Welcome to the College of Nurses – News Update.
No. 165, Wednesday 7 August 2013
From NZ media this week
CPIT research explores Gen Y nurses’ discontent
Demanding shift work and intergenerational tension are two factors turning otherwise enthusiastic young nurses off their profession. Research by senior nursing tutor Dr Isabel Jamieson shows that concerns voiced by ‘Gen Y’ nurses could have significant workplace retention implications for the health sector.
Exhausted nurses leaving profession
Demanding shift work and "intergenerational tensions" are turning otherwise enthusiastic young nurses off their profession.
Young nurses struggling with work tensions
Demanding shift work and intergenerational tensions are turning otherwise enthusiastic young nurses off their profession.
Nursing Council of NZ signs MoU with Nursing and Midwifery Board (Aus)
After the ICN 2013 Congress, the Nursing and Midwifery National Board had the pleasure of hosting a visit by the Nursing Council of New Zealand. This took place in Melbourne at the Nursing and Midwifery National Board meeting on 23 May.
Nurse's attacker promises apology
A mental health patient has been told that hitting a nurse with a chair and threatening to bite him is inappropriate.The fracas happened on April 2, when Dawson Karl, 42, was in Palmerston North Hospital's ward 21.
Shock at words for dying boy
Debi Piper knew her little boy was slowly dying.But the words written on his hospital care plan still hurt.http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=10907880
Aged care
Spot audit of rest home
Health officials have done a spot audit of the Wellington rest home at the centre of ill-treatment allegations.
Senior nurses blamed for deficient care
Senior nurses failed to act on complaints about ill-treatment at a Wellington rest home, their employer says.
Residential care 'in crisis' - Nurses Union
The nurses' union is calling for enforceable minimum staffing ratios in the elderly care sector after revelations a patient was left covered in her own faeces at a Wellington rest home.
Nurses union fears residential care in crisis
The nurses' union is calling for enforceable minimum staffing ratios in the elderly care sector after revelations a patient was left covered in her own faeces at a Wellington rest home.
Nurses unfairly blamed - union
Nurses are being unfairly blamed for failing to act on complaints about ill-treatment at a Wellington rest home, their union says.
Editorial: Openness needed in rest homes
OPINION: The care of elderly people in rest homes is still not good enough, despite reforms in recent years. Scandals continue to erupt, and they cannot be blamed simply on individual staff members. There are clear problems with the system.
Lack of care at rest home verified
An unannounced inspection of a Wellington rest home by health officials has confirmed a lack of care after complaints were made that a patient had been found covered in her own faeces.
Focus on quality and rights for rainbow residents in aged care
Quality care for lesbian, gay and bisexual residents in aged care facilities is the focus of a new resource kit aimed at educating staff about homophobia.
Public health
Cuts planned to duty-free tobacco
Proposed law change will end big savings for smokers at NZ borders
Switch that sandwich filling: study
Cutting down on favourite foods like butter and cheese could help heart health.
Fat tax would add $1 to butter
A fat tax is being suggested as a possible way to improve the health of New Zealanders by encouraging people to replace some saturated fats with polyunsaturated fats.
Child car seats: 'The difference between life and death'
Parents are putting their young kids' lives at risk because of unsafe or incorrectly installed car seats, police say.
Social health
Surge in teen self-harm blights positive survey
University survey of secondary schools alarmingly finds that nearly 30% of girls and 18% of boys deliberately hurt themselves in the previous year. But smoking, binge-drinking and promiscuity have waned
Partying, smoking, drug-taking? It's common, students say
Students at one Auckland high school are not convinced drinking, smoking and drugs are as rare as an Auckland University survey suggests.
Child abuse policies 'inadequately informed' - report
New research into child abuse suggests current social policies aimed at reining in New Zealand's high rates of abuse are "inadequately informed''.
Areas with the highest rates of child abuse
A report into child abuse in New Zealand has revealed the areas with the highest reported rates.Child Poverty Action Group’s research, released at the organisation’s annual general meeting this evening, examined Child Youth and Family (CYF) data from 2008-2012.
Mental health
Counsellor: Cuts are risky
Likely cutbacks in talk therapy will put some people's mental health at risk, a professional counsellors' organisation believes.
