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Please click on each speakers photo to see their bio.
Jenny Kane NP Older Adults
Jenny Kane NP Older Adults
Jenny Kane works as a Nurse Practitioner for Older Adults at Stoke Medical Centre in Nelson. Jenny holds a Clinical Masters of Nursing Science and completed the NP Training Programme in 2016. Prior to this Jenny worked predominately with older adults in both clinical and educational roles.
Jenny is part of the Change Management Team at Stoke Medical Centre, who are in the process of becoming a Health Care Home. She also contributes to the review of models of care for complex older adults living in Nelson and Marlborough and has published work in the Journal of Nursing Ethics exploring the concept of dignity in Long-term care.
On a day to day basis, Jenny sees people over the age of 65 at the Medical Centre, in Aged Care Facilities or in the community. The consultations include routine three monthly reviews, urgent same day visits and follow-up reviews. Jenny works as an autonomous clinician but also in collaboration within a multi-agency environment to provide wrap around care for older adults.
Title of presentation: Driving and dementia
In decades to come, the number of drivers with dementia is expected to increase exponentially. Most people with dementia can continue to drive early in the course of the disease but will eventually need to stop driving. The process of assessment is often fraught with anxiety for both the patient and the practitioner.
For the person with dementia it may result in a loss of independence affecting their confidence and self-esteem. The patient may experience anger and frustration. The practitioner may have concerns about undermining the relationship with the patient and experience anxiety about making the right decision. However, driving is a privilege, not a right and practitioners have a legal obligation to consider the safety of the community as a whole as well as the individual.
This presentation will include a case study and discussion on resources available to assist the practitioner in conducting difficult conversations and assessing the ability of people with dementia to drive.
Baines et al. 2018. Meta-analysis of Driving Cessation and Dementia: Does Sex Matter? Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences, Vol. 73:1185-1189
Bennett et al. 2016. Cognitive Tests and Determining Fitness to Drive in Dementia: A Systematic Review. Journal of American Geriatrics Society, Vol 64:1904-1917
Byszewski et al. 2017. Driving and Dementia: Workshop Module on Communicating Cessation to Drive. Canadian Geriatrics Journal, Vol 20, issue 4: 241-245
Hamdy et al. 2018. Driving and Patients With Dementia. Gerontology & Geriatric Medicine, Vol 4: 1-7