to the College of Nurses – News Update.
No. 228 Wednesday 12
November 2014
From NZ media this week
Nurses support “Let’s PLAN for better care”
Nurses and other health
professionals are welcoming the Health Quality & Safety Commission “Let’s
PLAN for better care” initiative, aimed at improving health literacy.
New health literacy resource helps patients plan
for GP visit
For many New Zealanders, GP
and pharmacy visits are their most frequent interaction with health services,
but are they getting as much out of them as they could?
92% of emergency staff abused by drunks, poll finds
Pushing, punching, spitting and biting are all behaviours
emergency department staff have to deal with when treating drunk patients, a
new survey has found - and a startling nine out of every 10 staff have been
subjected to the abuse.
Patients 'forgotten' in wait for surgery
One in three people requiring elective surgery are being
turned away from waiting lists to meet Government targets, new research
Options considered for DHB shared services
Health Minister Jonathan Coleman says the Government is
considering options for moving to the implementation stage of the DHB shared
services programme.
From International media
Resilience training could help prevent burnout in
ICU nurses
HealthDay)—A multimodal resilience training program is
feasible and acceptable for intensive care unit (ICU) nurses, according to a
study published in the November issue of the American
Journal of Critical Care.
Nurses 'do not have time to
care properly for the dying'
Royal College
of Nursing 'profoundly troubled' by poll showing nine in ten nurses do not have
time to care for the dying properly or fulfil their last wishes
checks for nurses proposed
Nurses, pharmacists, dentists and midwives
coming to Britain from the EU could face language skills checks to make sure
they are fluent in English under plans being put out to consultation.
Health workers handed Ebola checklist
Hospital has devised a 91-point checklist for Ebola safety.
As the
disease continues to threaten to spread from West Africa, where it is estimated
to have killed nearly 5000 people, New Zealand's health authorities are taking
the threat of an outbreak here seriously.
Patient safety
Healthcare needs one giant leap
James Bagian is more
qualified than most to comment on near misses.
The former NASA astronaut,
who completed two missions and logged more than 300 hours of space-flight,
almost never made it off the ground.
Best foot
forward to reduce falls
wristbands and a confusion screening tool are some of the latest techniques
being used at Auckland City Hospital to help reduce the number of patients
falling in wards.
Public health
Phased roll-out of bowel screening urged
Health officials have urged the Government to
phase in national screening for bowel cancer or limit coverage to help manage
major obstacles.
The first
reading of legislation to make sunbeds banned for use by under 18s was passed
unanimously in Parliament last night and the Cancer Society couldn’t be more
Previous partners traceable under proposed new sex
infection law
People with sexually transmitted infections could be forced
to disclose their sexual histories to public health officers under a new law
introduced to Parliament this week.
Cut the fat, hospital cafes
Foods that don’t meet health
board’s dietary policy may soon disappear from stores near medical centres in
attempt to reinforce healthy eating habits.
Taking stand on sugary drinks
The region's primary health organisation plans to lobby the
Marlborough District Council to ban sugary drinks from being sold at council
venues and events.
Flu outbreak hits babies, tots hardest
109 admitted to Auckland hospitals — double
the previous year, report finds.
Uni clinic tackles dangers of diabetes
A TEST FOR LIFE: Victoria University nurse Catherine Nelson,
the only dedicated diabetes nurse on a New Zealand university campus, runs
diabetic student Jared Dellow through the tests.
Articles of interest
Scientific Misconduct: Also an Issue in Nursing Science? (pages
Fierz, Susan Gennaro, Kris Dierickx, Theo Van Achterberg, Karen H. Morin and
Sabina De Geest, for the Editorial Board of Journal of Nursing Scholarship
Scientific misconduct (SMC) is an increasing concern in
nursing science. This article discusses the prevalence of SMC, risk factors and
correlates of scientific misconduct in nursing science, and highlights interventional
approaches to foster good scientific conduct.
92% of emergency staff abused by drunks, poll finds
Pushing, punching, spitting and biting are all behaviours
emergency department staff have to deal with when treating drunk patients, a
new survey has found - and a startling nine out of every 10 staff have been
subjected to the abuse.
Patients 'forgotten' in wait for surgery
One in three people requiring elective surgery are being
turned away from waiting lists to meet Government targets, new research
Options considered for DHB shared services
Health Minister Jonathan Coleman says the Government is
considering options for moving to the implementation stage of the DHB shared
services programme.
New publications
Patient Safety and
Healthcare Improvement at a Glance
Sukhmeet Panesar, Andrew Carson-Stevens, Sarah Salvilla, Aziz Sheikh
August 2014,
©2014, Wiley-Blackwell
Safety and Healthcare Improvement at a Glance is a timely and thorough overview of
healthcare quality written specifically for students and junior doctors and
healthcare professionals. It bridges the gap between the practical and the
theoretical to ensure the safety and wellbeing of patients. Featuring essential
step-by-step guides to interpreting and managing risk, quality improvement
within clinical specialties, and practice development, this highly visual
textbook offers the best preparation for the increased emphasis on patient
safety and quality-driven focus in today’s healthcare environment.
Improvement and Safety at a Glance:
• Maps out and follows the World Health Organization Patient Safety
• Draws upon the quality improvement work of the Institute for Healthcare
practical guide, covering a vital topic of increasing importance in healthcare,
provides the first genuine introduction to patient safety and quality
improvement grounded in clinical practice.
The above information has been collated for the
College of Nurses Aotearoa (NZ) Inc by Linda Stopforth, SNIPS and is provided
on a weekly basis. It is current as at
Tuesday 11 November 2014
If you have any feedback about content - what parts
are most useful or what you would like added - please email admin@nurse.org.nz
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