From the NZ media this week
Nurses help give Christchurch a `group hug'The atmosphere in Christchurch at times was like a "group hug", as the community rallied to help those affected by this month's earthquake, says Dunedin nurse Nick Wooliscroft.http://bit.ly/dmbtlL
Three Whangarei public health nurses have been sacked for breaching Ministry of Health rules while vaccinating high school students, but their union is challenging the dismissals as "extreme".http://bit.ly/cWTv45
Nurses Want To See Gst Removed From Healthy Food The New Zealand Nurses Organisation (NZNO) recently passed a remit to support the removal of GST from healthy food.http://bit.ly/9a0Mn6
International experts on assisted dying with views for and against the issue will speak at Dignity New Zealand's first national conference, in Wellington next month.http://bit.ly/caMUki
DHB targets refugees for lead in blood checksNew Zealand health officials are looking at screening children of south Asian refugees for lead poisoning after overseas research found toxic levels in spices and in some cosmetics applied for religious ceremonies. http://bit.ly/bqp9go
Physician Assistants Seen As Means To Rein In Health Costs ANZCA is monitoring closely a pilot programme in northern New Zealand where two surgical physician assistants - i.e. health professionals without medical degrees who take on tasks normally done by surgeons - have been employed.http://bit.ly/aBeuR5
Help-with-GP-bills-for-needy Newly-diagnosed diabetics, people with chronic respiratory disease and families with multiple health problems are among those who could get help with the cost of a GP visit.http://bit.ly/97SljC
New Code of Practice for Prescription Medicine Marketing
A new Code of Practice to guide the marketing of prescription medicines in New Zealand has been released today. Published and administered by industry organisation Medicines New Zealand, this important self regulation reflects the high level of ethics and integrity expected of pharmaceutical companies worldwide.http://bit.ly/bUGjgF
From international media sources
Intensive Care Diaries Protect Patients From PTSDSome intensive care patients develop post-traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD) after the trauma of a difficult hospital stay, and this is thought to be exacerbated by delusional or fragmentary memories of their time in the intensive care unit. Now researchers writing in BioMed Central's open access journal Ctical Care have found that if staff and close relatives make a diary for patients, featuring information about their stay and accompanied by photographs, PTSD rates can be significantly reduced.
Nurses' surgery advice to help save £150m a yearNurses could save £150m a year by helping patients to make better decisions about elective procedures, according to research seen exclusively by Nursing Times.http://www.nursingtimes.net/5019687.article?referrer=e26
Nurses who suffer abuse risk long term painNurses and other care home staff who are repeatedly attacked by patients and visitors are tripling their chances of suffering widespread musculoskeletal pain, research suggests.http://www.nursingtimes.net/5019871.article?referrer=e1
More males than ever entering nursing programsPatients often mistake Dominic Denicola for a doctor."A lot of people don't realize there are lots of male nurses out there," said Denicola, 21, a senior at Duquesne University's School of Nursing who works as a nurses' aide at St. Clair Hospital in Mt. Lebanon. "They'll stop me in the hallway and say, 'Are you a doctor?' "http://bit.ly/d43yaK
Uniformity among the staff
St. Mary Medical Center is among a small number of hospitals returning to uniforms for nurses and other medical staffers. The dress code helps patients better identify their caregivers. http://bit.ly/cSRQ9W
Nurses Welcome Boost For Clinical Placements In Regional AustraliaThe Australian Nursing Federation welcomes the federal government announcement of funding for regional hospitals.http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/203208.php
12 Percent Of Workers Would Choose To Quit Or Retire Rather Than Report For Work During A Serious PandemicAlthough first responders willingly put themselves in harm's way during disasters, new research indicates that they may not be as willing - if the disaster is a potentially lethal pandemic.
Doctors and nurses launch campaign for right to help terminally ill to end their livesNew group will challenge medical bodies such as the BMA that oppose any change in the law on assisted suicidehttp://bit.ly/bDb3Y9
Nurses lack skills to treat self-harm
Nurses are not receiving the right training or support to help people who self-harm, researchers from the University of Nottingham have concluded.http://www.nursingtimes.net/5019949.article?referrer=e1
White paper ‘underestimates nurses’
Nurses’ lack of visibility in the health white paper will create “real problems”, Royal College of Nursing chief executive and general secretary Peter Carter has predicted.http://www.nursingtimes.net/5020045.article?referrer=e1
Student nurse training improves CVD assessmentCardiovascular disease (CVD) risk assessment training has improved the clinical skills of 85% of student nurses, increased their confidence and enabled them to implement change in their workplace, according to new findings by Education for Health.http://www.nursingtimes.net/5020008.article?referrer=e1
Public health
Genetics takes a bigger role in health care A United States expert in human genetics education will visit New Zealand this month, sponsored by the Universal College of Learning, UCOL. http://bit.ly/aH0WyY
Supporting Breast Cancer Action month Health Minister Tony Ryall is encouraging New Zealanders to support Breast Cancer Action Month.http://bit.ly/b4zTGH
Report examines whānau wellbeing to inform future A report tracking 25 years of wellbeing for Māori whānau was launched by Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga at The University of Auckland today. http://bit.ly/dxRNMj
The majority of New Zealanders support additional smoking bans but the Government is reluctant to regulate for fear of being seen as a "nanny state", new research shows.http://bit.ly/9Ohpea
Mental Health Awareness Week - 4-9 October 2010Flourishing, Feeling good and functioning well are the themes for Mental Health Awareness Week 2010, with activities throughout Northland from Monday 4 October through to Saturday 9 October.http://bit.ly/d7hr2H
Pets do us the world of good!
