Welcome to the College of Nurses – News Update.
No. 214 Wednesday 6 Aug
From NZ media this week
200 more training places for graduate nurses
Health minister Tony Ryall
has announced the Government will fund up to 200 additional training places for
nurse graduates next year.
nurses put pressure on Ryall - King
Moves by the Government to increase the number
of training placements for nursing graduates will be seen for what they are - a
cynical election ploy, Labour’s Health spokesperson Annette King says.
Nurses to get extra funding
An announcement the Government will fund 200 extra places for
graduate nurses from next year has been well received in Manawatu, although
concerns the promise could be an election ploy have been raised.
Health workers vote for
mass strike
Twelve thousand health workers have voted to
strike in what the PSA union says will be the sector's biggest industrial
action in a decade.
Long nursing career ends for pioneer
Masterton woman who has helped grow Selina Sutherland Hospital from a six-bed
ward into a full surgical facility has decided to retire on a high note.
Midwives sanctioned for substandard care
The health and disability commissioner has sanctioned two
midwives for failing to recognise the seriousness of their clients' cases.
Nursing faces staffing crisis: advisor
More than 500 nurses in Marlborough and Nelson will reach
retirement age in the next 10 years, leaving the region exposed to a skills
shortfall, a nursing union says.
Concern over bad prospects for nursing
More graduate nursing and
permanent positions need to be opened up in Marlborough, says a registered
nurse in Blenheim.
Those who could not secure
a hospital job had to work at a rest home, where the pay was atrocious, she
Petition generates progress
for new nurses
Last week the New Zealand Nurses Organisation
(NZNO) launched a petition to get a nurse entry to practice (NEtP) programme
for every new graduate nurse. This week, and more than 7,000 signatures later,
we are very pleased to hear the Government’s announcement that they will fund
200 more NEtP places in 2015.
More scholarships for nurse
The government is investing an extra $1.5
million to give 25 graduate nurses scholarships to work in general practices in
some of New Zealand’s higher need communities next year.
doctors taking their bugs to work
Sickly doctors could be infecting Wellington
patients, with an alarming number of them dragging themselves into work despite
knowing the risk.
Call for innovative health IT ideas
Health Minister Tony Ryall
is encouraging health professionals to take part in the annual Clinicians’
Challenge by submitting their IT solutions to improve health services.
From international media sources this week
Patient safety tool: American Sentinel
University's HAI prevention e-book for nurses
American Sentinel
University in Aurora, Colo., has released a free e-book called "Are You
Prepared to Identify and Prevent the Three Infections That Make Up Two-Thirds
of All Healthcare Associated Infections?"
A&M fills primary care gap with launch of new Family Nurse Practitioner
College of
Nursing fills primary care gap with launch of new Family Nurse Practitioner program
BRYAN, Texas
— The Texas A&M Health Science Center College of Nursing has announced
plans for a Master of Science in Nursing - Family Nurse Practitioner
(M.S.N.-FNP) graduate program. This program was recently approved by the Texas
Higher Education Coordinating Board and is expected to launch in January 2015,
pending final approval from the Texas Board of Nursing.
Emergency nurses 'feel like scapegoats'
Emergency nurses have been
"thoroughly demoralised by the extent to which they feel vilified for
simply trying to provide the highest possible standards of patient care,"
the Royal College of Nursing has said.
Overweight doctors and
nurses told to slim down by NHS chief
The 700,000
NHS staff classed as overweight or obese must shed their excess pounds in order
to get a good example to patients, the head of the health service says
Hourly rounds for nurses reduces call light
use, study finds
Hourly rounds schedules for nurses in acute-care hospitals
may improve patient safety and overall patient satisfaction, according to a
study published in the Journal for Healthcare Quality.
Kentucky NPs now prescribe
without physician oversight
Nurse practitioners in Kentucky are now able to
prescribe some medications without having a collaborative agreement with a
physician, making it easier for them to open their own practices, advanced
practice nurse leaders said.
DHB specific
Safety fears as flu surge hits hospital
Wellington Hospital is being stretched by winter sickness,
with some emergency department patients waiting more than six hours for a bed.
Noise stresses hospital staff
Christchurch Hospital staff are wearing earplugs to block out
noise and are complaining of stress as earthquake repairs drag on.
