Welcome to the College of Nurses – News Update.
No. 156, Wednesday 5 June 2013
From NZ media this week
Nurses in low decile schools - Greens
A nurse will be put in every low decile primary and intermediate school if the Greens are elected to Government, giving basic health care services to 112,000 children.
NZNO supports nurses in low-decile schools
NZNO strongly endorses the Green Party’s $30 million plan, announced in Christchurch today, to put a nurse in every low decile school in the country, as part of its strategy to eliminate child poverty.
First breakfast - next nurses?
A nurses-in-schools programme floated by the Green party was backed by unions and anti-poverty groups yesterday.
Award honours healthy difference
Mrs Matthews, 60, is clinical nurse leader at Kaitiaki Nursing Services, where she leads a team of nurses who make sure those who do not usually use health services have an opportunity to receive healthcare.
Nurses assist to give play realism
Nurses from Wanganui Hospital have had a crucial role in a play that will be performed by Wanganui Collegiate students.
Scholarships for more Pacific nurses in the workforce
The first recipients of the Medibank Community Fund scholarships for Pacific nurses will be recognised at a Pasifika Medical Association function to honour and celebrate the work of the association in developing the Pacific health workforce. The function will be held at Parliament on Thursday 30 May at 5.30pm, hosted by National List MP Alfred Ngaro. Health Minister Tony Ryall will be speaking at the event.
DHB specific
Mayor wants public to have health input
A review of the region's health services must give Marlborough people confidence that they will have safe, sustainable and accessible health services, says Marlborough Mayor Alistair Sowman.
New Zealanders receiving better health services
"New Zealanders are getting more checks for diabetes and heart disease, more help to quit smoking and more operations faster," says Health Minister Tony Ryall releasing the latest national health target results.
Hauraki PHO text initiative to help achieve health targets
Hauraki Primary Health Organisation (PHO) Network aims to improve health targets for the almost 80,000 people enrolled with its 15 practice teams with the extension of Vensa Health’s TXT2Remind practice-patient messaging system. Practice teams are able to deliver appointment, Smoking A and B and immunisation reminders as well as key health messages direct to the patient via text message and interactive mobile content delivery.
$238 million health budget shortfall
A CTU analysis of the Health Vote in the Budget has found that it was an estimated $238 million short.
In-Work Tax Credit does not improve health of parents
Researchers from the University of Otago, Wellington have found that the In-Work Tax Credit, which has been applied in New Zealand since 2006, has no discernible effect on the health of parents.
$7 million extra for more before school health checks
The Government is investing $7 million extra over four years to increase the number of children receiving free B4 School health and development checks, says Health Minister Tony Ryall.
MidCentral DHB first in New Zealand to utilise Cxbladder
MidCentral District Health Board, based in Palmerston North, is set to become the first district health board in New Zealand to become a commercial customer for Pacific Edges diagnostic cancer test Cxbladder. MidCentral will be looking to provide patients with a better clinical outcome as well as make considerable savings and efficiencies from its use.
Public health
Doctors on alert over virus strain
Doctors are being put on alert over a severe strain of hand, foot and mouth disease after some children were admitted to hospital.
Pox party risks too high: Doctor
A Wairarapa medical expert is warning parents that deliberate exposure of youngsters to diseases like chickenpox poses serious health risks.
Warnings printed directly on cigarettes the next step
Health warnings printed directly on cigarettes is the next step in helping smokers quit, a tobacco control researcher says.
ADHB removes gloves in fight against rheumatic fever
More than 4000 primary and secondary-aged students across 16 central Auckland schools will soon take part in a programme that aims to reduce the rates of rheumatic fever in the city’s most vulnerable communities.
Synthetic cannabis users pressure health services
Taranaki health services are under increasing pressure from the number of people suffering the effects of synthetic cannabis.
Deadly Mers virus 'threat to entire world'
Dr Margaret Chan, director-general of the World Health Organisation, did not mince her words.
Regular price rises doing trick but teamwork stubs habit
Plain packs and hitting smokers in the pocket may help the Govt reach its target of NZ being virtually smokefree by 2025, but for those who really struggle to quit, some smart new thinking is needed, Martin Johnston writes.
New Maori Service Supports World Smokefree Day
The new Maori Tobacco Control Leadership Service to be run by Hapai Te Hauora Tapui and ASH supports World Smokefree Day this Friday 31 May. This new service has been established to reduce tobacco related harm inequalities for Māori.
Bowel cancer fight 'needs funds'
New Zealand's most diagnosed cancer is being given the cold shoulder when it comes to funding, despite bowel cancer killing four times that of the national road toll, advocates say.
Social health
Charity to plug health gaps
KidsCan will use its extra government cash for nurses and supplies at high-risk schools.
Winter health fears
Generation Y consumers and at-risk Wanganui women are struggling to stay warm, with constantly rising power prices.
PM on child hunger plan: 'It's not just food'
The Government's plan to ensure children don't go hungry at school will go beyond providing them with food, Prime Minister John Key says.
Breakfast plans 'sadly necessary'
A national scheme to provide children's breakfast in schools is a sad but necessary policy, Christchurch principals say.
A good start – but more to do
Children's Commissioner Dr Russell Wills has acknowledged the government's formal response to his Expert Advisory Group (EAG) report Solutions to Child Poverty in New Zealand: Evidence for Action.
Govt defends child poverty moves
PM says National cares about the problem but expert panel head says key proposals in report ignored.