Today marks the start of Mental Health Awareness Week and Purina, New Zealand’s leading pet-care company is celebrating the bond between pets and humans and the positive impact they bring to our lives.http://bit.ly/9dh7xK
Push for community care for dementia epidemicWhile Health Minister Tony Ryall's comments last week about being unprepared for dementia are a step in the right direction, emphasis on supporting at-home carers as well as the residential care sector is necessary to cope with the dementia epidemic.http://bit.ly/dwoPwI
New Zealand faces a billion-dollar-a-year disease as dementia cases are set to triple by 2050.http://bit.ly/b4eGa5
Rest-home-figures-fallingThe top of the south is experiencing a "demographic wave", in which the number of over-80-year-olds is falling.http://bit.ly/dbiTCo
Diabetes drug under reviewNew Zealand medical authorities will investigate the New Zealand use of a diabetes drug, Avandia, alleged to be implicated in 100,000 cases of heart failurehttp://bit.ly/aZUTbG
Arthritis Sufferers Finally Granted Second Treatment Option
Arthritis New Zealand welcomes PHARMAC’s announcement that a second biologic option for patients in New Zealand with severe Psoriatic Arthritis (PA), Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) and Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA) will be funded.http://bit.ly/bcQhs1
Stomach-bugs-linked-to-lambs-calvesHealth authorities are reporting an increase in stomach diseases in the Southland area and are warning farmers to be careful when handling newborn lambs and calves.http://bit.ly/d7wXQ8
Sexual health services at MidCentral Health look likely to survive proposed cut-backs. http://bit.ly/cMaSZq
Hours-cuts-may-kill-youth-cancer-serviceThe support service for adolescents and young people in cancer treatment at Palmerston North Hospital is facing a cut so serious its defenders fear it might not survive.http://bit.ly/ciQaco
A re-emergence of childhood rickets is alarming Massey University nutritionists. Albany campus' Pamela von Hurst says the vitamin D deficiency disease has not been a problem in the country for about 20 years. http://bit.ly/abu3oe
Guidelines to help address increased obesity prevalence in NZ The Ministry of Health today released the implementation plan for clinical guidelines which frontline health care workers can use when helping patients achieve and maintain a healthy weight. http://bit.ly/bEmoQN
Two more deaths but swine flu cases fall Twenty deaths this year have been swine flu-related but health authorities say the total number of flu-like infections has been lower than previous years - and has fallen well below average levels.http://bit.ly/dhN2iI
Every day some New Zealand GPs see patients whose health has been affected by alcohol abuse, a survey showshttp://bit.ly/defQgQ
Thousands of Kiwis battle the "Big C" each year. Bowel cancer is a killer - but we can do a lot to keep it at bay, says colorectal surgeon Professor Frank Frizelle. JANE DUNBAR reports. http://bit.ly/bvoily
Workplace issues Avoid silly p@ssw0rds Managing lots of online passwords is inescapable these days. Claire McEntee offers simple security tips.http://bit.ly/a4TM5l
Work smarter not harderDrowning under a mountain of work? Run off your feet and feel like there aren't enough hours in the day? Frustrated by a business that's leaving you exhausted rather than exhilarated? http://bit.ly/9dnNpQ
Health and wellness
Sleepless and sedentary? Instead of counting sheep in a field, try running through a meadow. Experts agree that an aerobic exercise routine during the day can keep you from tossing and turning at night, even if they're not sure why. http://bit.ly/a3FGHy
Articles of interest
The Evidence that Isn’t…Interpreting ResearchNursing Management
Volume 41 Number 9
Pages 22 – 26When patients seek a healthcare practitioner for services, they believe that the delivered care is based on proven science. But reality is far from patient perception. In fact, most care is still based on anecdote, not evidence.http://www.nursingcenter.com/library/JournalArticle.asp?Article_ID=1060913
Study: Program Reduces Turnover, Improves RN PerformanceNew graduate nurses who took part in a one-year residency program at two Las Vegas hospitals were less stressed, more clinically savvy and far more likely than their peers to stay with their employer after the first year, a University of Nevada Las Vegas study finds.
