Welcome to the College of Nurses – News Update.
No. 153, Wednesday 15 May 2013
From NZ media this week
Maori student nurses uniquely placed - Tariana Turia
E te iwi e tau mai nei ki Te Whakatu, ki te tautoko i tenei kaupapa whakahirahira hei oranga mo to tatou iwi, tena ra koutou katoa. Ngati Kuia, Ngati Rarua, Ngati Tama, Te Atiawa, Ngati Koata, Ngati Toa Rangatira - koutou katoa o Te Tauihu o Te Waka a Maui, nei ra te mihi ki a koutou.
Nursing leader laments exodus of nurses
Maori nurses are leaving New Zealand to work overseas because of a lack of jobs, says a nursing consultant.
NZ midwife helps save lives in Rwanda
Kigali, in Rwanda, might be a modern capital city of almost 1 million in the brochures "but there are no Angelina Jolies" in the slum where Invercargill midwife and mother-of-seven Anne Dymond has been living for three months.
Kiwi nurse awarded highest honour for aid work
A New Zealand nurse has been awarded the highest international honour for nurses, the Florence Nightingale Medal.
Primary health care nurse excellence celebrated
Acknowledging, celebrating and encouraging excellence in primary health care practice was commended last week with 19 Northland primary health care practitioners and one organisation honoured at the Inaugural ACE Awards, hosted by Te Tai Tokerau and Manaia PHOs with Northland District Health Board. Six of the awards were given for Outstanding Achievements in primary health care.
Working with kids 'magic' for nurse
Bridget Wilson never knows what a day nursing is going to bring - from incredible highs to heartbreaking lows.
Day in the life of a hospice nurse
THE first patient we see is in his fifties and has terminal cancer. When diagnosed he was given under a month to live - that was 18 months ago. Carolyn says it is quite unusual to "plateau" like this, and acknowledges that it must be frustrating for him.
Thanks to nurses on International Nurses Day - King
On International Nurses Day we should all say thanks to nurses for the great job they do at supporting our health system, Labour’s Health spokesperson Annette King says.
Nurses Celebrate International Nurses Day
Nurses all around the country are preparing to celebrate International Nurses Day on Sunday 12 May. This year’s theme is Closing the Gap: the Millennium Development Goals: 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, which are internationally recognised health related goals.
Northland DHB celebrating International Nurses Day
Driven by a desire to care for others Cheryl Turner and her daughter Karen Turner successfully graduated as Registered Nurses with a Northland Polytechnic Bachelor of Nursing degree in April.
Thank you Tauranga nurses
Nurses in Tauranga will join those around the world as International Nurses Day is marked today the anniversary of Crimean War nurse Florence Nightingale’s birthday.
Nursing career now underway for Unitec ad campaign 'hero'
As a star of Unitec’s 2012 documentary-style ‘Change Starts Here’ advertising campaign, Bachelor of Nursing student Netane Takau became the face of every students’ struggle to succeed. Now Netane’s real-life journey through the highs and lows of tertiary study had the perfect ending, as he recently celebrated his graduation with his family and peers.
Nurse demoted for bullying loses grievance claim
A clinical charge nurse at North Shore Hospital's intensive care unit who was demoted for bullying has lost a grievance case against her employer.
Nurse firing ruled unfair
A charge nurse at The Wood Retirement Village in Nelson, who was trespassed off the premises, was unjustifiably dismissed, the Employment Relations Authority (ERA) has ruled.
Nurse awarded $9000 for unjustified dismissal
A charge nurse who was trespassed from a Nelson rest home following allegations of abusive and intimidating behaviour has been awarded more than $9000 in compensation for unjustified dismissal.
Rural Women NZ applauds telenursing scholarships to overcome rural health disparities
Rural Women New Zealand welcomes the announcement of two telenursing scholarships for Maori nurses to help deliver health services in isolated rural communities.
Retention of Recently Registered Overseas Trained Specialists Is Deteriorating
Overseas-trained doctors lost three years after gaining vocational registration in New Zealand
VBS changes not focussed on rural workforce needs
While a recent review of the Voluntary Bonding Scheme has been welcomed by the New Zealand Rural General Practice Network there are still glaring gaps in its outcomes to be addressed, says Network chairman Dr Jo Scott-Jones.
