to the College of Nurses Aotearoa News Update.
No. 273 21 October 2015
From NZ media this week
A new model of training for Nurse Practitioners -
The Minister of Health, the Hon Dr Jonathan Coleman has
announced support for a 12-month trial of a new model of training for Nurse
Practitioners, designed to reduce the overall training time while still meeting
Nursing Council registration requirements. Massey University and the
University of Auckland Nursing Schools are partnering to deliver the programme
for 20 Nurse Practitioners, commencing in 2016.
New training model at
Massey for nurse practitioners
Massey University’s School of
Nursing is a key player in the Government’s newly announced 12-month trial of a
training model for nurse practitioners, designed to speed up the time between
students completing their studies and starting employment.
Research shows Maori health
A health
researcher said a series of reports into Māori well-being across the motu
provides a stark reminder of the inequities they face in achieving good health.
Campaign puts health at the heart of climate action
A global climate-health campaign ‘Our Climate
Our Health’, launched this week, aims to put health at the heart of climate
negotiations and policy.
Maori cancer rates linked to poverty and overcrowding
are far more likely to get cancer than other Kiwis, with overcrowding and
smoking blamed for the disparity.
international study, published in The Lancet Oncology on Thursday,
found the cancer gap between Maori and other New Zealanders was higher than
among other indigenous populations in western countries.
Stats show Maori still facing discrimination
Ministry of Health statistics show Māori are
almost three times as likely as non-Māori to have experienced unfair treatment
on the basis of ethnicity.
Māori men four times more likely to die from
The rate of hospitalisation as a result of
assault or attempted homicide was nearly six times higher for Māori women than
non-Māori women over the past three years.
Sugar 'providing fuel' for rheumatic fever
A new study shows children with several rotten
teeth are nearly twice as likely to get rheumatic fever.
Aged care
GPs and pharmacists most popular for elderly
General practitioners and
pharmacists are the primary health care professionals seen by most people in
advanced age, according to new research from the University of Auckland.
Exercise clinic gives
elderly new lease on life
people living with chronic health conditions are getting a new lease on life
thanks to a specialised exercise rehabilitation clinic run by staff and
students from the Waikato Institute of Technology’s (Wintec).
Mental health
New support service coaches
Kiwis on path to mental wellness
Rates of diagnosed mental health conditions are
rising. A recent New Zealand Mental Health Survey found that nearly half (46.6
per cent) of the population is predicted to meet the criteria for a mental
illness sometime in their lives with 20.7 per cent experiencing mental health
issues in the past 12 months.
Anaesthetists warn fat
epidemic risking lives: 200kg patients 'not unusual'
are having to super-size surgery as they face a fat epidemic that is putting
patients at risk.
Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists has warned a soaring
obesity rate is making their job tougher, and forcing hospitals to upsize their
gear to keep patients safe
heavy obesity cost
Obesity may
be bad for you health and your finances, writes Rob Stock.
is no question that being obese or overweight is more costly than being normal
weight," a 2010 George Washington University concluded of Americans.
It estimated
the cost of being obese was just over US$2600 for men, and just under US$4900
for women.
programme to combat obesity to be unveiled, Govt confirms
than 60 per cent of pregnant women gain more weight than is recommended, which
has implications for a child's weight later in life.
Focusing on
childhood obesity
Government has today announced a package of initiatives to prevent and manage
obesity in children and young people.
No sugar tax ahead for
childhood obesity plan
government will not be introducing a sugar tax as part of a new plan to tackle
childhood obesity, Health Minister Jonathan Coleman says
Government targets
overweight mums, toddlers, to combat childhood obesity
Government has announced a wide-ranging package to tackle childhood obesity,
which is set to overtake tobacco next year as the leading preventable
health risk.
Children's weight on parents' shoulders
New Zealand's childhood obesity problem needs to be attacked
on all fronts – not by targeting children, but their parents, a clinical
psychology lecturer says.
Brian Rudman: Coleman's obesity cure right up
industry's alley
Health Minister Jonathan Coleman's newly
released magic pill to cure childhood obesity is so sugar-coated even those
fuelling the epidemic are falling over each other to praise him.
Public health
Diabetes plan a clear
road map that can work, given resources: Mann
new plan dealing with the diabetes epidemic will work if health boards are
adequately resourced to implement it, diabetes specialist Prof Jim Mann says.
