to the College of Nurses Aotearoa News Update.
No. 271 7 October 2015
From NZ media this week
Nursing Māori graduates bring distinct skill set to
the job
Whitireia New Zealand will
tomorrow hold a graduation ceremony for the last group of Bachelor of Nursing
Māori students to finish in July, before the programme moves to a November end
from 2016.
Hopes high for Māori
nursing students
13 Māori nursing students graduate from Whitireia Polytechnic, hopes are high
that their bicultural skills will improve health outcomes for Māori patients.
Long service
District Health Board has recognised 21 staff for long service with one staff
member employed for 50 years.
Fake boobs but real
health tips
had the opportunity to feel some breasts in Victoria Ave yesterday - model ones.
Pink Caravan made a stop in Wanganui yesterday as part of the New Zealand
Breast Cancer Foundation tour of the country. The caravan is travelling through
33 towns and cities in NZ to provide information to people about breast cancer
and its symptoms.
Masks aid learning for nurses in Southland
The Southern Institute of Technology nursing programme is
using new silicone masks as a teaching tool for students - with the aid of some
special characters.
Calls to address
shortage of Māori midwives
around the country are suffering due to a shortage of Māori midwives, the
National Māori Midwives Organisation says.
DHBs and PHOs
Hospitals clear out sugary soft drinks
Eleven years after the Waitemata District
Health Board banned on-site sales of sugar-sweetened soft drinks, the last of
the country's 20 DHBs has agreed to follow suit.
homeless to get free GP visit
Marlborough Primary Health Organisation has agreed to supply homeless people
with vouchers for a free GP visit.
from police, Marlborough District Council, the Ministry of Social Development,
Housing New Zealand and health providers attended a meeting to address the
issue of homelessness in Blenheim last week
Southern Clinic
Network declined as Primary Health Organisation
Southern District Health Board has declined the Southern Clinic Network's
application to become Southland's second Primary Health Organisation.
Wellsouth leads NZ in diabetes management
Finding a
better way to help patients manage diabetes prompted WellSouth to introduce the
international DESMOND programme throughout Otago and Southland, with the
potential to train staff in other District Health Boards.
Nurse Director Wendy Findlay said the Southern Primary Health Network was
looking for an evidence based programme which would help people make better
lifestyle choices by enabling them to take control of their diabetes
management. Research led them to DESMOND, the standard diabetic care in the UK
since 2003.
Drugs, alcohol and smoking
NZMA urges action on tobacco packaging
The New Zealand Medical Association
urges the Government to make real progress with a standardised packaging regime
for tobacco products—which has been sliding down the Parliamentary Order Paper
ever since its introduction to Parliament in 2013.
Kicking the habit can take 12 tries
Doctor warns that smokers should keep trying to
quit because benefits are huge.
Mental health
Supporting people with mental health issues
Health Minister Jonathan Coleman says mental
health awareness week is a timely reminder of the support people can give each
other and the health services available.
A record 564 people
committed suicide in New Zealand in the past year
Zealanders are committing suicide in record numbers, with the Chief Coroner
describing the figures as "appalling".
Public health
Ebola plans 'seriously flawed'
New documents
reveal serious flaws in New Zealand's ability to contain an outbreak of Ebola
or other deadly diseases.
The Herald on Sunday has obtained a nine-page Health
Ministry debrief of the handling of two suspected Ebola cases this year.
From International media this week
A nurse with fatal breast cancer says end-of-life
discussions saved her life
News reports say you will soon make a final decision about
paying doctors and other providers who talk to their patients about end-of-life
planning, I have a fatal form of breast cancer, and I’d like to tell you how
such conversations have allowed me to survive, and live well, in the five years
since my diagnosis.
The Nursing Shortage: Where Are We Going to Find 1
Million New Nurses in the Next Five Years?
With projected massive staffing
shortages, including faculty to educate nursing students, the United States
must usher in a tidal wave of new nurses to meet the growing need.