Faster, safer cancer treatment for mainlanders
Health Minister Tony Ryall says doctors and nurses across the South Island are providing cancer patients with faster, safer cancer treatment thanks to a new software system.
Tourists' unpaid health bills leave less for Kiwis
District health boards are spending millions of taxpayers' dollars on treating people who are not eligible for public healthcare, and are being left out of pocket by tourists and illegal immigrants who don't pay their bill.
Rest home 'luxury' plan unfair - critics
"Five star" rest homes could be government-subsidised under a plan opponents say will create a two-tier market that undermines care for the poor.
Wife's restraint objections ignored
A Dunedin hospital failed to comply with national standards when its staff used a lap-belt to restrain an 85-year-old man with dementia who was often agitated, aggressive and a high falls risk, a report from the Health and Disability Commissioner's office says.
DHB specific
Taranaki gets 'silver tsunami' warning
Taranaki's aged-care workers, GPs, hospital medics and families should be better prepared, educated and supported to care for the impending "silver tsunami", says a palliative care steering group.
Bowel screening pilot finds cancer in 60 people
The bowel screening pilot at Waitemata District Health Board (DHB) has found cancer in 60 people in the first year of the four year programme.
Beat Bowel Cancer Aotearoa demands national screening programme following Waitemata success
Excellent results released today from the Waitemata DHB Pilot Bowel Screening Programme confirm what Beat Bowel Cancer Aotearoa knows - screening for bowel cancer saves lives - but only for those lucky enough to live in Waitemata.
CDHB’s new Acute Medical Assessment Unit opens
The Canterbury District Health Board’s new Acute Medical Assessment Unit (AMAU) at Christchurch Hospital officially opens today (Tuesday), with the first patients coming through its doors tomorrow (Wednesday).
Health services join forces
Better accessibility to healthcare is now available to West Auckland families after services from Waitemata District Health Board joined with those offered at the Waipareira Trust's Whanau Centre.
A passion for better Maori health
A group of like-minded and passionate Maori health professionals met in the Kaitaia Hospital whare last week to establish a Maori clinical expert advisory group for Northland.
Public health
K2 use worries mental health services
The number of patients using mental health services in Southland has increased dramatically since K2 was introduced, Southland Hospital staff say.
Legal highs take a dreadful toll
A nationwide police crackdown on synthetic cannabis products begins today amid growing evidence of health problems and crimes linked to use of "legal highs"
UC researching issues facing NZ asthma sufferers
New Zealand has one of the highest asthma prevalence rates among developed countries. About 130 New Zealanders die each year because of asthma attacks.
Social health
Poverty among Budget targets
Action on child poverty is set to be a surprise package in Bill English's fifth Budget on Thursday as the Government seeks to make an impact with limited cash to spend.
Budget to focus on health and education - PM
Prime Minister John Key says there won't be "a lot of lollies" in this week's Budget.
Mental health
Maori suicide rates in prevention spotlight
Suicide prevention strategies for Maori will be discussed at a hui in Bluff next week.
Expert aiming to stop youths killing themselves
An expert in youth suicide prevention, who has already helped Waikato youth, is returning to New Zealand for a series of workshops to spread the word even further.
Rural Networks Plan to Reduce Alarming Suicide Rates in Farmers
Rising pressures on farmers and alarming statistics that show depression is a real issue in rural communities has prompted rural organisations to get together to find real solutions.
Push to teach pupils about suicide
Grieving family of teenager who killed herself say schools should lead the way with an education programme.
International media
Need for advanced nursing education rises
A nationwide push for nurses with advanced degrees is taking place. In its 2010 report, "The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health," the Institute of Medicine called for doubling the number of doctorate-level nurses by 2020, and the Affordable Care Act’s sweeping changes demand a heavy influx of nurses in leadership roles.
Fitness center, integrated therapies help nurses stay healthy
With more healthcare systems taking measures to improve their employees’ health and well-being, nurses at some hospitals in the New England region might feel as if they have free spa memberships.
Nurse communication key to VBP incentive payments
Hospitals could affect 15% of their value-based purchasing incentive payments by focusing their improvement efforts on nurse communication, according to a study by Press Ganey Associates, Inc.