Diabetes NZ welcomes new diabetes strategy
Diabetes New Zealand
welcomes the launch of a dedicated national diabetes plan to address one of New
Zealand’s most serious health issues. Over a quarter of a million people have
diabetes and this number is steadily rising, with 50 more being diagnosed every
From International media this week
How 3 hospitals are addressing patients' noise
HCAHPS surveys measuring
patient experience ask patients directly how quiet their rooms were at night
during their stay, prompting many hospitals to tackle this issue head-on with
designed to provide patients a quieter, more restful environment
during their hospitalization.
Patients using nurse
practitioners are less likely to have avoidable hospital admissions
Diabetic patients who got their primary care from nurse
practitioners did not have an increase in potentially preventable hospital
admissions, new research concludes.
Job-Seeking Nurses Face Higher Hurdle as Hospitals
Require More-Advanced Degrees
demand for bachelor’s degrees comes partly in response to increasingly complex
health-care system
Work and management
Nurses must summon moral courage to confront
unethical behavior
There are times nurses must draw on moral
courage, and to draw on it, they need a working definition.
Articles of interest
perturbations during handover meetings: a joint activity framework
To document the prevalence of perturbations of handover
meetings and understand how nurses manage temporal, physical and social meeting
boundaries in response to perturbations.
Patient perceptions of nurse
mentors facilitating the Aussie Heart Guide: A home-based cardiac
rehabilitation programme for rural patients.
Terence John Frohmader, Frances Lin and Wendy Chaboyer
To explore and describe long-term thoughts and
perceptions of the Aussie Heart Guide Programme including the role of the
mentor, held by patients recovering from myocardial infarction.
Research article
Nurse practitioner interactions in acute and long-term care: an
exploration of the role of knotworking in supporting interprofessional
Hurlock-Chorostecki C, van Soeren M, MacMillan K, Sidani S, Donald
F, Reeves S
BMC Nursing 2015, 14
:50 (14 October 2015)
care ensures high quality healthcare. Effective interprofessional collaboration
is required to enable interprofessional care, although within the
acute care hospital setting interprofessional collaboration is
considered suboptimal. The integration of nurse practitioner roles into the
acute and long-term care settings is influencing enhanced care. What remains
unknown is how the nurse practitioner role enacts interprofessional
collaboration or enables interprofessional care to promote high quality care.
The study aim
was to understand how nurse practitioners employed in acute and long-term care
settings enable interprofessional collaboration and care.
From the Ministry of Health
Living Well with
plan for people at high risk of or living with diabetes 2015 - 2020
is a priority long-term condition. More than 257,000 New Zealanders now live
with diabetes. In 2014, the number of people with diabetes grew by nearly 40 people
a day. The high personal and social costs associated with this condition
present a serious health challenge both now and in the future.
health sector has worked hard in recent years to identify those at risk of
developing diabetes sooner and to improve the quality of services for people
already living with diabetes, however more can be done.
medium-term plan is needed to ensure all New Zealanders with diabetes, or at
risk of developing type 2 diabetes, are living well and have access to high-quality,
people centred health services. This vision is set out in Living Well with
Diabetes: A health care plan for people at high risk of or living with diabetes
National Health
Emergency Plan - A framework for the health and disability sector
National Health Emergency Plan (NHEP) is a key emergency management document
for the health and disability sector.
purpose of the NHEP is to:
the strategic framework to guide the health and disability sector in its
approach to planning for, responding to and recovering from health-related
risks and consequences of significant hazards in New Zealand
how the health and disability sector fits in the context of New Zealand
emergency management
roles and responsibilities at all levels within the health and disability
sector, across the 4Rs of emergency management.
DHB Māori Health
DHB Māori Health Profiles present a snapshot of Māori health compared with
non-Māori across a range of health and disability related indicators for each
of the 20 district health boards.
profiles were commissioned by the Ministry of Health and have been produced by
Te Rōpū Rangahau Hauora a Eru Pōmare of the University of Otago.
the DHB Māori Health Profiles are available on the University of Otago website along
with the full suite of data tables.
profiles build on earlier DHB Māori Health Needs Assessments produced by Massey
can the profiles be used as a resource?
profiles will be useful to DHBs as part of their annual planning process and to
monitor and measure progress in their Māori Health Plans, Annual Plans and
Regional Service Plans. The profiles are also a useful resource to the
Ministry of Health and the wider health sector in providing consistent
health-related statistics for all 20 DHBs.
The above information has been collated for the
College of Nurses Aotearoa (NZ) Inc by Linda Stopforth, SNIPS and is provided
on a weekly basis. It is current as at Tuesday
20 October 2015
If you have any feedback about content - what parts
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