International media
4 ways nurses can help implement mHealth
Though they are on the front lines of patient care, nurses are taking a backseat to doctors as hospitals seek to implement mobile healthcare. In fact, nurses are often excluded from the front-end development and deployment of mHealth technologies resulting in wasted time and money, according to an article by Debbie Gregory, a registered nurse and co-founder and president of the Nursing Institute for Healthcare Design.
When the Patient Is Racist
After too many drinks, the motorcycle enthusiast in his 30s had driven off the side of the road. As one of the doctors-in-training covering trauma that night, I was responsible for his initial physical exam; but it wasn’t going to be easy. He was enormous, his feet hung over the flimsy emergency room gurney and his neck bulged out of the stiff cervical collar. Moreover, he was what the older nurses called a “mean drunk,” so it was with more than a little apprehension that I began palpating and poking.
More physician assistants allowed to work in Washington under new law
A new state law that took effect this week in Washington allows more physician assistants to work with doctors.
NMC announces two new tests for overseas applicants
The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) today announced additional steps it is taking to strengthen registration of overseas nurses and midwives.
ANA and the Rheumatology Nurses Society Co-publish First Standards for Newly Recognized Nursing Specialty
Last fall, the ANA Board of Directors recognized rheumatology nursing as a nursing specialty and approved the rheumatology nursing scope of practice statement thereby acknowledging the rheumatology nursing standards of practice for a five year period. This resulted in the release of the new Rheumatology Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice published in collaboration with the Rheumatology Nurses Society.
Articles of interest
Practice-Academia Collaboration in Nursing: Contexts and Future Directions
At a time of profound challenges in health care delivery and professional education characterized by imperatives to improve quality, responsiveness to client needs and efficient use of existing resources, the relationship between nursing education and service is in deep need of reinforcement and rethinking. Important directions for the future include attending to the complementary roles of academia and service in ensuring patient- and family-centered care, building reciprocity in the relationship between clinical agencies and universities, clarifying the intersecting roles of clinical agencies in the generation of various types of research and scholarship, engaging nurses and trainees at all roles within the profession in local- and higher-level health policy, and reinventing joint roles between service and academia.
Online resources
Clinical supervision for general nurses in NZ: the imperative of finding a way forward. Nurses perceptions of professional/ clinical supervision
AUTHORS : Cherie Golding
SOURCE : Master of Health Science thesis, AUT University
This modified systematic literature review investigates: medical and surgical nurses’ knowledge and attitudes towards clinical supervision; the degree to which nursing organisational and in-service education literature contribute to such perceptions, attitudes and knowledge; whether medical and surgical nurses who have received or learnt about clinical supervision develop particular perceptions of clinical supervision? And, what other factors influence the provision of, or access to, clinical supervision by general nurses that in turn influences attitudes and perceptions?http://aut.researchgateway.ac.nz/handle/10292/5507
Reports online
Review of the Balance of Competences between the United Kingdom and the European Union: Health
Source: Inside Government (UK)
From Executive Summary:This report examines the balance of competences between the European Union and the United Kingdom in the area of health. It is a reflection and analysis of the evidence submitted by experts, non-governmental organisations, businesspeople, Members of Parliament and other interested parties, either in writing or orally, as well as a literature review of relevant material. Where appropriate, the report sets out the current position agreed within the Coalition Government for handling this policy area in the EU. It does not predetermine or prejudge proposals that either Coalition party may make in the future for changes to the EU or about the appropriate balance of competences.The report outlines the overall themes of the EU’s impact across the whole area of health and describes the EU’s role from a legal perspective. It then examines the EU’s role in three distinct areas: medicines and medical devices; public health; and the NHS and patient services. Each section examines key areas, looking at both the current impact of the EU as well as the EU’s role.+
Direct link to document (PDF; 725 KB)
The above information has been collated for the College of Nurses Aotearoa (NZ) Inc by Linda Stopforth, SNIPS and is provided on a weekly basis.
It is current as at Tuesday 6 August 2013 If you have any feedback about content - what parts are most useful or what you would like added - please email admin@nurse.org.nz
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