Night GP service 'staffed by nurses'
Whistleblower claims private healthcare firm Harmoni regularly employs advanced nurses to work eight-hour overnight shifts
Hospital staffing levels in England unsafe, say nurses
Warning comes as poll shows more than three-quarters of nurses say Mid Staffordshire scandal could happen again
Florence Nightingale Medal: honouring exceptional nurses and nursing aides - 2013 recipients
Thirty-two outstanding nurses from 16 countries have been awarded the Florence Nightingale Medal, which recognizes exceptional courage and devotion to victims of armed conflict or natural disaster. It also recognizes exemplary service or a pioneering spirit in areas of public health or nursing education.
Mental health bed shortage behind assaults
A death of mental health acute beds in Victoria’s hospitals has been blamed for a spate of assaults on nurses in recent weeks.
Census shows overseas nurses on the rise
Nurses and health professionals from overseas look set to play a key role in fending off shortfalls of workers in the Australian health sector, according to recent findings.
Australia's nursing, midwifery and allied health stats revealed
The latest figures are out on Australia’s nursing, midwifery and allied health workforce.
Articles of interest
To tweet or not to tweet? Nurses, social media, and patient care
Nursing Management:
May 2013 - Volume 44 - Issue 5 - p 52–53
Access to social media is almost ubiquitous in today's connected society. Very little is known about the impact of social media use on practice and patient care. Given the identified capacity of these technologies to distract the user, it's quite possible that unintended consequences are impacting healthcare quality. What are the potential positive and negative effects of social media on nursing practice, and what are the implications for nurse leaders?
ECG Challenges: Monitor Alarms and Alarm FatigueAACN Advanced Critical Care
December 2011
Volume 22 Number 4
Pages 418 - 420This issue's ECG Challenges column is devoted to a topic that affects every nurse who works in an acute or critical care unit. Hospital alarms can come from telephones, ventilators, heart monitors, intravenous pumps, antiembolism devices, sleep apnea devices, smoke alarms, patient-controlled analgesia pumps, pagers, cell phones, patient call systems, oxygen saturation devices, and fall prevention devices. Physiologic clinical alarms play a vital role in the information systems that acute and critical care nurses depend on for the daily care of their patients.
An observational study of nurse staffing ratios and hospital readmission among children admitted for common conditions
Heather L Tubbs-Cooley,1,2 Jeannie P Cimiotti,3 Jeffrey H Silber,4Douglas M Sloane,5 Linda H Aiken5
Background Hospital patient-to-nurse staffing ratios are associated with quality outcomes inadult patient populations but little is known about how these factors affect paediatric care.We examined the relationship between staffing ratios and all-cause readmission (within 14 days,15–30 days) among children admitted for common medical and surgical conditions.
A cross-sectional study to identify organisational processes associated with nurse-reported quality and patient safety
Objectives The purpose of this study was to identify organisational processes and structures that are associated with nurse-reported patient safety and quality of nursing.
From the Ministry of Health
Report on the Performance of General Practices in Whānau Ora Collectives as at December 2012
This report focuses on the performance of general practices in Whānau Oracollectives – using results from the software package HealthStat, which collects an anonymous summary of patient health information from general practices in Whānau Ora collectives.Although not all collectives include general practice providers, the data collected for this report can help highlight any changes in performance over time for health providers in the collectives.The report includes results for key HealthStat indicators idenfited by the Ministry of Health, Te Puni Kōkiri, and Tumu Whakarae (DHB Māori Managers) as strongly associated with morbidity and mortality for Māori.The Ministry publishes these performance reports on a quarterly basis.
Online resources
The management of diarrhoea in adults. RCN guidance for nursing staff (PDF 946.2 KB)
Publication code: 004 371
Publication date: 14 March 2013
ISBN: 978-1-908782-37-3
Abstract:Diarrhoea is a common and debilitating condition. Patients often feel embarrassed and find their ability to lead normal active lives severely affected, which can result in isolation and depression for those with chronic conditions. The impact of managing diarrhoea, whether acute or chronic, can also be felt by all those supporting or caring for patients, including family, carers or members of the health care team. This guidance has been developed with patients and health care workers as a holistic document to recognise and support the management of acute diarrhoea in adult patients, regardless of the care setting. It can be used in its entirety, or for specific sections as required and may be useful in supporting the development of health care organisations, local policies and procedures and should be used to complement local policies on the management of diarrhoea.
The above information has been collated for the College of Nurses Aotearoa (NZ) Inc by Linda Stopforth, SNIPS and is provided on a weekly basis. It is current as at Wednesday 15 May 2013
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