to the College of Nurses – News Update.
No. 231 Wednesday 3
December 2014
From NZ media this week
Nurse practitioner sees need for more
Nurses treating and prescribing for patients could be the
answer to Taranaki's GP shortage according to a local nurse practitioner - but
more need to step up to the plate.
EIT welcomes new Head of Nursing
EIT’s new Head of School Nursing, Associate
Professor Thomas Harding equates his role to that of a kaitiaki - a caretaker
co-creating a nurturing environment where inclusive and collaborative values
allow staff and students to flourish.
Nurses urge action on climate change
Nurses commenting on a
Special Article published today in the New Zealand Medical Journal, Health and equity impacts of climate change in
Aotearoa-New Zealand, and health gains from climate action, say if we want a healthy New Zealand we must
reduce our greenhouse gas emissions.
Patient names included in presentation
Human error was to blame for the inclusion of patient names
in hard copies of a hospital committee presentation, the Nelson Marlborough
District Health Board chief executive says.
Organ donor numbers in New Zealand are on the way
up this year.
So far, there have been 44
donors, compared to 36 last year and an average of 37 over the previous 21
Organ Donation New Zealand
(ODNZ) believes this has been helped by a quality improvement program it
introduced in recent years, which is built around an Audit of all deaths in New
Zealand public hospital intensive care units (ICUs).
Poor understanding of
stroke signs causes concern in New Zealand
Latest figures show a lack
of awareness and understanding in New Zealand of stroke signs, which will have
a significant impact on stroke survivors having the best chance of recovery.
Beams, mats and socks prevent falls in hospital
technology is keeping Te Awamutu resident Audrey Evans safe from falling during
her stay in Waikato Hospital.
Like every
patient, the 81-year-old had an assessment when she came into charge nurse
manager Hayley Colmore-Willliams’ ward in the Older Persons and Rehabilitation
Health workers feeling stressed
More than a third of Canterbury's health workers could be at
risk of developing mental health problems, a survey shows.
Inquest told prisoner visibly unwell
Corrections officers have told an inquest into
the death of an Otago prisoner that he was visibly unwell the day before he
Prisoner death:
Staff 'lacked training'
Issues with training, procedures and health
care coordination at the Otago Corrections Facility were highlighted again at a
Coroner's Court hearing in Dunedin today, after a remand prisoner died of a
drug overdose.
Inmate vomited blood before death
A witness has refused to
give evidence today to an inquest into the death of Dunedin remand prisoner Jai
The corrections officer,
whose name is suppressed, refused to read his brief of evidence on his
counsel's advice, in case any questions he was asked incriminated him.
Jai Davis: Nurse admits 'oversight' in care
Former Otago prison nurse Jan Horne has rejected criticism
about her care of inmate Jai Davis in the days before his death.
From International media
Physicans and Nurses Traumatized By Medical Errors
Research : What is the background for this study? What are the main
Laurent: Human error
among healthcare professionals is a subject of current affairs and especially
in ICUs which are among the services with a high risk of error. If the error
affects the patient and his/her family, it will also have an impact on the caregivers
involved, their colleagues, and even the entire service
Ottawa Hospital nurses making a new kind of house
call (with video)
The Ottawa Hospital has launched a pilot project to improve
patient care and reduce the number of people who return to hospital soon after
an operation. Its low-tech approach? Have nurses call patients once
they return home to make sure everything is OK. The Citizen’s Andrew Duffy
Then and Now: How Nurses Shaped Care for HIV/AIDS
It was June 1981 when a UC
San Francisco nurse educator first heard of an unusual cancer that was being
called Kaposi’s sarcoma. Angie Lewis was at a conference of Bay Area
Physicians for Human Rights when she learned about this disease that seemed to be
striking gay men in large urban settings.
Hospitals hire nurses from
EU 'without adequate checks on their English'
NHS trusts
are holding job fairs in Spain and Portugal and helping nurses with poor
English fill in forms using automatic translation websites
Social health
health cripples poor
Morris estimates her son's asthma attacks can cost the family up to $400 a
Tyler was born
with asthma and his Christchurch family has managed the condition with regular
medication, a warm, dry home and having a plan in the event of an attack.
Child poverty declines, but inequality still high
Prime Minister John Key has reacted to today's report on
child poverty, saying it show the numbers were "at least trending in the
right direction, there's a reduction".
More work still to be done on child poverty
The New Zealand College of
Public Health Medicine has welcomed a report which shows there has been a small
reduction in the number of children living in poverty, but says much work still
needs to be done.
Health Issues Highlighted in Child Poverty Monitor
Although the just released
second annual Child Poverty Monitor has revealed a small decrease in the number
of New Zealand children living in income poverty, researchers involved in its
preparation say there is still much to address in terms of health impacts.