ANALYSIS & COMMENTARY Unleashing Nurse Practitioners’ Potential To Deliver Primary Care And Lead TeamsHighly skilled primary care is a hallmark of high-performing health care systems. We examine nurse practitioners’ role in delivering primary care and the effects of current restrictions on their ability to practice. By resolving differences between states’ individual scope-of-practice regulations, we can fully benefit from the skills of advanced-practice nurses in all fifty states. We recommend substantive changes in the way health care professionals in all disciplines are trained, and in their roles, so that patients can receive appropriate and cost-effective care from skilled and fully functional health care teams.http://bit.ly/akPOyA
Opportunity Abounds for APNs to Participate in Patient RehabilitationRehabilitation nursing comes second nature to nurses at all levels at the Rusk Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine at NYU Langone Medical Center in New York City. But they say rehab nursing knowledge is by no means limited to rehabilitation settings and is especially integral to advanced practice nursing.
How to prepare a successful grant proposalIdentifying sources of funding is a common need in clinical practice to enhance the quality of care in the community and in academia to promote student success in nursing school. Grant-writing is one major source of securing funding for innovative projects. Preparing a grant proposal is a highly organized process of clearly articulating and communicating ideas that bring the project to life to individuals from the granting agency who will be evaluating the proposal.http://bit.ly/cMFuq5
From the Ministry of Health
Implementing the Clinical Guidelines for Weight Management in New Zealand: 2010/11Date of publication (online): September 2010Summary of publicationOutlines the activities that will be delivered on behalf of the Ministry of Health during the 2010/11 financial year to implement the: Clinical Guidelines for Weight Management in New Zealand Adults and the Clinical Guidelines for Weight Management in New Zealand Children and Young People.All activities included in this document are being developed to support frontline health care workers in the primary care and community health sector who provide healthy weight management advice and treatment to patients/consumers. This includes general practitioners, practice nurses, dietitians, community health workers, Māori community health workers, Pacific community health workers, and other allied health care workers.http://bit.ly/bfyb6y
New books published
Contemporary Nursing 5e
Issues, Trends, & ManagementCherry & JacobContemporary Nursing: Issues, Trends, & Management 5e prepares you for the rapidly evolving world of health care. It provides a comprehensive, yet focused overview of nursing topics affecting practice and issues facing today's nurse managers and tomorrow's nurse leaders.http://bit.ly/cXZ8jC
Online publications
Nutrition in children and young people with cancer (PDF 325.8 KB)Nutritional status affects the prognosis for children and young people with cancer. Well nourished patients are better able to resist infection and tolerate treatment. This RCN document gives guidance about nutrition for children and young people with cancer, and is aimed at nurses and other health professionals. It examines the particular problems faced by children with cancer in obtaining good nutrition, and recommends ways in which hospitals can improve food provision to offset some of these problems. It looks at the management of nutrition in young cancer patients in detail. This guidance has been developed in conjunction with members of a multidisciplinary team including specialist paediatric dieticians and paediatric oncologists.http://bit.ly/cpbjbc
RCN competences: an integrated career and competence framework for nurses working in the field of children and young people's cancer care (PDF 941.9 KB)Paediatric oncology is a complex speciality, for which specific skills are required in order to meet the needs of children and young people. This competence framework replaces and broadens the previous RCN publication, Competences: An integrated competency framework for training programmes in the safe administration of chemotherapy to children and young people (RCN, March 2005) publication code 002 501. The framework encompasses Agenda for Change and the Knowledge and Skills Framework (KSF) implemented across the UK in December 2004. The framework uses an outcomes competence model and addresses a number of political and professional issues and initiatives.
How Does Race Affect Health Outcomes? New Analysis With Different Statistical Methods Comes Up With New AnswersSeptember 20, 2010 19:38
How Does Race Affect Health Outcomes? New Analysis With Different Statistical Methods Comes Up With New Answers
Source: Robert Wood Johnson FoundationKey Findings
Researchers found that path analysis and structural equation modeling did lead to differences in estimations of the effects of race on health outcome, compared with estimations derived from regression analysis.Reanalysis of ... <snip>http://web.docuticker.com/go/docubase/60669
HRSA study finds nursing workforce is growing
Source: Health Resources and Services Administration (HHS)The number of licensed registered nurses (RNs) in the United States grew to a new high of 3.1 million between 2004 and 2008 according to a report released today by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). This increase of more than 5 percent features important gains in age and diversity of the ... <snip>http://web.docuticker.com/go/docubase/60799
Obesity and the Economics of Prevention: Fit not FatSeptember 23, 2010 15:59Obesity and the Economics of Prevention: Fit not Fat
Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
From press release:This new OECD report examines the current obesity epidemic, giving new comparative data, trends and projections across OECD countries and outlining causes and costs. It also notes ways in which the private sector and governments encouraged obesity and makes recommendations for ... <snip>http://web.docuticker.com/go/docubase/60764
The above information has been collated for the College of Nurses Aotearoa (NZ) Inc by Linda Stopforth, SNIPS (stop4th@xtra.co.nz) and is provided on a weekly basis. It is current as at Wednesday 6 October 2010. If you have any feedback about content - what parts are most useful or what you would like added - please email admin@nurse.org.nz Linda Stopforth
Independent Information Provider
PO Box 315
ph: 04-383-6931
mobile: 021-107-2455
email: stop4th@xtra.co.nz
SNIPS is proud to support the work of the Destitute Children's Home, Pokhara, Nepal. For more information about our work see: http://dchnz.blogspot.com/
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