Costly surgeons targeted
Health insurer Sovereign hopes to drive down the cost of
treatment for policyholders by reining in the highest-charging surgeons and specialists.
Cost-cutting leaves DHB staff stressed
Cost-cutting at Hutt Valley District Health Board has left
staff stressed and confused, and even the chief executive admits workers have
lost trust and that the organisation's culture has been damaged.
Hospital pushed to limit as flu hits hard
Cases of winter flu have spiked up to twice the
national rate in Auckland, with hospitals reporting a surge in admissions.
DHB in $3.24m deficit
The Taranaki District Health Board's books are heading in the
right direction despite posting an unaudited loss of more than $3 million
Schemes aid DHB staffing levels
There has been a flurry of complaints about staff vacancy
levels at the MidCentral District Health Board - but the situation is actually
Health Needs
Assessment Update Released
District Health Board and Whanganui DHB populations have higher proportions of
groups with higher health needs (Maori, social-economically disadvantaged
people, and older people) compared to New Zealand, a health needs assessment of
the regions has found.
MDHB involved
in Enhanced Recovery after Surgery (ERAS) project
District Health Board, like other DHBs, is taking part in the national Enhanced
Recovery after Surgery (ERAS) programme aimed at improving patient outcomes and
recovery after orthopaedic surgery.
Cost of health services
The cost of the Ngati
Porou Hauora Maori health service is becoming hard to sustain, chief executive
Rose Kahaki says.
Group mulls East Coast health
A consultancy group is
examining how long-term health services will be provided on the East Coast and
where to base them
Te Runanganui o Ngati Porou, Ngati Porou Hauora and
Tairawhiti District Health are working together to look at how they can be
Winter ailments inundate Tauranga Hospital
Hospital is experiencing high demand from people suffering from winter
of Plenty District Health Board medical director Dr Hugh Lees said: "We
are currently experiencing high numbers of presentations and admissions."
Hospital has high rate of cancelled operations
not showing up, lack of equipment and lack of beds are just some of the reasons
Wairarapa Hospital is forced to cancel or postpone surgeries on the day they
are to go ahead.
Mental health
Clinic wants to expand Maori
The country's largest
forensic mental health unit wants to expand its Maori unit because of its
success in patient rehabilitation.
Patients at Auckland's Mason Clinic have been referred
from mental health services, prisons, and the courts.
Patient safety
Patient Safety
Week 3–7 November – HOLD THE DATE!
Health Quality & Safety Commission is excited to introduce Patient Safety
Week – to be held this year from Monday 3 to Friday 7 November 2014. The week
is intended to create focus, energy and momentum, and raise awareness of the
importance of patient safety through a concentrated burst of activities over
five days.
will be three complementary focuses for Patient Safety Week 2014:
• Dr Jim Bagian – US expert in human factors in patient
• Let’s PLAN for better care – a health
literacy initiative for primary care settings
• Celebrating Open for better care (and the Open/First,
Do No Harm partnership in the
Northern region) in secondary
care, and continuing to raise awareness of the importance of
providing safe, quality care.
Public health
NZ makes plans for ebola outbreak
Virologist says spread possible after American on
flight to Nigeria adds to toll of 670 from contagious disease
Could Ebola reach New Zealand?
The worst Ebola disease outbreak on record is unlikely to reach
New Zealand from west Africa, the Ministry of Health's director of public
health says.
Health research
More Maori patients and their whanau are finding
ways to access palliative care
Resourceful and resilient
Māori patients and their whānau are increasingly finding pathways through the
numerous obstacles they face in order to access palliative care as the number
of older Maori grows, evidence shows.
Social health
Student eye checks after shock tests
A global charity will test children's eyes in
16 low-income parts of New Zealand after an initial test found that 63 per cent
of children at a West Auckland primary school needed full eye examinations.
Drugs, alcohol and smoking
Dope smokers 'muddying waters'
Debate over medical cannabis has been hijacked by
"nuisance" campaigners who are making it harder for people with
serious diseases, says Associate Health Minister Peter Dunne.
Call for ban to extend to e-cigarettes
They may be faking it but e-cigarette smokers could soon be
tarred with the same brush as real smokers.
Alcohol limits to be lowered
Legislation to lower adult drink-driving limits from December
1 has passed its final reading in Parliament.
