News bulletin 16 July

on 16 July


Welcome to the College of Nurses – News Update.
No. 211 Wednesday 16 Jul 2014

From NZ media this week

National Child Health Information Programme aims to ensure no child is left behind
A new Midlands Health Network regional programme to prevent children getting lost in the health system and missing out on important health services has been welcomed by Health Minister Tony Ryall.

Prostate cancer study finds disparities for rural and Maori men
When it comes to prostate cancer diagnosis and treatment, Maori men emerge worse in most or all statistics and there is significant variation in screening between GP practices, with Maori and rural men less likely to be screened.

Pacific Edge to launch New Zealand e-commerce site for bladder cancer testing service
Cancer diagnostic developer and service provider Pacific Edge is set to launch an e-commerce platform later this month to make its Cxbladder technology available to all New Zealanders from the convenience of their home.

Asthma Foundation wants new protocol
The Asthma Foundation hopes to include an asthma regimen, proved to be beneficial for Maori, in new asthma treatment guidelines.

New asthma regime to help Maori
A treatment regime for asthma which will significantly benefit Maori needs to be better promoted by health providers, a doctor says.

'Mega obese' can't get help
Hospitals are struggling to cope with growing numbers of "mega obese" patients, a Christchurch surgeon says.

Plea for access to healthcare
Access to fair health care is difficult for Waikato people with intellectual disabilities, community leaders say.
The issues relate to both general practitioner and hospital services.

Alcohol labelling falls short - midwife
A Manawatu midwife is not only disappointed alcohol warning labels for pregnant women have not been made compulsory but thinks the industry should take it a step further and include warnings for breastfeeding mothers as well.

Praise for Green Prescription
Sport Manawatu's Green Prescription programme has exceeded expectations not only for participant Carolyn Greig, but for the Ministry of Health, too - for the third year in a row.

Emergency radios for hospitals, surgeries
Manawatu is ready for the worst-case scenario with the installation of an emergency radio network in hospitals and health centres in the region.

St John call-backs let emergencies get missed - critics
A St John Ambulance trial in which nurses call people back to assess their condition before sending an ambulance is being criticised by patients who say legitimate emergency calls are being missed.

Well Foundation launches campaign for innovative training unit
The brand new Well Foundation is getting off to a “model” start with its first fundraising project for Waitemata DHB – establishing New Zealand’s first teaching unit using lifelike mannequins to train medical staff in specialist procedures and diagnostics.

Interpreting good health
Helping Pacific patients and their families overcome language barriers and gain at least a grasp of their respective medical condition is vital to improve general health and wellbeing according to interpreters Vaelua Faauma Lamb and Ikamafana Tameifuna.

Christchurch hospitals failed elderly patient - report
Staff at two Christchurch hospitals failed to care for an elderly woman who was in constant pain and showing signs of deteriorating health.

International media

Saskatchewan health care staff under 'shot or mask' policy
Doctors will be covered by same policy, province says
Saskatchewan nurses, doctors and other health staff will be required to get flu shots or wear masks during flu season, the provincial government announced Wednesday.

Violence Towards ER Nurses Not Uncommon
It is not uncommon for nurses to experience violence while providing care in the emergency room, according to a study published in the July issue of the Journal of Emergency Nursing.

Violence 'accepted' in the ED
HealthDay News -- Violence against nurses in the emergency department is not uncommon, indicate findings of an analysis published in the Journal of Emergency Nursing.

Central Health will Work to Avoid 24 Hour Shifts for Nurses
Central Health says it will not require RNs to work a 24 hour shift, but admits nurses have been scheduled to be oncall for a 12 hour period after working a regular 12 hour shift. The standby schedule was implemented this week in Gander and Grand Falls-Windsor and is expected to last until Labour Day.

Public health

101 confirmed measles cases in Waikato
Waikato District Health Board’s Population Health service has to date (8 July 2014) been notified of 101 confirmed measles cases, of these 53 are laboratory confirmed, the rest are close contacts of a confirmed case with a clinically compatible illness.

Chickenpox: The parties to avoid
Call growing for free vaccination against disease common in childhood that can have serious consequences

Articles of interest

Creating and sustaining a clinical environment of nursing excellence
Nursing Management. July 2014 - Volume 45 - Issue 7 - p 48-52 doi:
This article discusses how a three pronged approach with nurse leader, nurse educator, and clinical nurse was implemented to address care improvements within a unit. The three improvements looked at were patient satisfaction, nurse satisfaction and clinical outcomes. The authors found that it is essential for RNs to be intimately involved in making changes to care practices.
This article is freely available in full text online.

Reports online

Safety of Vaccines Used for Routine Immunization of US Children: A Systematic Review
Concerns about child vaccines continue to rise and it's great to have objective and thoughtful analysis of this matter from medical professionals. This systematic review was originally published in the August 2014 edition of the Pediatrics journal and now has found its way to the RAND Corporation’s website. Authored by a team of medical professionals, the report looks at a range of existing medical works, including the 2011 Institute of Medicine consensus report on vaccine safety. Key findings include observations that the MMR vaccine is not associated with autism in children and that serious side effects associated with vaccines are extremely rare. [KMG]

From the Ministry of  Health

Summary of Submissions to the Ministerial Forum on Alcohol Advertising and Sponsorship
Submissions to the Ministerial Forum on Alcohol Advertising and Sponsorship
Some 242 public submissions were made to the Ministerial Forum on Alcohol Advertising and Sponsorship. (Consultation on Alcohol Advertising and Sponsorship)
The Ministry of Health has released a full summary of submissions.

The above information has been collated for the College of Nurses Aotearoa (NZ) Inc by Linda Stopforth, SNIPS and is provided on a weekly basis.  It is current as at Tuesday 15 Jul 2014

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