
Poverty and lack of support are two factors that must dealt with if New Zealand is to successfully tackle the problem of child abuse, according to Wanganui paediatrician David Montgomery.
Number of 'anxious' kids skyrockets
The rate of children diagnosed by a doctor with mental health conditions has almost doubled over the past five years.
Mental health Taser shock
A disproportionate number of people with mental health issues are being stung by Tasers, figures show.
Asbestos in homes a 'health landmine'
Asbestos in the ceilings of more than 4000 earthquake-damaged homes will be left encased behind plasterboard - a situation Canterbury's leading medical adviser says is a health "landmine"
Poor youths drinking most
Survey of 12- to 19-year-olds shows link between amount of alcohol being drunk and areas where poverty is a problem.
Asians not well informed about health services
With more Asians now living in Christchurch than Maori, more needs to be done to ensure they know what health services are available, Partnership Health Canterbury's ethnic liaison officer says.
Work and management
How to beat the back-to-work blues
Back to work blues will be common in offices around the country this week as people trickle back from their summer holidays, but experts say a few good coping strategies will help relieve the pressure.
How to improve the doc-nurse relationship
While doctors are trained to handle more complex issues related to the health of the patient, nurses are at the heart of assisting the patient directly.Here are some tips on how to ensure the nurse-doctor relationship remains healthy and productive.
Conquering Your Fears of Giving Feedback
This interview with Karen May, vice president for people development at Google, was conducted and condensed by Adam Bryant.
Health and wellbeing
New Zealand and Australia have the highest melanoma incidence rates in the world. Ensure your family remain sun-safe this summer, with these simply safety measures.
8 Beliefs That Make You More Resilient
What you believe about work either weakens you or makes you stronger.
Are You Dealing With Stress the Wrong Way?
Think about the last day you had when things just didn’t go your way. You couldn’t get through a never-ending barrage of emails; you got in an argument with a co-worker; you got stuck in traffic on your way home.
Articles of interest
How Nurses Can Empower Patients Through Shared Notes
As nurses, we've always been focused on the patient. Teaching patients about their health and advocating for patients are both incredibly important parts of the job. That's why we got involved with OpenNotes-an initiative that invites patients to review the visit notes written by their doctors, nurses, or other clinicians.
Reports online
Smoking, income and subjective wellbeing: Evidence from smoking bans
Brodeur, A. (2012). Paris: Paris School of Economics.
This paper analyses the effects of local smoking bans in the US using countyand time variation over the last 20 years. This study investigates three con-sequences related to smoking bans. 1) First, I show that smoking bans (barsand restaurants) decrease the prevalence of smoking. 2) Well-being is alsoaffected by these policies: smoking bans make former, potential and currentsmokers more satisfied with their life. Within-family externalities and time-inconsistent family-utility maximization seem to explain these endings. Thelargest effect of smoking bans on well-being is for parents and married coupleswhere the spouse is predicted to smoke. 3) Finally, I find some evidence thatsmokers who are exposed to a smoking ban are less-opposed to these policies.http://www.iza.org/conference_files/SUMS2012/brodeur_a7631.pdf
Online resources
The Australian College of nursing is offering the following online course Rural and Remote Drug and Alcohol education
Management of Emergency Presentations of Drug and Alcohol use
This 75 hour online course, over 12 weeks includes the following topics:
Introduction to drug and alcohol policy
Attitudes and values around drug and alcohol use
Management of intoxication, overdose and withdrawal
Drug and alcohol assessment
Overview of treatment options
The above information has been collated for the College of Nurses Aotearoa (NZ) Inc by Linda Stopforth, SNIPS and is provided on a weekly basis. It is current as at Wednesday 9 January 2013
If you have any feedback about content - what parts are most useful or what you would like added - please email admin@nurse.org.nz
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