Lower drink-drive limit 'will save lives'
The lower drink-driving
limit will save lives, supporters say, but should not prevent people having an
after-work tipple.
The new law, passed on
Wednesday and coming into effect on December 1, lowers the legal blood alcohol
concentration from 0.08 per cent to 0.05 per cent.
Tick still the right answer
Kiwis would gain an extra 0.7kg each year were it not for the
Heart Foundation's tick, researchers say.
for obesity to be disability
Obesity in New Zealand is a ticking timebomb
and it should be classed as a disability, says Marlborough's new disability
Social media
Experts warn over use of health apps
The explosion of medical
apps available to download for iPhones and Android has doubled to 100,000 since
2011 and in the next three years it’s predicted half of the world’s 3.5 billion
smartphone users will have one. But
experts are warning consumers to use common sense when downloading health apps.
Nursing in history
WWI: Nurse's selfless courage at sea
Isabel Clark among 32 New Zealanders to die in
sinking that outraged the nation
Nurses killed on torpedoed ship among
Four nurses and two medical corps members with links to South
Canterbury were among those killed when a British transport ship was torpedoed
by a German submarine in the north Aegean sea on October 23, 1915.
Articles of interest
Nursing Professional Development: Networking: The Key to
Innovation –
I frequently hear how difficult it is for
nursing professional development (NPD) specialists to keep informed of the best
practice and innovation in our specialty. The desire to do more than stay
current is apparent. Yet, the realities of facilitating orientation, coaching
preceptors, and providing continuing education can be daily barriers to staying
connected. NPD specialists clearly state the value of evidence-based practice
and practice-based evidence, yet daily realities challenge NPD specialists, resulting
in missing an affiliate meeting or not having time to connect with a colleague
on a challenging issue. Yet, remember the last time a colleague asked you for
advice or insights on a project? I would suggest it was energizing for both of
you. We learn as we collaborate. We enhance our specialty practice as we share
ideas. We improve the outcomes for our learners as we walk the path of
evidence-based practice together. Collaborating and networking are energizing.
- See more at: http://www.nursingcenter.com/lnc/JournalArticle?Article_ID=2471650&Journal_ID=54029&Issue_ID=2471649#sthash.YOUnpZaM.dpuf
Online resources
Updated webpages
for Reducing Perioperative Harm programme
Reducing Perioperative Harm webpages have been updated with a number of new
resources, including a presentation from clinical lead Mr Ian Civil, a series
of videos on the three stages of the surgical safety checklist and information
about the proof of concept work currently underway. View the updated pages
New publications
from Standards NZ
New publication
AS/NZS 4011.1:2014 - Single-use
medical examination gloves - Part 1: Specification for gloves made from rubber
latex or rubber solution
Specifies requirements for packaged sterile, or bulked
non-sterile, rubber gloves intended for use in medical examinations and
diagnostic or therapeutic procedures to protect the patient and the user from
cross-contamination. It also covers rubber gloves intended for use in handling
contaminated medical materials and gloves with smooth surfaces or with textured
surfaces over all or part of the glove. Adopted with national modifications
from ISO 11193-1:2008.
AS/NZS 4011.2:2014 - Single-use
medical examination gloves - Part 2: Specification for gloves made from
poly(vinyl chloride)
Specifies requirements for packaged sterile, or bulked
non-sterile, poly(vinyl chloride) gloves intended for use in medical
examinations, and diagnostic or therapeutic procedures, to protect the patient
and the user from cross-contamination. It also covers poly(vinyl chloride) gloves
intended for use in handling contaminated medical materials. Adopted with
national modifications from ISO 11193-2:2006.
AS/NZS 4179:2014 - Single-use
sterile rubber surgical gloves - Specification
Specifies requirements for packaged sterile rubber gloves intended
for use in surgical procedures to protect the patient and the user from
cross-contamination. It is applicable to single-use gloves that are worn once
and then discarded. It does not apply to examination or procedure gloves. It
covers gloves with smooth surfaces and gloves with textured surfaces over part
or the whole glove. Adopted with national modifications from ISO 10282:2014.
The above information has been collated for the
College of Nurses Aotearoa (NZ) Inc by Linda Stopforth, SNIPS and is provided
on a weekly basis. It is current as at
Tuesday 5 Aug 2014
If you have any feedback about content - what parts
are most useful or what you would like added - please email admin@nurse.org.nz
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