For some breakfast is hard to afford
It can cost parents less than 50 cents a day to give their child breakfast, but principals say most families who send their children to school hungry cannot afford to feed them.
Increase in elderly alcohol abuse anticipated
Alcohol abuse among the elderly could become an increasing problem as the population ages, say experts.
Mental health
National suicide prevention plan launched
A new national suicide prevention plan will pump $25 million into a raft of initiatives, including support for small communities which lose major industries and more support for families of suicide victims.
Suicide prevention plan 'critically important' - PM
Prime Minister John Key says pouring resources into a $25 million suicide action plan is "critically important" to tackling New Zealand's high youth suicide rate.
Preventing depression in farmers
Rising pressures on farmers and alarming statistics that show depression is a real issue in rural communities has prompted rural organisations to get together to find solutions.
Suicide a silent rural epidemic
OPINION: For every highly publicised on-farm quad bike death in New Zealand last year, there were 18 generally under-publicised suicides, writes Deborah Hart.
'Too little resourcing' for mentally unwell
The brother of a man killed by a mentally ill former flatmate says not enough is being done to care for mental health patients living in the community - often with tragic results.
Editorial: Plan to tackle suicide a start
None of us will ever know exactly what it takes to drive someone to take their own life
Dunne: Tackling Maori suicide rate to reveal 'blunt and ugly truths'
Tackling the high Maori suicide rate requires facing up to "blunt and ugly truths" about the causes including sexual abuse, drug and alcohol problems and family violence, says Associate Health Minister Peter Dunne.
Expert: Workers hit by quake stress
Post-traumatic stress from the Canterbury earthquakes may only now be taking effect, and having an impact at work.
International media
Nursing levels made public
WIGAN Infirmary is putting up signs on each ward telling patients the number of nurses on duty - so they can see when they are understaffed.
NICE issues updated guidance for GPs, health visitors, midwives, pharmacists and practice nurses
The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) is advising GPs and practice nurses to do more to identify adults who are not activei enough and to encourage them to get moving.
Global platform for nurse leadership
Nurse leadership was firmly in the spotlight at the International Council of Nurses’ (ICN) 25th Quadrennial Congress recently held in Australia.
Forensic mental health staff trial aims to assist EDs
South Australia will trial a plan to employ forensic mental health staff to better manage people in the state’s court system, in a move designed to alleviate demand on public hospital emergency departments.
Nurses say no to violence
Nurse ‘Jackie’ has been threatened by patients, who have also threatened to hunt down her family.
Meditation reduces PTSD symptoms in nurses
Practicing a form of meditation and stretching can help relieve symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder and normalize stress hormone levels, according to a study of nurses.
Nurses need degrees
The government's proposal that the way to improve care and compassion in the NHS is to make trainee nurses first work as healthcare assistants is profoundly flawed
Articles of interest
To tweet or not to tweet? Nurses, social media, and patient care
Nursing Management:
May 2013 - Volume 44 - Issue 5 - p 52–53
Access to social media is almost ubiquitous in today's connected society. Very little is known about the impact of social media use on practice and patient care. Given the identified capacity of these technologies to distract the user, it's quite possible that unintended consequences are impacting healthcare quality. What are the potential positive and negative effects of social media on nursing practice, and what are the implications for nurse leaders?
The TrueBlue model of collaborative care using practice nurses as case managers for depression alongside diabetes or heart disease: a randomised trial
Objectives To determine the effectiveness of collaborative care in reducing depression in primary care patients with diabetes or heart disease using practice nurses as case managers.
Management of patient adherence to medications: protocol for an online survey of doctors, pharmacists and nurses in Europe
Introduction It is widely recognised that many patients do not take prescribed medicines as advised. Research in this field has commonly focused on the role of the patient in non-adherence; however, healthcare professionals can also have a major influence on patient behaviour in taking medicines. This study examines the perceptions, beliefs and behaviours of healthcare professionals—doctors, pharmacists and nurses—about patient medication adherence.
Documentation in a PICU setting: Is a checklist tool effective?
To compare and contrast nursing compliance with, and completion of, two versions of a nursing care management form. The audit highlights areas and levels of compliance and non-compliance and provides the foundation for further document development.
Rethinking student night duty placements - a replication study
This paper reports findings as a replicated qualitative study that investigated experiences and value of night duty; with the variance that the students’ were undergraduate enrolled nurse students as opposed to undergraduate registered nurse student nurses’.
Handover: Faster and safer?
This study aimed to introduce bedside handover to three rural South Australian hospitals.
Conditions in which nurses are exposed to the hepatitis viruses and precautions taken for preventionTHE AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF ADVANCED NURSING
The aim of this study is to evaluate the exposure status of nurses to hepatitis B and C, and to determine the precautionary measures taken for protection from these infections.
Clinical assessment and the benefit of the doubt: What is the doubt?
Clinical education and associated assessment is an important component of nurse education. A range of factors contribute to a culture that makes the assessment of clinical competence difficult. These factors are environmental, educational, cultural and linguistic diversity amongst students, student expectation, a diverse range of clinical education models. All of which contribute to the variable quality of the clinical education experience and the outcome of clinical assessment.
Online resources
Blokes book - in Chinese
(2013). Christchurch: Canterbury Men’s Centre.
The blokes’ Book is a listing of Canterbury agencies and services relevant to men’s health and well-being. A version has been produced in Chinese as well as in English.
The above information has been collated for the College of Nurses Aotearoa (NZ) Inc by Linda Stopforth, SNIPS and is provided on a weekly basis. It is current as at Tuesday 4 June 2013
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