Asthma Foundation statistics support Child Poverty
Monitor link between poverty and poor respiratory health
The latest figures from the
Respiratory Health Impact Report commissioned by the Asthma Foundation support
the Child Poverty Monitor figures noting poverty as a major driver for poor
respiratory health in New Zealand.
Asian kids' health rates slip
Study shows ‘shocking’ rise in overcrowding, poverty-related
illnesses in sector’s children.
Articles of interest
Nurse practitioners are not a consolation prize
Nurse Practitioner:
16 November 2014 - Volume 39 - Issue 11 - p 10-12
There are many forces trying to prove that nurse
practitioners (NPs) are not qualified to practice independently, care for
patients with chronic and complex illnesses, or lead a healthcare team. We are
often referred to as “second rate” or a substitute for physicians now that
there are not enough physicians to go around. More years of training for
physicians versus NPs is a sticking point often used to back up this argument.
Clearly, it takes more years of formal training to become a family physician
than an NP.
The ‘Whys’ and ‘Why
Nots’ of Nurse Job Satisfaction
you are excited to go to work every day or have to drag yourself there by an
act of sheer will, there are a number of factors affecting your job
satisfaction. Some are more obvious than others, ranging from the work
environment to your relationships with colleagues, to your career trajectory
and your job’s effect on your physical and emotional health.
Nurses Creating Solutions for ER Wait
11, 2014 - More and more people are seeking care in emergency departments,
leading to crowding and extended wait times that can adversely affect patient
satisfaction and outcomes. Many nurses, including ER nurses, have come up with
ideas to improve throughput and enhance care.
students' perceptions of their clinical learning environment in placements
outside traditional hospital settings
To explore students'
opinions of the learning environment during clinical placement in settings
outside traditional hospital settings.
Clinical placement
experiences may influence positively on nursing students attitudes towards the
clinical setting in question. Most studies exploring the quality of clinical
placements have targeted students' experience in hospital settings. The number
of studies exploring students' experiences of the learning environment in
healthcare settings outside of the hospital venue does not match the growing
importance of such settings in the delivery of health care, nor the growing
number of nurses needed in these venues.
New publications
Good practice for handling feedback (PDF
513.4 KB)|
code: 004 725
date: 12 November 2014
ISBN: 978-1-910066-90-4
This guide
has been prepared by the RCN to help frontline nurses and health care support
workers understand how to deal with feedback, both good and bad, as well as
concerns, complaints and compliments.
From the Ministry of Health
Evaluation of the New Graduate Nurse employment
scheme through the Very Low Cost Access initiative
This report presents the
findings from the first two phases of evaluation of the new graduate nurse
(NGN) employment scheme through the Very Low Cost Access (VLCA).
Report findings highlight
- VLCA practices receiving 12 months funding for a NGN had high or
very high proportions of high need enrolees
- the initiative had helped to grow the Māori and Pacific nursing
- VLCA practices were well prepared for the arrival of the NGNs and
had a good induction process to support them
- the NGNs had been well integrated into practices and were valued
members of practice teams
- the NGNs had helped to increase time available to support patients’
social needs, staff available for appointments at the practices and
performance on health targets
- all of the NGNs who responded to the survey intended to remain in
primary care following the end of the initiative.
Areas for improvement noted
in the report include improving the nurse entry to practice (NETP) programme to
be more aligned with the learning needs of nurses in primary care, and nursing
leadership support for preceptors and NGNs.
Sustainability of the NGN
role at the end of the scheme and the impact on service delivery will be areas
the evaluation explores in its final phases. The summative evaluation report of
the NGN scheme is scheduled for completion in April 2015.
The New Zealand Nursing Practice Survey
The New Zealand Nursing Practice Survey
started in September and runs until 22nd December. This study is the
first large scale study to apply a research framework to the many different
nursing roles and titles we have in New Zealand and address the confusion about
the difference between them. Professor Jenny Carryer and Dr Jill Wilkinson from
Massey University are conducting the study.
Registered Nurses or Nurse Practitioners currently
employed in a clinical service environment are invited to participate in
the survey. Nurses in any type of hands-on, management, leadership, research,
or education roles, including senior nursing leadership roles are invited. We
need as many nurses as possible to participate to get reliable research
Participate in the survey by
opening this link https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/Nursing_practice_survey
The above information has been collated for the
College of Nurses Aotearoa (NZ) Inc by Linda Stopforth, SNIPS and is provided
on a weekly basis. It is current as at
Tuesday 2 December 2014
If you have any feedback about content - what parts
are most useful or what you would like added - please email admin@nurse.org.nz
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