Hospital Workers Find Solace In Pausing After A
For trauma workers like Jonathan Bartels, a
nurse who has worked in emergency care and palliative care, witnessing death
over and over again takes a toll. Over time, they can become numb or burned
Montana nurses
call for law to protect them from assault
Nurses are on
the front lines of health care, and sometimes that can be a dangerous
job. The Montana Nurses Association wants a new law to protect them.
bill to end doctor oversight of some nurses raises controversy
NEWSCHANNEL 3) - Michigan has been labeled a pipeline for illegal
sales of highly addictive painkillers, and now there's concern a bill on the
table in Lansing will only make the problem worse.
But supporters say those fears are unwarranted.
The new bill could end doctors' oversight of certain registered nurses.
types of non-vaccinators profiled
scientists are continuously improving vaccinations to stop the spread of
disease, many people continue to opt out. In a new review of the literature,
researchers identified four types of people who decide not to vaccinate due to
issues of complacency, convenience, confidence, and calculation, and offer
strategies to address these issues.
explores viability of getting treatment by same doctors, nurses
reports: The National Healthcare Group Polyclinics has initiated a study into a
new model where patients with chronic conditions are under the care of the same
team of healthcare professionals.
Swedish social experiment highlights the benefits
of a six-hour work day
Most Western employees are used to spending
more time with their colleagues than with their family. In the US, employees
spend anaverage 47 hours per week at the office in a desperate bid to impress the boss and prove
their work ethic before heading home, exhausted.
Health and wellness
Despair or relief? A mammogram might be the difference
This October, Breast Cancer Month, an emotional
campaign by the NZ Breast Foundation will remind women that finding cancer
early, through a mammogram, might mean the difference between relief and
Articles of interest
Reviewing the Literature: Essential First Step in
Research, Quality Improvement, and Implementation of Evidence-Based Practice
This article provides nursing professional
development specialists with a concise resource on conducting literature
reviews: the essential first step of a research project, quality improvement
initiative, or the implementation of evidence-based practice. The literature
review cannot be overlooked because it sets the foundation for an investigative
project’s ethical implementation and subsequent success. Conducting a
literature review may seem overwhelming for the novice, but these fears can be
overcome with knowledge and practical assistance.
From the Ministry of Health
Relationships and emotional support: Findings from
This short report presents
findings from the Life and Living in Advanced Age Cohort Study (LiLACS NZ)
about the relationships people in advanced age have with family and friends and
whether they feel they have emotional support.
Independence in daily activities in advanced age:
Findings from LiLACS NZ
This report presents
findings from the Life and Living in Advanced Age Cohort Study (LiLACS NZ)
about the activities that people can perform independently or without
assistance, for Māori (aged 80–90 years) and non-Māori (aged 85 years).
National Cervical Screening Programme: changing the
primary laboratory test
Changing the cervical
screening test to improve outcomes for women — consultation
Supporting Parents, Healthy Children
Supporting parents with
mental illness and or addiction and their children: A guideline for mental
health and addiction services
Prostate Cancer Management
and Referral Guidance
Every year 3000 men are
found to have prostate cancer and 600 die from the disease. This publication
will help primary care practitioners provide men and their family and whānau
with consistent, culturally appropriate information on prostate cancer testing
and treatment.
It includes an algorithm to
help primary care practitioners have informed discussion with men who present
with prostate-related concerns, and to support men to make informed decisions
about prostate cancer testing. Explanatory notes provide more detailed
information on each of the steps involved.
The guidance provides
referral criteria including definitions of high suspicion of prostate cancer
for the Faster Cancer Treatment Programme.
This guidance has been
endorsed by the:
The Royal New Zealand
College of General Practitioners
The Prostate Cancer
The Urological Society of
Australia and New Zealand
The New Zealand Urological
Nurses Society
The New Zealand Society of
Gerontology Acceleration Programme (GAP) Evaluation
The Evaluation of the
Gerontology Acceleration Programme reports findings from a nursing workforce
development programme between Canterbury District Health Board and the aged
residential care sector.
The above information has been collated for the
College of Nurses Aotearoa (NZ) Inc by Linda Stopforth, SNIPS and is provided
on a weekly basis. It is current as at Tuesday
6 October 2015
If you have any feedback about content - what parts
are most useful or what you would like added - please email admin@nurse.org.nz
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